

Picking Apart The Hannaford Breach- What Might Have Happened

There goes another one. According to multiple sources, the Hannaford Brothers grocery chain suffered a major breach with 4.2 million credit cards exposed. Hannaford had published an FAQ for their customers. Odds are it will be months until we find out what really happened, but I’m going to speculate anyway, pick apart the press coverage and FAQ, and see if we can learn something from this now. As usual, the information released is incomplete and contradictory. PORTLAND, Maine (AP) – A security breach at an East Coast supermarket chain exposed 4.2 million credit and debit card numbers and led to 1,800 cases of fraud, the Hannaford Bros. grocery chain announced Monday. Hannaford said credit and debit card numbers were stolen during the card authorization process and about 4.2 million unique account numbers were exposed. The breach affected all of its 165 stores in the Northeast, 106 Sweetbay stores in Florida and a smaller number of independent groceries that sell Hannaford products. This is interesting since there is a direct tie to fraud, as opposed to many other breaches. This often means the fraud was detected in the credit system and then traced back to the retailer, which seems to be what happened based on the FAQ. As a researcher it’s always helpful to be able to tie the breach to illegal activity. This does, of course, suck for the victims, but as long as it’s credit card fraud they are protected. Since the information was stolen during the authorization process, and was distributed over many locations, it means a compromise of the central authorizations system or the credit card processor. It could be as simple as sniffing unencrypted communications, or a more complex compromise of a database or application. My money is 70% on sniffing, 30% on something in the database. No personal data such as names, addresses or telephone numbers were divulged – just account numbers. This can’t be true. Without names, the card numbers are unusable. Hannaford became aware of the breach Feb. 27. Investigators later discovered that the data breach began on Dec. 7; it wasn’t contained until March 10, said Carol Eleazer, Hannaford’s vice president of marketing in Scarborough. “We have taken aggressive steps to augment our network security capabilities,” Hannaford president and CEO Ronald C. Hodge said in a statement released Monday. “Hannaford doesn’t collect, know or keep any personally identifiable customer information from transactions.” This reinforces the likelihood of a network breach and sniffing, assuming the statement is true. How was the network breached? Could be any one of hundreds of ways. Targeted phishing and compromise of the central network from a remote location are common. I can’t add anything more than pure speculation on this one. The company urged its customers to monitor their credit and debit cards for unusual transactions and report any problems to authorities. Actually, card issuers should reissue the cards and just eliminate the chance of greater fraud. This is irresponsible. Since this is just loss of credit cards, there is no need for identity theft protection. Mark Walker, an attorney for the Maine Bankers Association, said his organization sent an advisory to member banks Friday after learning of the breach. Only a few had reported suspicious activity involving the credit and debit cards they had issued customers, Walker said. “I had expected there would be more than we’ve heard of,” Walker said. “But it’s still too early for us to tell.” Strange- I consider 1,800 to be a large number. It could be that the fraud was performed directly in the Hannaford system or something. Or this is an erroneous statement. The FAQ gives us a little more information and narrows things down. What happened? Hannaford announced containment of a data intrusion into its computer network that resulted in the theft of customer credit and debit card numbers. This data was illegally accessed from Hannaford”s computer systems during the card verification transmission process in transactions. Further, Hannaford is cooperating with credit and debit card issuers to ensure those customers who may be affected by the theft are protected Somewhat contradictory, with a mention of data security and network, but I don’t expect everyone to be as picky about those details as we are. I suspect the last sentence means fraud alerts are in place, and cards are probably being reissued to some extent. When did you discover the intrusion? Hannaford was first made aware of suspicious credit card activity on Feb. 27, and immediately initiated a comprehensive investigation with the assistance of leading computer security experts Bingo. It was detected by the banks or credit card companies, then brought to Hannaford. Is it safe to continue shopping in your stores? We have continually devoted significant round-the-clock resources to ensure Hannaford has comprehensive data security systems in place. For example, our security measures meet industry compliance standards and many go above and beyond what is required by industry standards. In other words, PCI is worthless. In conclusion, it looks like some sort of a network breach (which could be anything from phishing/malware to compromise from a retail location to a full network hack). A sniffer was possibly installed, since it seems they don’t keep credit card information (again, assuming statements are true). The fraud was detected by the banks or credit card companies, then it took a little under two weeks to contain. Not great, and indicative of either a little sophistication on the attacker’s part, or a lack of sophistication on Hannaford’s part. How to prevent this? We won’t know until more information is out, but since they shouldn’t be PCI compliant if they transmitted credit card numbers in the clear, perhaps my guess of sniffing is off. I’m still laying odds on that, and if so, encryption is the answer. < p style=”text-align:right;font-size:10px;”>Technorati Tags: Data Breach, Hannaford Share:

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Do Mac Users Need Antivirus?

I just published an article on TidBITS on this very issue. Basically, I don’t think the average Mac user needs it yet. AV comes at a performance cost that isn’t justified by the risks it addresses. It isn’t that Macs are more secure than Windows- it’s that they aren’t as big a target yet, and I’m not convinced that desktop antivirus will help much once Mac malware really starts proliferating. If you are a lone Mac in a Windows environment you might need to install it to protect your Windows brethren (don’t be the vector that infects them – sending viruses you don’t even notice is not nice), and if you go to a lot of risky places you should consider it. For the record, I don’t use AV on Mac or Vista, but I do use it on XP. And if Apple is smart, they can finish off the Leopard security features and harden the platform enough that it won’t be as easy a target even as market share rises. (I was amused reading the Slashdot comments, which I usually ignore. I don’t mind the criticism, but at least read the fricking article, guys). < p style=”text-align:right;font-size:10px;”>Technorati Tags: Apple, Mac, antivirus Share:

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