

Comments on Security Breach Statistics

I still have not quite reached complete apathy regarding breach statistics, but I am really close. The Identity Theft Resource Center statistics made their way into the Washington Post last week, and were reposted on the front page of The Arizona Republic business section this morning. In a nutshell they are saying the number of breaches was up 69% for the first half of 2008 over the first half of 2007. I am certain no one is surprised. As a security blogging community we have been talking about how the custodians of the information fail to address security, how security products are not all that effective, how the ‘bad guys’ are creative, opportunistic, and committed to finding new exploits, and my personal favorite, how the people who set up the (financial, banking, heath care, government, insert your favorite here) systems have a serious financial stake in things being quick and easy rather than secure. Ultimately, I would have been surprised if the number had gone down. I used to do a presentation called “Dr. Strangelog or; How I stopped worrying and loved the breach”. No, I was not advocating building subterranean caverns to wait this out; rather a mental adjustment in how to approach security. For the corporate IT audience, the premise is that you are never going to be 100% secure, so plan to do the best you can, and be prepared to react when a breach happens. And I try to point out some of the idiocy in certain policies that invite unnecessary risk … like storing credit card numbers when it is unnecessary, not encrypting backup tapes, and allowing all your customer records to ever be on a laptop outside the company. While we have gone well beyond these basics, I still think that contrarian thinking is in order to find new solutions, or to redefine the problem itself as it seems impossible to stop the breaches at this point. As an individual, as opposed to as a security practitioner, Is there anything meaningful in these numbers? Is there any value what so ever? Is it going to be easier to quantify the records that have not been breached? Are we getting close to having every personal record compromised at least once? The numbers are so large that they start to lose their meaning. Breaches are so common that they have spawned several secondary markets in areas such as tools and techniques for fraudulently gaining additional personal information, partial personal information useful for the same purpose, and of course various anti-fraud tools and services. I start to wonder if the corporations and public entities of the world have already effectively wiped out personal privacy. Share:

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Best Practices for Endpoint DLP: Part 3

In our last post we discussed the core functions of an endpoint DLP tool. Today we’re going to talk more about agent deployment, management, policy creation, enforcement workflow, and overall integration. Agent Management Agent management consists of two main functions- deployment and maintenance. On the deployment side, most tools today are designed to work with whatever workstation management tools your organization already uses. As with other software tools, you create a deployment package and then distribute it along with any other software updates. If you don’t already have a software deployment tool, you’ll want to look for an endpoint DLP tool that includes basic deployment capabilities. Since all endpoint DLP tools include central policy management, deployment is fairly straightforward. There’s little need to customize packages based on user, group, or other variables beyond the location of the central management server. The rest of the agent’s lifecycle, aside from major updates, is controlled through the central management server. Agents should communicate regularly with the central server to receive policy updates and report incidents/activity. When the central management server is accessible, this should happen in near real time. When the endpoint is off the enterprise network (without VPN/remote access), the DLP tool will store violations locally in a secure repository that’s encrypted and inaccessible to the user. The tool will then connect with the management server next time it’s accessible, receiving policy updates and reporting activity. The management server should produce aging reports to help you identify endpoints which are out of date and need to be refreshed. Under some circumstances, the endpoint may be able to communicate remote violations through encrypted email or another secure mechanism from outside the corporate firewall. Aside from content policy updates and activity reporting, there are a few other features that need central management. For content discovery, you’ll need to control scanning schedule/frequency, and control bandwidth and performance (e.g., capping CPU usage). For real time monitoring and enforcement you’ll also want performance controls, including limits on how much space is used to store policies and the local cache of incident information. Once you set your base configuration, you shouldn’t need to do much endpoint management directly. Things like enforcement actions are handled implicitly as part of policy, thus integrated into the main DLP policy interface. Policy Creation and Workflow Policy creation for endpoints should be fully integrated into your central DLP policy framework for consistent enforcement across data in motion, at rest, and in use. Policies are thus content focused, rather than location focused– another advantage of full suites over individual point products. In the policy management interface you first define the content to protect, then pick channels and enforcement actions (all, of course, tied to users/groups and context). For example, you might want to create a policy to protect customer account numbers. You’d start by creating a database fingerprinting policy pulling names and account numbers from the customer database; this is the content definition phase. Assuming you want the policy to apply equally to all employees, you then define network protective actions- e.g., blocking unencrypted emails with account numbers, blocking http and ftp traffic, and alerting on other channels where blocking isn’t possible. For content discovery, quarantine any files with more than one account number that are not on a registered server. Then, for endpoints, restrict account numbers from unencrypted files, portable storage, or network communications when the user is off the corporate network, switching to a rules-based (regular expression) policy when access to the policy server isn’t available. In some cases you might need to design these as separate but related policies- for example, the database fingerprinting policy applies when the endpoint is on the network, and a simplified rules-based policy when the endpoint is remote. Incident management should also be fully integrated into the overall DLP incident handling queue. Incidents appear in a single interface, and can be routed to handlers based on policy violated, user, severity, channel, or other criteria. Remember that DLP is focused on solving the business problem of protecting your information, and thus tends to require a dedicated workflow. For endpoint DLP you’ll need some additional information beyond network or non-endpoint discovery policies. Since some violations will occur when the system is off the network and unable to communicate with the central management server, “delayed notification” violations need to be appropriately stamped and prioritized in the management interface. You’d hate to miss the loss of your entire customer database because it showed up as a week-old incident when the sales laptop finally reconnected. Otherwise, workflow is fully integrated into your main DLP solution, and any endpoint-specific actions are handled through the same mechanisms as discovery or network activity. Integration If you’re running an endpoint only solution, an integrated user interface obviously isn’t an issue. For full suite solutions, as we just discussed, policy creation, management, and incident workflow should be completely integrated with network and discovery policies. Other endpoint management is typically a separate tab in the main interface, alongside management areas for discovery/storage management and network integration/management. While you want an integrated management interface, you don’t want it so integrated that it becomes confusing or unwieldy to use. In most DLP tools, content discovery is managed separately to define repositories and manage scanning schedules and performance. Endpoint DLP discovery should be included here, and allow you to specify device and user groups instead of having to manage endpoints individually. That’s about it for the technology side; in our next posts we’ll look at best practices for deployment and management, and present a few generic use cases. I realize I’m pretty biased towards full-suite solutions, and this is your chance to call me on it. If you disagree, please let me know in the comments… Share:

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Mozilla Project In Open Document Format

Due to popular demand, there’s now an OpenOffice format (.ods) file for the Mozilla security metrics project. You can pick up the file here… (I have no idea why I didn’t use NeoOffice before- very nice!). Share:

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