There was a great level of discourse around Rich’s FireStarter on Monday: There is No Market for Security Innovation. Check out the comments to get a good feel for the polarization of folks on both sides of the discussion.

There were also a number of folks who posted their own perspectives, ranging from Will Gragido at Cassandra Security, Adam Shostack on the New School blog, to the hardest working man in showbiz, Alex Hutton at Verizon Business. All these folks made a number of great points.

But part of me thinks we are missing the forest for the trees here. The FireStarter was really about new markets and the fact that it’s very very hard for innovative technology to cross the chasm unless it’s explicitly mandated by a compliance regulation. I strongly believe that, and we’ve seen numerous examples over the past few years.

But part of Alex’s post dragged me back to my Pragmatic philosophy, when he started talking about how “innovation” isn’t really just constrained to a new shiny widget that goes into a 19” rack (or a hypervisor). It can be new uses for stuff you already have. Or working the politics of the system a bit better internally by getting face time with business leaders.

I don’t really call these tactics innovation, but I’m splitting hairs here. My point, which I tweeted, is “Regardless of innovation in security, most of the world doesn’t use they stuff they already have. IMO that is the real problem.”

Again, within this echo chamber most of us have our act together, certainly relative to the rest of the world. And we are passionate about this stuff, like Charlie Miller fuzzing all sorts of stuff to find 0-day attacks, while his kids are surfing on the Macs.

So we get all excited about Pwn2Own and other very advanced stuff, which may or may not ever become weaponized. We forget the rest of the world is security Neanderthal man. So part of this entire discussion about innovation seems kind of silly to me, since most of the world can’t use the tools they already have.
