

Understanding and Selecting a Database Activity Monitoring Solution: Part 5, Advanced Features

We’re going to be finishing the series off this week, in large part so I can get it compiled together into a whitepaper with SANS, sponsored by Imperva, Guardium, and Sentrigo, before the big RSA show. I won’t be sleeping much this week as I compile and re-write the posts, add additional content that didn’t make it into the blog, create some images, and toss it back and forth with my editor. What? You didn’t think all I did was cut and paste this stuff, did you? For review, you can look up our previous entries here: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 What do I mean by advanced features? In our other posts we focused on the core solution set, but most of the products have quite a bit more to offer. There’s no way we can cover everything, and I don’t intend this to be an advertisement for any particular solution set, but there are a few major features we see appearing in more than one product. I’m going to highlight a few I think are particularly interesting and worthy of consideration in the selection process. Content Discovery As much as we like to think we know our databases, the reality is we really don’t always know what’s inside them. Many of our systems grew organically over the years, some are managed by external consultants or application vendors, and others find sensitive data stored in unusual locations. To counter these problems, some database activity monitoring solutions are adding content discovery features similar to DLP. These tools allow you to set content-based policies to identify the use of things like credit card numbers in the database, even if they aren’t located where you expect. Discovery tools crawl through registered databases, looking for sensitive content based on policies, and generate alerts for sensitive content in new locations. For example, you could create a policy to identify any credit card number in any database, and generate a report for PCI compliance. The tools can run on a scheduled basis so you can perform ongoing assessments, rather than combing through everything by hand every time an auditor comes knocking. Some tools allow you to then build policies based on the discovery results. Instead of manually identifying every field with Social Security Numbers and building a different protection policy for each, you create a single policy that generates an alert every time an administrator runs a SELECT query on any field which matches the SSN rule. As the system grows and changes over time, the discovery component identifies the fields matching the protected content, and automatically applies the policy. We’re also starting to see DAM tools that monitor live queries for sensitive data. Policies are then freed from being tied to specific fields, and can generate alerts or perform enforcement actions based on the result set. For example, a policy could generate an alert any time a query result contains a credit card number, no matter what columns were referenced in the query. Connection Pooled User Identification One of the more difficult problems we face in database security is the sometimes arbitrary distinction between databases and applications. Rather than looking at them as a single system, we break out database and application design and administration, and try to apply controls in each without understanding the state of the other. This is readily apparent in the connection pooling problem. Connection pooling is a technique where we connect large applications to large databases using a single shared connection running under a single database user account. Unless the application was carefully designed, all queries come from that single user account (e.g., APP_USR) and we have no way, at the database level, to identify the user performing the transaction. This creates a level of abstraction which makes it difficult, if not impossible, to monitor specific user activity and apply user policies at the database level. An advanced feature of some database activity monitoring solutions allows them to track and correlate individual query activity back to the application user. This typically involves integration or monitoring at the application level. You now know which database transactions were performed by which application users, which is extremely valuable for both audit and security reasons. Blocking and Enforcement Today, most users just deploy database activity monitoring to audit and alert on user activity, but many of the tools are perfectly capable of enforcing preventative policies. Enforcement happens at either the network layer or on the database server itself, depending on the product architecture. Enforcement policies tend to fall into two categories. The first, similar to many of the monitoring policies we’ve described, are focused on user behaviors like viewing or changing sensitive records. Rather than just alerting after a DBA pulls every account number out of the system, you can block the query. The second is focused on database exploits; similar to an intrusion prevention solution, the system blocks queries matching signatures for known attacks like SQL injection. The nature and level of blocking will vary based on the architecture of the DAM tool. Integrated agent solutions may offer features like transaction rollback, while network tools block the traffic from hitting the DBMS in the first place. Digging into the specific architectures and benefits is beyond the scope of this post. Application Activity Monitoring Databases rarely exist in a vacuum; more often than not they are an extension of applications, yet we tend to look at them as isolated components. Application Activity Monitoring adds the ability to watch application activity, not just the database queries that result. This information can be correlated between the application and the database to gain a clear picture of just how data is being used at both levels, and identify anomalies which may indicate a security or compliance failure. Since application design and platforms vary even more than databases, products can’t cover every custom application in your environment. We see vendors focusing on major custom application platforms, like SAP and Oracle, and monitoring web-based application

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