

From Monitoring To Prevention: Switching To Debix

Credit monitoring services, especially those from the credit agencies themselves, leave a bad taste in my mouth. I find it unconscionable that I need to pay to gain access to personal information on me that affects my life at the deepest levels. In our modern society, a good credit rating is as important for our future safety and stability (and sex, to be honest) as a sharp spear and 20/10 vision were to early man. It sucks, but money makes the world go round and we can’t feed Maslow without it (nor can most of us afford homes without good credit). I started using credit monitoring services long before identity theft was a big issue. Back then, reports were never free and credit scores weren’t in as wide use. I wasn’t paranoid or prescient, I’d just managed to screw my credit up so badly in college that I wanted to know exactly what I needed to clean up. It would probably still be screwed up if it weren’t for online banking; I’m really bad about using the mail. When free reports were mandated by the government I kept with the monitoring service for two reasons- to gain access to my credit score, and for identity theft monitoring. And monitoring is not protection- I may be able to detect new activity on my credit report within 1-3 days, but by that time the damage might be done. Along comes Debix. The government has mandated that credit services allow consumers to place “locks” on their reports. No, this won’t stop the bank from reporting you as late, but it does mean they can’t open a new account tied to your record without explicit permission. Being a bunch of wimps beholden to big money, the government only mandated they lock (place a “fraud alert” on) your record for 90 days. For the same price (or less) as credit monitoring, Debix will place a lock on your record and renew it automatically every 90 days. They link the lock to their call center, and when a creditor calls to verify that you really want to open the account the call center routes it to up to three numbers you provide. This has the added advantage of keeping your phone number off your record. (Full disclosure: I was given a free preview, so I didn’t pay for the service. But it’s cheaper than the credit monitoring service I’m dropping). Pretty cool- kind of like anti-exploitation for identity theft. They also insure you and provide a few other features. They are a direct competitor of LifeLock, but LifeLock’s been in the news a bunch here in Phoenix for some… irregularities… that make me uncomfortable with the company. I do like seeing inquiries on my credit report, but I can get that for free on a quarterly basis rather than needing it instantly. Debix is $4/month cheaper than my monitoring was, and blocks unwanted activity. I like that. Share:

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Credit Card Fraud Is Not Identity Theft

I just posted on switching to Debix, and it reminded me there’s something I keep forgetting to cover. When reading the news, both mainstream and industry, I’m appalled at the abuse of the term “identity theft”. And don’t get me started on vendor marketing materials. Identity theft is a serious crime with potentially severe repercussions for the victim. It’s when a bad guy uses your personal information, often including Social Security Number, to use your identity for nefarious purposes. It’s most often financial, taking out new credit (which never gets paid), but can include fake ID cards (and thus driving/criminal records), passports, and more. Yes folks, there are bad guys with stolen IDs who get caught by the cops, use the fake ID, get bail, and run for it- leaving you with a nice bench warrant out in your name (really rare, but it happens). A former co-worker once applied for a new mortgage and the bank asked him about the one in default. Oops. That’s identity theft. (BTW- this is a problem far more endemic in the US than most other nations. They don’t rely on a single, not-secret-secret-number (SSN) to manage credit, making ID theft more difficult). Credit card fraud is serious, but not nearly as serious. That’s when someone steals your credit card number and uses it to make fraudulent purchases. Nearly every credit card in the world (but not debit cards- for those you need to check with your bank) includes fraud protection. You, the consumer, are not liable for the fraud if you identify and report the erroneous charges. You don’t bear the costs of getting a new card if you need one. Merchants and banks (but not the credit card companies, of course) bear the costs of credit card fraud, not you. That’s why I don’t care that my wife shops at TJX- we know to monitor our bills and if something happens we won’t be liable. Both are crimes, but in protecting yourself it’s important to understand the difference. As a business I worry quite a bit about credit card fraud since I could bear the cost (if I accepted credit cards). As a consumer I worry more about ID theft. Share:

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Second Major Privacy Breach At Sears: Very Bad Logical Flaw

Sears isn’t having much luck these days. First, they install spyware on their customers’ computers. If you “join the Sears community”, they install a proxy on your computer and intercept all web traffic. Ugly, ugly, idiocy. Now, it turns out they have a major logic flaw on their website. As reported by Brian Krebs at Security Fix, anyone can see anyone else’s purchase history with just their name, address, and phone number. Have those white pages handy? It seems to cover both online and offline purchases. If you’re not paying attention to logic flaws in your databases and applications, this is a great example. While it’s good to make life easy for your customers, it’s bad when you make it easy for your next door neighbor to figure out if you really bought those new hedging shears that coincidentally look just like the ones they lost out of their shed last month. This exploit was easily preventable with just a modicum of thought and the most cursory security review. Sears is too big a company to make this kind of mistake. And the spyware? Sheer stupidity by someone in marketing is my guess. Maybe they and whoever screwed up at Sony BMG went to the same marketing school. Share:

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