Prepping for RSA
There’s only one week left until RSA and it’s looking to be a doozy this year. For me that is, not really sure about the entire information security market. I wanted to highlight a couple of things. First, of course, is the Security Blogger’s Meetup. This once private event is now open to any security blogger out there, although if you haven’t signed up by now it’s a little too late. Martin and I will be recording and streaming live audio and video from the event, so stand by for more on that. I’m giving a few talks at RSA, both as a conference speaker and at some outside events. The first is Tuesday morning where I’m presenting on “Understanding and Preventing Data Breaches” at a breakfast sponsored by Vericept. I update this presentation every time I give it, so even if you’ve seen it before there will be some new content in there. I believe that event is totally booked out already. Twice each day (at 11 and 2 on Wednesday/Thursday, still TBD for Tuesday) I’ll be giving a short overview on data breaches and encryption at the WinMagic booth. The title is, “Encryption and Data Breaches, Why, When, and How” although we’re still tweaking it. Encryption is really misused a lot more than we like to admit, so I’ll use some statistics and analysis to help provide direct implementation guidance. As always, it’s my regular objective content you read here day to day, no matter where I’m presenting it. I’m speaking in two track sessions this year, both panels. The first, on Tuesday is “Analyst Anarchy: Wall Street Mashes it up With the Pundits” in Red Room 301 at 1:30 PM. It’s a few industry analysts and myself on a panel moderated by a Wall Street analyst. I did this last year, and never know what to expect; hopefully we’ll have some hard hitting questions to answer. The second session, Thursday morning in the same room, is with many of my colleagues from the Security Catalyst Community, including Big Bad Mike Rothman, Securosis Contributor David Mortman, Ron Woe er, and my Network Security Podcast co-host Martin McKeay. Here’s the description: Avoiding the Security “Groundhog Day” It’s deja vu all over again. As an industry, we’re rolling out widgets to solve the same old problems – and it’s not working. In this session, a panel of experts debates the history of security for clues on building tomorrow’s defenses. Together, we’ll learn from the past how to build a safer tomorrow. Given the stakes, no security practitioner can afford to make the same mistakes again. We plan on killing some sacred cows- the description might seem bland, but no way will Rothman and I let you fall asleep. Other than that I’ll be at all the usual social events. My schedule is pretty much booked up with clients, but feel free to track me down anyway, especially if you like to pay for drinks (you know us cheap-ass consultants). Email is best, I do have some time reserved to wander the show floor and see what’s going on out there that I don’t know about. It should be fun, and I’ll be posting as much as I can. Martin and I will be posting short podcasts every day up at with our summary of events. Hope to see you there… Share: