‘Whew! This is our final post in this series on Building a Web Application Security Program (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7), and it’s time to put all the pieces together. Here are our guidelines for designing a program that meets the needs of your particular organization. Web application security is not a “one size fits all” problem. The risks, size, and complexity of the applications differ, the level of security awareness among team members varies, and most importantly the goals of each organization are different.

In order to offer practical advice, we needed to approach program development in terms of typical goals. We picked three use cases to represent common challenges organizations face with web app security, and will address those use cases with appropriate program models. We discuss a mid-sized firm tackling a compliance mandate for the first time, a large enterprise looking to improve security across customer-facing applications, and a mid-to-large organization dealing with security for internal applications. Each perspective has its own drivers and assumptions, and in each scenario different security measures are already in place, so the direction of each program will be different. Since we’ve been posting this over a series of weeks, before you dig in to this post we recommend you review Part 4: The Web Application Security Lifecycle which talks about all tools in all phases. First we describe the environment for each case, then overall strategy and specific recommendations.

Large Enterprise with Customer Facing Web Applications

For our first scenario, let’s consider a large enterprise with multiple customer-facing web applications. These applications evolved to offer core business functions and are a principal contact point with customers, employees, and business partners. Primary business drivers for security are fraud reduction, regulatory compliance, and service reliability as tangible incentives. Secondary factors are breach preparedness, reputation preservation, and asset protection secondary – all considerations for security spending. The question is not whether these applications need to be secured, but how. Most enterprises have a body of code with questionable security, and let’s be totally honest here- these issues are flaws in your code. No single off-the-shelf product is going to magically make your application secure, so you invest not only in third-party security products, but also in improvements to your own development process which improve the product with each new release.

We assume our fictitious enterprise has an existing security program and the development team has some degree of maturity in their understanding of security issues, but how best to address problems is up for debate. The company will already have a ‘security guy’ in place, and while security is this guy’s or gal’s job, the development organization is not tasked with security assessments and problem identification. Your typical CISO comes from a network security background, lacks a secure code development background, and is not part of this effort. We find their security program includes vulnerability assessment tools, and they have conducted a review of the code for typical SQL injection and buffer overflow attacks. Overall, security is a combination of a couple third-party products and the security guy pointing out security flaws which are patched in upcoming release cycles.

Recommendations: The strategy is to include security within the basic development process, shifting the investment from external products to internal products and employee training. Tools are selected and purchased to address particular deficiencies in team skill or organizational processes. Some external products are retained to shield applications during patching efforts.

Training, Education, and Process Improvements: The area where we expect to see the most improvement is the skill and awareness of the web application development team. OWASP’s top flaws and other sources point out issues that can be addressed by proper coding and testing … provided the team knows what to look for. Training helps staff find errors and problems during code review, and iteratively reduces flaws through the development cycle. The development staff can focus on software security and not rely on one or two individuals for security analysis.

Secure SDLC: Knowing what to do is one thing, but actually doing it is something else. There must be an incentive or requirement for development to code security into the product, assurance to test for compliance, and product management to set the standards and requirements. Otherwise security issues get pushed to the side while features and functions are implemented. Security needs to be part of the product specification, and each phase of the development process should provide verification that the specification is being met through assurance testing. This means building security testing into the development process and QA test scenarios, as well as re-testing released code. Trained development staff can provide code analysis and develop test scripts for verification, but additional tools to automate and support these efforts are necessary, as we will discuss below.

Heritage Applications: Have a plan to address legacy code. One of the more daunting aspects for the enterprise is how to address existing code, which is likely to have security problems. There are several possible approaches for addressing this, but the basic steps are 1) identification of problems in the code, 2) prioritization on what to fix, and 3) planning how to fix individual issues. Common methods of addressing vulnerabilities include 1) rewriting segments of code, 2) method encapsulation, 3) temporary shielding by WAF (“secure & patch”), 4) moving SQL processing & validation into databases, 5) discontinuing use of insecure features, and 6) introduction of validation code within the execution path. We recommend static source code analysis or dynamic program analysis tools for the initial identification step. These tools are cost-effective and suitable for scanning large bodies of code to locate common risks and programming errors. They detect and prioritize issues, and reduce human error associated with tedious manual scanning by internal or external parties. Analysis tools also help educate staff about issues with certain languages and common programming patterns. The resulting arguments over what to do with 16k insecure occurrences of IFRAME are never fun, but acceptance of the problem is necessary before it can be effectively addressed.

