

Mortality, Integrity, and Risk Management

I despise the very concept of mortality. That everything we were, are, and can be comes to a crashing close at some arbitrary deadline. I’ve never been one to accept someone telling me to do something just because “that’s the way it is”, and I feel pretty much the same way about death. Having seen far more than my fair share of it, I consider it nothing but random and capricious. For those that follow Twitter, yesterday afternoon mortality bitch slapped me upside the head. I found out that my cholesterol is two points shy of the thin black line that defines “high”. Being thirty seven, a lifetime athlete, and relatively healthy eater since my early twenties, my number shouldn’t even be on the same continent as “high”, never mind the same zip code. I clearly have my parent’s genes to blame, and since my father passed away many years ago of something other than heart disease, I get to have a long conversation with mother this weekend on her poor gene selection. I might bring up the whole short thing while I’m at it (seriously, all I asked for was 5’9”). I tend to look at situations like this as risk management problems. With potential mitigating actions, all of which come at a cost, and a potential negative consequence (well, negative for me), it slots nicely into a risk-based approach. It also highlights what is the single most important factor in any risk analysis- integrity. If you deceive yourself (or others) you can never make an effective risk decision. Let’s map it out: Asset Valuation – Really fracking high for me personally, $2M to the insurance company (time limited to 20 years), and somewhere between zero and whatever for the rest of the world (and, I suspect, a few negative values circulating out there). Risk Tolerance – Low. Oh sure, I’d like to say “none”, but the reality is if my risk tolerance was really 0, I’d mentally implode in a clash of irreconcilable risk factors as fear of my house burning around me conflicts with the danger of a meteor smashing open my skull like a ripe pumpkin when I walk outside. Since anything over 100 years old isn’t realistically quantifiable (and 80 is more reasonable), I’ll call 85 the low end of my tolerance, with no complaints if I can double that. Risk/Threat Factors – Genetics, lifestyle, and medication. This one is pretty easy, since there are really only 3 factors that effect the outcome (in this dimension, I’m skipping cancer, accidents, and those freaky brain eating bacteria found in certain lakes). I can only change two of the factors, each of which comes with both a financial cost, and, for lack of a better word, a “pleasure” cost. Risk Analysis – I’m going to build three scenarios: Since some of my cholesterol is good to normal (HDL and triglycerides), and only part of it bad (LDL and total serum), I can deceive myself into thinking I don’t need to do anything today and ignore the possibility of slowly clogging my arteries until a piece of random plaque breaks off and kills me in excruciating pain at an inconvenient moment. Since that’s what everyone else tends to do, we’ll call this option “best practices”. I can meet with my doctor, review the results, and determine which lifestyle changes and/or medication I can start today to reduce my long term risks. I can reduce the intake of certain foods, switch to things like Egg Beaters, and increase my intake of high fiber food and veggies. I’ll pay an additional financial cost for higher quality food, a time cost for the extra workouts, and a “pleasure” cost for fewer chocolate chip cookies. In exchange for those french fries and gooey burritos I’ll be healthier overall and live a higher quality of life until I’m disemboweled by an irate ostrich while on safari in Africa. I can immediately switch to a completely heart-healthy diet and disengage from any activity that increases my risk of premature death (and isn’t all death premature?). I’ll never eat another cookie or french fry, and I’ll move to a monastery in a meteor-free zone to eliminate all stress from my life as I engage in whatever the latest medical journals define as the optimum diet and exercise plan. I will lead a longer, lower quality life until I’m disemboweled by an irate monk who is sick of my self righteous preaching and mid-chant calisthenics. We’ll call this option the “consultant/analyst” recommendations. Risk Decision and Mitigation Plan – Those three scenarios represent the low, middle, and high option. In every case there is a cost- but the cost is either in the short term or the long term. None of the scenarios guarantees success. This is where the integrity comes in- I’ve tried to qualify all the appropriate costs in each scenario, and don’t try and fool myself into thinking I can avoid those costs to steer myself towards the easy decision. It would be easy to look at my various cholesterol levels and current lifestyle, then decide that maybe if I read the numbers from a certain angle nothing bad will happen. Or maybe I can just hang out without making changes until the numbers get worse, and fix things then. On the other end, I could completely deceive myself and decide that a bunch of extreme efforts will fix everything and I can completely control the end result, ignoring the cost and all the other factors out there. But if I’m really honest to myself, I know that despite my low tolerance for an early death, I’m unwilling to pay the costs of extreme actions. Thus I’m going to make immediate changes to my diet that I know I can tolerate in the long term, I’ll meet with my doctor and start getting annual tests, and I’ll slip less on my fitness plan when work gets out of control. I’m putting metrics in place

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The Biggest Difference Between Web Applications And Traditional Applications.

