Security Researchers Discover … 5 Stages of Disclosure Grief
Denial: “Dan may be smart, but Tom Ptacek states the obvious that this isn’t a new threat. Maybe a new spin on an old flaw.” Anger: “Dan didn’t find shit. He read RFC3383 …” and “Dan has brought NOTHING new to the table. Simply made a name for himself by regurgitating the same old problems.” Bargaining: “… the sky was already falling before Dan opened his mouth, …”, and “This is just another reason why we need DNSSEC”, and “What Should Dan Have Done?” Depression: “What can we say right now? Dan has the goods.” Acceptance: “Dan Kaminsky Disqualified from Most Overhyped Bug Pwnie” and “This is absolutely one of the most exceptional research projects I’ve seen. Dan’s reputation will emerge more than intact …” DNS Vulnerability: Very interesting. Blog Discourse on DNS Vulnerability: Absolutely mesmerizing. Dan Kaminsky finds a DNS flaw, and half the security research community grieves. Share: