As we discussed in our first Mobile Device Security post (I can haz your mobile), supporting smartphones isn’t really an choice. You aren’t going to tell your CEO or any other exec 5-6 pay grades above you that they can’t use their iPad to access the deal documents on that multi-billion dollar acquisition. You know it’s much easier to read an iPad on the can, than to lug the laptop around when taking care of business, right?

If you are like most security professionals, your first instinct is to blurt out a resounding no, when presented with a request to connect an Android phone to your network. But your instincts are wrong. That wasn’t a question. It was an order – or soon will be. So your best bet is to practice the deep breathing exercises your meditation guru suggested. Once you’ve gotten your pulse back to a manageable 130, then you can and must have a constructive discussion about what resources are needed on the smartphone and why.

User Profiles Are Your Friend

The (sometimes fatal) mistake we see most often is treating every user as equivalent to every other user with the same device. This leads to providing the same level of access, regardless of who the user is. Allow us to suggest an alternative: profile users based on what they need to get, define 3-4 user types, and build your policies based on what they need, not what devices they have.

For instance, you might have three user types:

  1. Executive: These folks can crush you with a stroke of their pen. Okay – a pen is old school. How about a click of their mouse? These people get what they want because saying no is not an option. They should be configured for email and document access, with a VPN client so they can access the corporate network (from the can).
  2. Connected Users: There will be another group of users who might have compromising pictures of the executives. Or maybe they actually provide tangible value to your organization. Either way, these folks need access, but probably not to everything. Design the policy to give them only what they need, and nothing more.
  3. Everyone else: If a person doesn’t fit into either of the other two buckets, then you give them access, but not enough that they can hurt themselves (or you). That means email, but probably not VPN access to the corporate network.

These buckets are just examples – you’ll need to go through the use cases for each type of job function and see what levels of access make sense for your organization.

Yes, but…

As we mentioned above, your first instinct is likely to say ‘no’ when asked to support smartphones. But let’s tune the verbiage a bit and say “Yes, but” instead. After this easy mantra, go into all the reasons why it’s a bad idea for the user to have smartphone access to the organization’s sensitive stuff. You aren’t telling them no, but you are trying to convince them it’s a bad idea.

But let’s acknowledge the truth: you’ll lose and the requestor will get access. The goal of this exercise isn’t necessarily to win the argument (though being able to block someone’s every so often access is good for your self-esteem), but instead to get folks put into the right user profile buckets. Everyone wants access to everything. But we know that’s a bad idea, so success is really more about how many users (as a percentage of all smartphone users) have limited access. That number will vary based on organization, but if it approaches 0% you need to practice “yes, but” a lot more.

Cover Your Hind Section

The last suggestion we’ll make relative to process is to ensure that you have documented the risks of supporting these devices. It’s critical to understand that our job as security professionals isn’t to stop business from happening – it’s to provide information to the decision makers so they can make rational, educated decisions. That means you need to inform them of the risks of whatever action they are going to take and push them to acknowledge the risk.

If you fail to do this, you’ll be the one thrown out of the car at high speed when something goes wrong. Without ensuring clearly, and in writing, that everyone understands all the things that can go wrong by taking a particular action; you’ll end up in the proverbial creek without a paddle.

Acknowledge that you won’t like all the decisions. Your job is to protect information and that requires reducing risk. Every company needs to take risks to continue to execute on their business plans. These two goals are diametrically opposed, but at the end of the day, it’s not our job to decide what risks make sense for your business. It’s our job to make sure everyone is clear on what those risks are, and enforce the decisions.

As helpful as it is to put users in specific profiles, there are still a number of things you can do technically to protect your organization from the iPocalypse. As we wrap up this series, we’ll go through a few and provide ideas for how to protect your smartphone wielding employees from themselves.
