I was catching up with Rob Newby’s blog and this post on dealing with security policies vs. standards/processes caught my eye. Although policies form the foundation for our security programs (at least they should), I find that more often than not they are completely misused by many of my clients. While I’ve noticed definite improvement over the past few years, I still often walk into organizations and see big 3 inch binders full of their security policies.

Rob does a great job of breaking these out, but I’d like to take it a step further. I’m going to dig into some nitty-gritty details, but feel free to skip to the end where I tell you why none of this parsing of language matters much. Here’s how I like to divide up the world of security gove ance documentation:200810071218.jpg

Policies are high-level strategic governance with executive sponsorship. Policies should be short and to the point, since those who sign off on them don’t need to know the technical details. An example might be, “we shall monitor all database activity based on the sensitivity of the data and legal or contractual requirements”. Keep in mind, that since policies should be signed off by senior management you want to keep them generic enough that you don’t have to go back to the CEO/CIO/CFO/COO every time you want to change a firewall configuration or AV product.
The next layer down are the high-level tactical documentations- plans and standards. The security plan is how you intend on achieving the policy, but it’s still not at the level of specific steps. Keeping with our policy above, the plan would specify the contractual requirements, basic data classification, which activity will be monitored, and so on. While plans define how security will do things, standards define how everyone else has to do things.
Below that are your specific implementation documentations- processes, guidelines, and procedures. Here’s where you get into the bitty-gritty of actual implementation and step by step guides. A process is a repeatable series of steps to achieve an objective, while procedures are the specific things you do at each of those steps. Keeping with out example above, the process would define how monitoring occurs (e.g. third party DAM tool), and the procedure is which bits to flip within the tool.

Yeah, I think that’s a whole lot of paper and a huge time sink myself. Here’s a slightly more pragmatic, and somewhat repetitive, way of looking at things:

Policies are still high level strategic governance with executive sponsorship; that never changes. Short and sweet since it makes it easier to get them approved, and you want o have to change them as little as possible.
I don’t really care what you call below that, but you should have a security plan for implementing your policies. Plans are managed at the CISO or security director level (whoever is in charge) and change more frequently. You don’t want to have to go to the CEO to change your plans. At this layer you also have your standards- which, if you think about it, is the next layer of gove ance. CEOs sign off on policies, and CISOs sign off on standards.
Below that is where you detail how the heck you’ll accomplish all this gove ance. You document processes, list our procedures, and issue guidelines and configuration standards. This stuff will change all the time, and shouldn’t necessarily need the CISO to sign off on it unless it breaks with the layer above.

The simpler the better, but if you don’t write this stuff down in an organized way you’ll eventually pay the price. By breaking it down into these three main layers, you can more easily change both the minutiae and the big picture as you adapt to changing conditions.