Adrian and I have been hard at work on our web application security overview series, and in a discussion we realized we left something off part 3 of the series when we dig into the differences between web applications and traditional applications. In most applications we program the user display/interface. With web applications, we rely on an external viewer (the browser) we can’t completely control, that can be interacting with other applications at the same time. Which is stupid, because it’s the biggest, most obvious difference of them all. Share:

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WebAppSec: Part4, The Web Application Lifecycle

Just prior to this post, it dawned on us just how much ground we are covering. We’re looking at business justification, people, process, tools and technology, training, security mindset and more. Writing is an exercise in constraint- often pulling more content out than we are putting in. This hit home when we got lost within our own outline this morning. So before jumping into the technology discussion, we need to lay out our roadmap and show you the major pieces of a web application security program that we’ll be digging into. Our goal moving forward is to recommend actionable steps that promote web application security, and are in keeping with your existing development and management framework. While web applications offer different challenges, as we discussed in the last post, additional steps to address these issues aren’t radical deviations from what you likely do today. With a loose mapping to the Software Development Lifecycle, we are dividing this into three steps across seven coverage areas that look like this: Secure Development Process and Training – This section’s focus is on placing security into the development life-cycle. We discuss general enhancements, for lack of a better word, to the people who work on delivering web applications, and the processes used to guide their activity. Security awareness training through education, and supportive process modifications, as a precursor to making security a functional requirement of the application. We discuss tools that automate portions of the effort; static analysis tools that aid engineering in identifying vulnerable code, and dynamic analysis tools for detecting anomalous application behavior. Secure SDLC- Introducing secure development practices and software assurance to the web application programming process. Static Analysis- Tools that scan the source code of an application to look for security errors. Often called “white box” tools. Dynamic Analysis- Tools that interact with a running application and attempt to ‘break’ it, but don’t analyze the source code directly. Often called “black box” tools. Secure Deployment At the stage where an application is code-complete, or is ready for more rigorous testing and validation, is the time to confirm that it does not suffer serious known security flaws, and is configured in such a way that it is not subject to any known compromises. This is where we start introducing vulnerability assessments and penetration testing tools- along with their respective approaches to configuration analysis, threat discovery, patch levels, and operational consistency checking. Vulnerability Assessment- Remote scanning of a web application both with and without credentialed access to find application vulnerabilities. Web application vulnerability assessments focus on the application itself, while standard vulnerability assessments focus on the host platform. May be a product, service, or both. Penetration Testing- Penetration testing is the process of actually breaking into an application to determine the full scope of security vulnerabilities and the risks they pose. While vulnerability assessments find security flaws, penetration tests explore those holes to measure impact and categorize/prioritize. May be a product, service, or both. Secure Operation In this section we move from preventative tools & processes to those that provide detection capabilities and can react to live events. The primary focus will be on web application firewalls’ ability to screen the application from unwanted uses, and monitoring tools that scan requests for inappropriate activity against the application or associated components. Recent developments in detection tools promote enforcement of policies, react intelligently to events, and couple several services into a cooperative hybrid model. Web Application Firewalls- Network tools that monitor web application traffic and alert on, or attempt to block, known attacks. Application and Database Activity Monitoring- Tools that monitor application and database activity (via a variety of techniques) for auditing and to generate security alerts based on policy violations. Web application security is a field undergoing rapid advancement- almost as fast as the bad guys come up with new attacks. While we often spend time on this blog talking about leading edge technologies and the future of the market, we want to keep this series grounded in what’s practical and available today. For the rest of the series we’re going to break down each of those areas and drill into an overview of how they fit into an overall program, as well as their respective advantages and disadvantages. Keep in mind that we could probably write a book, or two, on each of those tools, technologies, and processes, so for these posts we’ll just focus on the highlights. Share:

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Totally Transparent Research is the embodiment of how we work at Securosis. It’s our core operating philosophy, our research policy, and a specific process. We initially developed it to help maintain objectivity while producing licensed research, but its benefits extend to all aspects of our business.

Going beyond Open Source Research, and a far cry from the traditional syndicated research model, we think it’s the best way to produce independent, objective, quality research.

Here’s how it works:

  • Content is developed ‘live’ on the blog. Primary research is generally released in pieces, as a series of posts, so we can digest and integrate feedback, making the end results much stronger than traditional “ivory tower” research.
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In essence, we develop all of our research out in the open, and not only seek public comments, but keep those comments indefinitely as a record of the research creation process. If you believe we are biased or not doing our homework, you can call us out on it and it will be there in the record. Our philosophy involves cracking open the research process, and using our readers to eliminate bias and enhance the quality of the work.

On the back end, here’s how we handle this approach with licensees:

  • Licensees may propose paper topics. The topic may be accepted if it is consistent with the Securosis research agenda and goals, but only if it can be covered without bias and will be valuable to the end user community.
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