

First Leopard Update Is Out- Some Of Firewall Fixed; Skype Works

Apple just released an update to Leopard, version 10.5.1. The support document says the following: Addresses a code signing issue; third-party applications can now run when included in the Application Firewall or when whitelisted in Parental Controls. In Security preferences’ Firewall tab, the “Block All” option is now called “Allow Only essential services” Well, I suppose that’s some kind of progress. At least it’s labelled accurately. I’ve been really slammed this week, but Chris and I should have the instructions for using WaterRoof in combination with our template ipfw rule set and the Application Firewall soon (hopefully today). I’ve tested the update and the application firewall still signs applications, but instead of just failing to launch modified applications, we’re now prompted to allow access manually again if they change. Code signing can be rough because of issues like this, and I think the prompt is a reasonable solution. However, I would prefer it to say, “This application has been modified since its last use; please click to allow network access” so we know that it’s a real change to the application and not just a random prompt to approve again. In a separate document, Apple details some additional security updates to the application firewall. Most notably, the firewall will now block processes running as root if you specify them in the application firewall. Based on these updates I’m now running the application firewall with ipfw, and will try and get those instructions posted soon. Not that any of this matters much since there are no network attacks on Macs in the wild right now, but we all know that can’t last… Share:

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Network Security Podcast- Latest Episode Up And A New Site

While I was off traveling, Martin posted the latest episode of the Network Security Podcast. Rather than posting the show notes here, I’d like to redirect you to our new site: This is where we’ll be posting all the show notes, taking feedback on episodes, and posting any content and updates directly related to the show. This week we covered a few quick issues, then we spent 10 minutes playing Mystery Science Theater on Martin’s very first episode. Oh, I didn’t mention this is the 2 year anniversary of the show? Congrats Martin, and thanks for bringing me on- hopefully I’m not dragging the show down too fast… Share:

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Upcoming Speaking Events: SANS DLP and Encryption in December

I’ve been invited to give the keynotes at both the SANS Data Leakage Summit and the Mobile Encryption Summit. Both are at the Dolphin hotel at Disney in Orlando. The DLP event is on December 3rd and 4th, and the encryption event on the 5th and 6th. Here’s my affiliate link to SANS if you’re interested in the events. At the DLP event I’ll be presenting Three Steps To Selecting A DLP Product And The Top Five Features To Look For. I’ll also be releasing Understanding And Selecting A Data Loss Prevention Solution as a white paper, which will also be distributed online by SANS and sponsored by Websense. Over at the encryption event I’m presenting Understanding and Preventing Data Breaches. It’s a general presentation, not specific to just encryption. These conferences are designed for those in the planning or implementation phases for DLP or mobile encryption. There are a couple of presentations like mine, but most of the event is panels with users with real experience using the products. As a preview, here’s a QuickTime movie of the DLP pitch’s opening. I hope to see you there… Share:

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ipfw Rules, 2007/11/15 revision

Rules revised. As suggested by windexh8er, here’s a set of ipfw rules to customize for your own Macs or FreeBSD systems. Note that your private home network should have a non-standard IP range, both to support VPN across standard IP ranges, and for improved security, so your personal allow rules don’t match other networks you may find yourself wandering through. The rules are below, but you’ll probably have an easier time if you download the rule file from In WaterRoof, you can import these rules with “Tools > Rules Configuration > Import rules from file..”. To check your ipfw rules, use “sudo ipfw list”. When you’re satisfied with your rules, install them for future reboots with “Tools > Rules Configuration > Save to startup configuration” and “Tools > Startup Script > Install Startup Script”. # DO NOT USE THESE RULES without customizing them first! # Version: 2007/11/15 # For more information, see # These rules *MUST* be customized to your requirements. # In particular, if you have a private home network (behind an AirPort # Base Station, Linksys WRT54G, etc.), change “” below to # your private network range. # Additionally, allow only ports you actually use; other ports should be # blocked by the ipfw firewall. # Thanks to: # Rich Mogull # windexh8er: # Lee: # Chris Pepper # Apple (Server Admin is a good way to create an ipfw ruleset) # # FreeBSD (where Apple got ipfw) # We don’t really want this, but it’s unavoidable on Mac OS X Server, so # document it here (serialnumberd) # 100 allow udp from any 626 to any dst-port 626 # Let me talk to myself over the loopback add 200 allow ip from any to any via lo0 # Loopback addresses on non-loopback interfaces are bogus add 300 deny log logamount 1000 ip from any to add 310 deny log logamount 1000 ip from to any in # Block multicast if you don’t use it # add 400 deny log ip from to any in # Accept responses to my client programs add 500 check-state # If we let the conversation begin, let it continue add 600 allow tcp from any to any established # Let my programs get out. add 700 allow tcp from any to any out keep-state add 710 allow udp from any to any out keep-state # Change this to DENY fragments if you don’t need them. add 800 allow udp from any to any in frag # Block bogus inbounds that claim they were established # add 900 deny log tcp from any to any established in # add 1000 allow icmp from to any icmptypes 8 # Server Admin provides these by default add 1100 allow icmp from any to any icmptypes 0 add 1110 allow igmp from any to any # mDNS (Bonjour) from trusted local networks (fill in your own, # preferably non-standard, networks after ‘from’) # For Back to My Mac, you might need this from ‘any’ # add 5000 allow udp from to any dst-port 5353 # add 5010 allow udp from 5353 to any dst-port 1024-65535 in # DNS (note TCP is required, but this one should scare you — much # better to only allow packets from your trusted nameservers, if you # always use the same ones) add 5100 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 53 add 5110 allow udp from any to any dst-port 53 add 5120 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 53 out keep-state add 5130 allow udp from any to any dst-port 53 out keep-state # ssh add 5200 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 22 # iTunes music sharing #add 5300 allow tcp from to any dst-port 3689 # AFP #add 5400 allow tcp from to any dst-port 548 # HTTP (Apache); HTTPS # add 5500 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 80 # add 5510 allow tcp from any to any dst-port 443 # L2TP VPN # add 5600 allow udp from any to any dst-port 1701 # add 5610 allow esp from any to any # add 5620 allow udp from any to any dst-port 500 # add 5630 allow udp from any to any dst-port 4500 # iChat: local #add 5700 allow tcp from to any dst-port 5298 #add 5710 allow udp from to any dst-port 5298 #add 5720 allow udp from to any dst-port 5297,5678 # Server Admin SSL (Mac OS X Server only) # add 5800 allow tcp from to any dst-port 311 # add 5810 allow tcp from to any dst-port 427 # add 5820 allow udp from to any dst-port 427 # syslog # add 5900 allow udp from to any dst-port 514 # ipp (CUPS printing) # add 6000 allow tcp from to any dst-port 631 # MTU discovery add 10000 allow icmp from any to any icmptypes 3 # Source quench add 10100 allow icmp from any to any icmptypes 4 # Ping out; accept ping answers add 10200 allow icmp from any to any icmptypes 8 out add 10210 allow icmp from any to any icmptypes 0 in # Allow me to traceroute add 10300 allow icmp from any to any icmptypes 11 in # My default policy: log and drop anything that hasn’t matched an allow # rule above add 65534 deny log logamount 1000 ip from any to any # Hard-coded default allow rule (compiled into Darwin kernel) add 65535 allow ip from any to any Share:

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Totally Transparent Research is the embodiment of how we work at Securosis. It’s our core operating philosophy, our research policy, and a specific process. We initially developed it to help maintain objectivity while producing licensed research, but its benefits extend to all aspects of our business.

Going beyond Open Source Research, and a far cry from the traditional syndicated research model, we think it’s the best way to produce independent, objective, quality research.

Here’s how it works:

  • Content is developed ‘live’ on the blog. Primary research is generally released in pieces, as a series of posts, so we can digest and integrate feedback, making the end results much stronger than traditional “ivory tower” research.
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  • In rare cases Securosis may write papers outside of the primary research agenda, but only if the end result can be non-biased and valuable to the user community to supplement industry-wide efforts or advances. A “Radically Transparent Research” process will be followed in developing these papers, where absolutely all materials are public at all stages of development, including communications (email, call notes).
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