External Validation: Periodic external review, through vulnerability assessment, penetration testing or source code review, is highly recommended . Skilled unbiased professionals with experience in threat analysis often catch items items which slip by internal scans, and can help educate development staff on different threat vectors. Plan on external penetration testing on a quarterly or biannual basis- their specific expertise and training goes far beyond the basics threats, and trained humans monitoring the output of sophisticated tools are very useful for detecting weaknesses that a hacker could exploit. We recommend the use of static testing tools for internal testing of code during the QA sweep, with internal penetration testing just prior to deployment so they can fully stress the application without fear of corrupting the production environment. Major releases should also undergo an external penetration test and review before deployment.

Blocking: This is one area that will really depend upon the specifics of your organization. In the enterprise use case, plan on using a Web Application Firewall. They provide basic protection and give staff a chance to remove security issues from the application. You may find that your code base is small and stable enough that you do not need WAF for protection, but for larger organizations this is not an option. Development and patching cycles are too long and cumbersome to counter threats in a reasonable timeframe. We recommend WAF + VA because in combination, they can relieve your organization from much of the threat research and policy development work for firewall rules. If your staff has the skill and time to develop WAF policies specific to your organization, you get customized policies at slightly greater expense in development costs. WAF isn’t cheap, so we don’t take this recommendation lightly, but it provides a great deal of flexibility in how and when threats are dealt with, today and as new threats evolve.

We recommend you take steps to improve security in every part of the development process. We are focused on improvements to the initial phases of development, as the impact of effort is greatest here, but we also recommend at the very least external assistance, and if budget allows, blocking. These later recommendations fill in other areas that need coverage, with penetration testing and web application firewalls. The risks to the enterprise are greater, the issues to overcome are more complex, and the corresponding security investment will therefore be larger. This workflow process should be formally documented for each stage of an application’s lifecycle- from development through ongoing maintenance- with checkpoints for major milestones. Security shouldn’t, and can’t, be responsible for each stage, but should carry responsibility for managing the program and making sure the proper process is followed and maintained.

Mid-sized firm and PCI Compliance


If we are discussing web application security and compliance, odds are we are talking about the Payment Card Industry’s Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS). No other compliance standard specifies steps to secure web applications like the PCI standard does. We can grouse about ambiguities and ways that it could be improved, but PCI is clearly the most widespread driver for web application security today, which is why our second use case is a mid-sized firm that needs to secure its web applications to satisfy PCI-DSS.

The profile for our company is a firm that generates a large portion of their revenue through Internet sales, and recent growth has made them a Tier 3 merchant. The commerce web site is relatively new (< 3 years) and the development team is small and not trained in security. Understanding the nuances of how criminals approach breaking code is not part of the team’s skill set. PCI compliance is the mandate, and the team knows that they are both missing the basic requirements and susceptible to some kinds of attacks. The good news is that the body of code is small, and the web application accounts for a significant portion of the company’s revenue, so management is supporting the effort.

In a nutshell, the PCI Data Security Standard is a security program specifically for companies that process credit card transactions for Internet commerce. In terms of compliance regulations, PCI-DSS requirements are clearer than most, making specific requirements for security tools and processes around credit card data. However, a company may also it has satisfy the spirit of the requirements in an alternate way, if it can demonstrate that the concern has been addressed. We will focus on the requirements outlined in sections 6.6 & 11.3, but will refer to sections 10 and compensating controls as well.

Recommendations: Our strategy focuses on education and process modifications to bring security into the development lifecycle. Additionally, we suggest assessment or penetration testing services to quickly identify areas of concern. Deploy WAF to address the PCI requirement immediately. Focus on the requirements to start, but plan for a more general program, and use compensating controls as your organization evolves. Use outside help and education to address immediate gaps, both in PCI compliance and more general application security.

Training, Education, and Process Improvements: Once again, we are hammering on education and training for the development team, including project management and quality assurance. While it takes time to come up to speed, awareness by developers helps keep security issues out of the code, and is cost-effective for securing the applications. Altering the process to accommodate fixing the code is essentially free, and code improvements become part of day to day efforts. With a small code base, education and training are easy ways to reap significant benefits as the company and code base grow.

External Help: Make friends with an auditor, or hire one as a consultant to help prepare and navigate the standard. While this is not a specific recommendation for any single requirement in PCI; auditors provide an expert perspective, help address some of the ambiguity in the standard, and assist in strategy and trade-off evaluations to avoid costly missteps.

Section 11.3.2: Section 11.3 mandates penetration testing of the network and the web application. In this case we recommend external penetration testing as an independent examination of the code. It is easy to recommend penetration testing, and not because it is required in the DSS specification, rather the independent & expert review of your application behavior will closely mimic the approach hackers will take. We also anticipate budget will require you make a choice between WAF and code reviews in section 6.6, so this will provide the necessary coverage. Should you use source code reviews, one could argue that acts as a compensating control for this section, but our recommendation is to stick with the external penetration testing. External testers provide much more than just a list of specific flaws, but also identify risky or questionable application behaviors in a near production environment.

Section 6.6: Our biggest debate internally was whether to recommend Web Application Firewall or expert code review to address section 6.6 of the PCI specification. The PCI Security Standards Council recommends that you do both, but it is widely recognized that this is prohibitively expensive. WAF provides a way to quickly meet the letter of 6.6’s requirement, if not in spirit, provides basic monitoring, and is a flexible platform to block future attacks. The counter-arguments are significant and include cost, work required to customize policies for the application, and false positives & negatives. Alternatively, a code review by qualified security experts can identify weaknesses in application design and code usage and assist in education of the development team by pointing out specific flaws. Outside review is a very quick way to assess where you are and what you need. Down sides of review include cost, time to identify and fix errors, and that a constantly changing code base presents a moving target and thus requires repeated examinations.

Our recommendation here is deploy a WAF solution. Engaging a team of security professionals to review the code is an effective way to identify issues, but much of the value overlaps with the requirement of Section 11.3.2, periodic penetration testing of the application. The time to fix identified issues (even with a small-to-average body of code), with a development organization which is just coming to terms with security issues, is too long to meet PCI requirements in a timely fashion. Note that this recommendation is specific to this particular fictitious case- in other PCI audit scenarios, with a more experienced staff or a better handle on code quality, we might have made a different recommendation.

Monitoring: Database Activity Monitoring (DAM) is a good choice for Section 10 compliance- specifically by monitoring all access to credit card data. Web applications use a relational database back end to store credit card numbers, transactions, and card related data. DAM products that capture all network and console activity on the database platform provide a focused and cost-effective audit for all access to cardholder data. Consider this option for providing an audit trail for auditors and security personnel.

Internal Web Application Development


Our last use case is an internal web applications that serves employees and partners within a mid-to-large business. While this may not sound like a serious problem, given that companies have on average 1 internal application (web and traditional client/server) per 100 employees, even mid-sized companies have incredible exposure in this area. Using data from workflow, HR, accounting, business intelligence, sales, and other critical IT systems, these internal applications support employees and partners alike. And with access to pretty much all of the data within the company, security and integrity are major concerns. A common assumption is that these systems, behind the perimeter firewall, are not exposed to the same types of attacks as typical web applications, but this assumption has proven disastrous in many cases.

Investment here is motivated by fraud reduction, breach remediation, and avoidance of notification costs- and possibly by compliance. You may find this is difficult to sell to executive management if there is not a compliance mandate and hasn’t been a previous breach, but if basic perimeter security is breached these applications need some degree of resiliency rather than blind confidence in network security and access control. TJ Maxx (http://www.tjx.com/) is an excellent illustration of the danger.

Strategy: Determine basic security of the internal application, fix serious issues, and leverage education, training, and process improvements to steadily improve the quality of code. We will assume that budgeting for security in this context is far smaller than for external-facing systems, so look to cooperate between groups and leverage tools and experience.

Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing: Scanning web applications for significant security, patch and configuration issues is a recommended first step in determining if there are glaring issues. Assessment tools are a cost-effective way to establish baseline security and ensure adherence to minimum best practices. Internal penetration testing will help determine the overall potential risk and prioritization, but be extremely cautious of testing live applications.

Training, Education, and Process Improvements: These may be even more important in this scenario than in our other use cases, where the business justification provides incentive to invest in security, internal web applications may not get the same degree of attention. For these applications that have a captive audience, developers have greater controls over the types of environments that they support what can be required in terms of authentication. Use these freedoms to your advantage. Training should focus on common vulnerabilities within the application stack that is being used, and give critical errors the same attention that top priority bugs would receive. Verify that these issues are tested, either as part of the VA sweep, or a a component of regression testing.

Monitoring: Monitoring for suspicious activity and system misuse is a cost-effective way to detect issues and react to them. We find WAF solutions are often too expensive for deployment across hundreds of internal applications distributed across a company, and a more cost-effective approach to collecting and analyzing activity is highly recommended. Monitoring software that plugs into the web application is often very effective for delivering some intelligence at low cost, but the burden of analyzing the data then falls on development team members. Database Activity Monitoring can effectively focus on critical information at the back end and is more mature than Web Application Monitoring.

This segment of the series took much longer to write than we originally anticipated, as our research gave us conflicting answers to some questions, making our choices were far from easy. Our recommendations really depend upon the specifics of the situation and the organization. We approached this with use cases to demonstrate how the motivating factors; combined with the current state of web security; really guides the selection of tools, services, and process changes.

We found in every case that security as part of the overall development process is the most cost-effective and least disruptive to normal operations, and is our principal recommendation for each scenario. However, as transformation of a web application does not happen overnight, we rarely have the luxury of waiting for the development team to address all security issues is not realistic; in the meantime, external third-party services and products are invaluable for dealing with immediate security challenges.
