

After Action Report: What Fortinet Should Do With IPLocks

When Fortinet acquired parts of IPLocks it was a bit of a bittersweet moment. When I started my career as an analyst, IPLocks was the first vendor client I worked with. I was tasked with covering database security and spent a fair bit of time walking clients through methods of improving their database monitoring; mostly for security in those days, since auditors hadn’t yet invaded the data center. It was all really manual, using things like triggers and stored procedures since native auditing sucked on every platform. After a few months of this I was connected with IPLocks- a small database security vendor with a tool to do exactly what I was trying to figure out how to do manually. They’d been around for a few years, but since everyone at this time thought database security was “encryption”, they bounced around the market more than usual. Over the next few years I watched as the Database Activity Monitoring market started to take off, with more clients and more vendors jumping into the mix. IPLocks always struggled, but I felt it was more business issues than technology issues. Needless to say, they had some leadership issues at the top. Since I hired Adrian, their CTO until the sale to Fortinet, it isn’t appropriate for me to comment on the acquisition itself. Rather, I want to talk about what this means to the DAM/ADMP market. First up is that according to this press release, Fortinet acquired the vulnerability assessment technology, and is only licensing the activity monitoring technology. As we dig in, this is an important distinction. IPLocks is one of only two companies (the other being Application Security Inc.) with a dedicated database VA product. (Imperva and Guardium have VA capabilities, but not stand-alone commercial products). From that release, it looks like Fortinet has a broad license to use the monitoring technology, but doesn’t own that IP. Was this a smart acquisition? Maybe- it all depends on what Fortinet wants to do. On the surface, the Fortinet/IPLocks deal doesn’t make sense. The products are not well aligned, address different business problems, and Fortinet only owns part of the IP, with a license for the rest. But this is also an opportunity for Fortinet to grow their market and align themselves for future security needs. Should they use this as the catalyst to develop an ADMP product line, they will get value out of the acquisition. But if they fail to advance either through further acquisitions or internal development (with significant resources, and assuming their monitoring license allows) they just wasted their money. Sorry guys, now you need a WAF. In the short term they need to learn the new market they just jumped into and refine/align the product to sell to their existing base. A lot of this will be positioning, sales training, and learning a new buying cycle. Threat management sales folks are generally unsuccessful at selling to the combined buying center focused on database security. Then they need to build a long term strategy and extend the product into the ADMP space. There is a fair bit in their existing gateway technology base they can leverage as they add additional capabilities, but this is not just another blade on the UTM. It’s all in their hands. This isn’t a slam dunk, but is definitely a good opportunity if they handle it right. Share:

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Best Practices For Endpoint DLP: Part 4, Best Practices for Deployment

We started this series with an overview of endpoint DLP, and then dug into endpoint agent technology. We closed out our discussion of the technology with agent deployment, management, policy creation, enforcement workflow, and overall integration. Today I’d like to spend a little time talking about best practices for initial deployment. The process is extremely similar to that used for the rest of DLP, so don’t be surprised if this looks familiar. Remember, it’s not plagiarism when you copy yourself. For initial deployment of endpoint DLP, our main concerns are setting expectations and working out infrastructure integration issues. Setting Expectations The single most important requirement for any successful DLP deployment is properly setting expectations at the start of the project. DLP tools are powerful, but far from a magic bullet or black box that makes all data completely secure. When setting expectations you need to pull key stakeholders together in a single room and define what’s achievable with your solution. All discussion at this point assumes you’ve already selected a tool. Some of these practices deliberately overlap steps during the selection process, since at this point you’ll have a much clearer understanding of the capabilities of your chosen tool. In this phase, you discuss and define the following: What kinds of content you can protect, based on the content analysis capabilities of your endpoint agent. How these compare to your network and discovery content analysis capabilities. Which policies can you enforce at the endpoint? When disconnected from the corporate network? Expected accuracy rates for those different kinds of content- for example, you’ll have a much higher false positive rate with statistical/conceptual techniques than partial document or database matching. Protection options: Can you block USB? Move files? Monitor network activity from the endpoint? Performance- taking into account differences based on content analysis policies. How much of the infrastructure you’d like to cover. Scanning frequency (days? hours? near continuous?). Reporting and workflow capabilities. What enforcement actions you’d like to take on the endpoint, and which are possible with your current agent capabilities. It’s extremely important to start defining a phased implementation. It’s completely unrealistic to expect to monitor every last endpoint in your infrastructure with an initial rollout. Nearly every organization finds they are more successful with a controlled, staged rollout that slowly expands breadth of coverage and types of content to protect. Prioritization If you haven’t already prioritized your information during the selection process, you need to pull all major stakeholders together (business units, legal, compliance, security, IT, HR, etc.) and determine which kinds of information are more important, and which to protect first. I recommend you first rank major information types (e.g., customer PII, employee PII, engineering plans, corporate financials), then re-order them by priority for monitoring/protecting within your DLP content discovery tool. In an ideal world your prioritization should directly align with the order of protection, but while some data might be more important to the organization (engineering plans) other data may need to be protected first due to exposure or regulatory requirements (PII). You’ll also need to tweak the order based on the capabilities of your tool. After your prioritize information types to protect, run through and determine approximate timelines for deploying content policies for each type. Be realistic, and understand that you’ll need to both tune new policies and leave time for the organizational to become comfortable with any required business changes. Not all polices work on endpoints, and you need to determine how you’d like to balance endpoint with network enforcement. We’ll look further at how to roll out policies and what to expect in terms of deployment times later in this series. Workstation and Infrastructure Integration and Testing Despite constant processor and memory improvements, our endpoints are always in a delicate balance between maintenance tools and a user’s productivity applications. Before beginning the rollout process you need to perform basic testing with the DLP endpoint agent under different circumstances on your standard images. If you don’t use standard images, you’ll need to perform more in depth testing with common profiles. During the first stage, deploy the agent to test systems with no active policies and see if there are any conflicts with other applications or configurations. Then deploy some representative policies, perhaps taken from your network policies. You’re not testing these policies for actual deployment, but rather looking to test a range of potential policies and enforcement actions so you have a better understanding of how future production policies will perform. Your goal in this stage is to test as many options as possible to ensure the endpoint agent is properly integrated, performs satisfactorily, enforces policies effectively, and is compatible with existing images and other workstation applications. Make sure you test any network monitoring/blocking, portable storage control, and local discovery performance. Also test the agent’s ability to monitor activity when the endpoint is remote, and properly report policies violations when it reconnects to the enterprise network. Next (or concurrently), begin integrating the endpoint DLP into your larger infrastructure. If you’ve deployed other DLP components you might not need much additional integration, but you’ll want to confirm that users, groups, and systems from your directory services match which users are really on which endpoints. While with network DLP we focus on capturing users based on DHCP address, with endpoint DLP we concentrate on identifying the user during authentication. Make sure that, if multiple users are on a system, you properly identify each so policies are applied appropriately. Define Process DLP tools are, by their very nature, intrusive. Not in terms of breaking things, but in terms of the depth and breadth of what they find. Organizations are strongly advised to define their business processes for dealing with DLP policy creation and violations before turning on the tools. Here’s a sample process for defining new policies: Business unit requests policy from DLP team to protect a particular content type. DLP team meets with business unit to determine goals and protection requirements. DLP team engages with legal/compliance to

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Oracle Critical Patch Update- Patch OAS Now!!!

I was just in the process of reviewing the details on the latest Oracle Critical Patch Advisory for July 2008 and found something a bit frightening. As in could let any random person own your database frightening. I am still sifting through the database patches to see what is interesting. I did not see much in the database section, but while reading through the document something looked troubling. When I see language that says “vulnerabilities may be remotely exploitable without authentication” I get very nervous. CVE 2008-2589 does not show up on, but a quick Google search turns up Nate McFeters’ comments on David Litchfield’s disclosure of the details on the vulnerability. Basically, it allows a remote attacker without a user account to slice through your Oracle Application Server and directly modify the database. If you have any external OAS instance you probably don’t have long to get it patched. I am not completely familiar with the WWV_RENDER_REPORT package, but its use is not uncommon. It appears that the web server is allowing parameters to pass through unchecked. As the package is owned by the web server user, whatever is injected will be able to perform any action that the web server account is authorized to do. Remotely. Yikes! I will post more comments on this patch in the future, but it is safe to assume that if you are running Oracle Application Server versions 9 or 10, you need to patch ASAP! Why Oracle has given this a base score of 6.4 is a bit of a mystery (see more on Oracle’s scoring), but that is neither here nor there. I assume that word about a remote SQL injection attack that does not require authentication will spread quickly. Patch your app servers. Share:

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