

Crime, Communication, and Statistics

‘I’m not sure if it’s the innate human desire to recognize patterns even when they don’t exist, or if the stars really do align on occasion, but sometimes a series of random events hit at just the right time to inspire a little thought. Or maybe I’m just fishing. This week is an interesting one on the home front. It’s slowly emerging that we’re having some crime problems in the community. There has been a rash of vehicle break-ins and other light burglary. I found out about it when a board member of our HOA (and former cop) posted in our community forums that we’ve hired an off-duty Phoenix police officer to patrol our neighborhood, on top of the security company we already have here. We’ve got a big community center with a pool, so we need a little more security than the average subdivision. Our community forums are starting to fill up with reports from throughout the community and I highly suspect this recent spree will be ending soon. All 900 homes now have access to suspect descriptions, targets, areas of concern, and so on. We’re all locking up tighter and keeping our eyes open. Already some activity was caught on camera and turned over to the police. We know the bad guy’s techniques, tactics, and operations. With this many eyeballs looking for them, the odds are low they’ll be working around here much longer. We’ve had problems for months, and the private security was ineffective. There is just too much territory for them to cover effectively. This spree could have potentially gone on forever, but now that the community is engaged we’ve moved from relying on 2 people to nearly 900 for our monitoring and defense. We’ve taken the edge, just by sharing and talking. In the security world some interesting tidbits have popped up this week. First came Debix with their fraud numbers, and now Verizon with their forensic investigation’s breach report. On a private email list I was slightly critical of Verizon, but I realized I’m just being greedy and wanted more detail. While it could be better, this is some great information to get out there (thanks for making me take a second look, Hoff). I shouldn’t have been critical, because when it comes to data breaches we should be thankful for any moderately reliable stats we can get our hands on. Between these two reports, a couple of things jumped out at me. First, I think these finally debunk all the insider threat marketing garbage. No one ever really had those numbers; trust me, since I saw my “estimate” from Gartner quoted as a hard number for years. This now aligns with my gut feeling, which is that there are more bad guys on the outside than the inside, although inside attacks can be more devastating under the right circumstances. To further support this, the Verizon report also indicates that many attacks on the inside (or from partners) are really attacks from the outside that compromised an internal system. This supports my controversial positions on how we should treat the insider threat. The second major point is that we rarely know where our data is, or if our systems are really configured correctly. Both of these are cited in the report as major sources of breaches- unknown data, unknown systems, and misconfigured systems. This is strongly supported by the root cause analysis work I’ve done on data breaches (in my data breach presentation; haven’t written it in paper/blog form yet). People wonder why I’m such a big fan of DLP. Just think about how much risk you can reduce by scanning your environment for sensitive data in the wrong places. FInally, it’s clear that web applications are a huge problem. Verizon claims web apps were involved in 34% of cases. Again, this supports my conclusion from data breach analysis that links more fraud to application compromises than lost tapes or laptops. The Debix numbers also indicate no higher fraud levels for lost tapes than normal background levels of fraud. We’re on the early edge of building our own neighborhood watch. We’re starting to see the first little nibs of hard breach data, and they’re already defying conventional wisdom. By communicating more and sharing, we are better able to make informed risk and security decisions. Without this information, the bad guys can keep cruising our neighborhoods with impunity, stealing whatever we accidentally leave in our cars overnight. Share:

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Separation of Duties/Functions & SQL Injection

In a previous post  I have noted that ultimately SQL Injection is a database attack through a web application proxy, and that the Database and the associated Database Administrators need to play a larger part in the defense of data and applications. I recommended a couple steps to assist in combating attacks through the use of stored procedures to help in input parameter validation. I also want to make additional recommendations in the areas of separation of duties and compartmentalization of functions. Most of the relational database platforms now provide the ability to have more than one DBA role. This is typically accomplished by removal of the single all-powerful DBA user, and separating the DBA functions into specific accounts, with each assigned a distinct role like backup & recovery or user setup. The goal obviously is to limit the scope of damage should any single account be compromised, promote more granular auditing, and help prevent the type of abuse that happened with FIS. I find many large corporations are in fact moving to this model. Which leads me to my first point- that I have not seen this change within the application development community, to use databases to compartmentalize functions and users. I was reading a post on SQL Injection Attacks over on the Vulnerability Research and Defense blog a couple days back. On their continuing thread of advice on how to address SQL Injection, they recommend IT and Database Administrators take steps to help prevent SQL Injection. Specifically, review IIS logs for signs of attack, consult your ISV on potential vulnerabilities of your 3rd party code, and validate that the accounts have the ‘least privilege’ needed to perform the work. While I have no disagreement with any of these items per se, I think it misses the point. I want to use this to illustrate the issue of perspective, and suggest a change in thinking that needs to happen here. Most applications perform all database activities under a single database user. This is a problem in that a database administrator is supposed to apply the concept of least privilege to the database user and group, but that single generic database user performs every application function. Application of the least privilege concept in this context is almost meaningless. Limiting the features or the scope of access available is just as important. Think about this as separation of duties, so that the scope of what is possible through the web is restricted. The application developer must take some steps to assist in this area by reducing functional scope for individual users. Any web application that uses a database establishes a trusted connection to that database regardless of whether it is ASP or JSP or whatever. Ultimately, a SQL Injection attack is the user of the web application, exploiting that trust relationship between the application and the database to their advantage by piggy-backing code onto the legitimate access. I don’t want to say that if you are considering ‘least privilege’ to assess risk you have already lost the battle, but this really should be done in the design phase as well as with periodic reviews of the system. Collaborate with Database Administrators and Architects (Or stop treating the database like a black box) They say if your only tool is a hammer, everything begins to look like a nail. That accurately describes many of the web application developers I have worked with in the last 10 years. They attempt to provide all of the functionality for their application within their application and use the database as a simple repository to store, sort and report data. In reality database engines like Oracle, MS SQL Server, and DB2 are extraordinarily feature rich applications and, in data processing related activities, provide more advanced processing capabilities. Yet I still find application developers writing tools, functions and utilities that would be better served being in the database itself. So separation of duties in the processing environment is a good idea, where different programs or different roles within those programs provide different pieces of functionality. Siloed, if you will. So is constant collaboration between application developers and database administrators, designers and programmers. Smaller, dedicated pieces of code are easier to review. And this is being driven not just by PCI, but also by more modern development processes and QA strategies. In the next post I want to comment on trust relationships and distributed application use of databases. Share:

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