

Second Unpatched Microsoft Flaw Being Exploited

Microsoft released an advisory today that an unpatched vulnerability in the Office Web Components ActiveX control allows an attacker to run arbitrary code as the logged-in user. Worse yet, this is being actively exploited in the wild. Fortunately it is easy to protect against. For the technical details, please see the SANS Internet Storm Center post, and the official Microsoft advisory. Here’s the short version and how to protect yourself: This is a flaw in the spreadsheet ActiveX control that comes with Office. It only works if you visit a malicious link with Internet Explorer, and have a vulnerable version of Office installed (if you have Office, it’s safest to assume you are vulnerable). This does not affect Outlook, unless you click on an email link that opens Internet Explorer. It is actively being exploited by bad guys on the Internet, and Microsoft is working on a patch. If you switch to another browser, you are safe. If you still need to use IE, you can click on this link for a tool that will help disable the control. Don’t try this if you are on a work computer without talking to IT. And that’s it – no reason to panic, with plenty of ways to protect yourself. You can now safely ignore all the scary emails you’ll be getting any moment from various security vendors… (This is unrelated to the other ActiveX 0day that popped up last week and is also being actively exploited). Share:

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Database Encryption, Part 6: Use Cases

Encrypting data within a database doesn’t always present a clear-cut value proposition. Many of the features/functions of database encryption are also available through external tools, creating confusion as to why (or even whether) database encryption is needed. In many cases, past implementations have left DBAs and IT staff with fears of degraded performance and broken applications – creating legitimate wariness the moment some security manager mentions encryption. Finally, there is often a blanket assumption that database encryption disrupts business processes and mandates costly changes to applications (which isn’t necessarily the case). To make good database encryption decisions, you’ll first need to drill down into the details of what threats you want to address, and how your data is used. Going back to our decision tree from Part 2, look at the two basic options for database encryption, as well the value of each variation, and apply that to your situation to see what you need. Only then can you make an educated decision on which database encryption best suits your situation, if you even need it at all. Use the following use cases to illustrate where and how problems are addressed with database encryption, and to walk you through the decision-making process. Use Case 1: Real Data, Virtual Database Company B is a telephony provider with several million customers, and services user accounts through their web site. The company is considering virtualizing their server environment to reduce maintenance costs, adapt to fluctuations in peak usage, and provide more options for disaster recovery. The database is used directly by customers through a web application portal, as well as by customer support representatives through a customer care application; it’s periodically updated by the billing department through week-end batch jobs. Company B is worried that if virtual images of the database are exported to other sites within the company or to partner sites, those images could be copied and restored outside the company environment and control. The principal threat they are worried about is off-site data inspection or tampering with the virtual images. As secondary goals they would like to keep key management simple, avoid introducing additional complexity to the disaster recovery process, and avoid an increased burden for day-to-day database management. In this scenario, a variant of transparent encryption would be appropriate. Since the threat is non-database users accessing data by examining backups or virtual images, transparent encryption protects against viewing or altering data through the OS, file system, or image recovery tools. Which variant to choose – external or internal – depends on how the customer would like to deploy the database. The deciding factors in this case are two-fold: Company B wants separation of duties between the OS administrative user and the database users, and in the virtualized environment the availability of disk encryption cannot be ensured. Native database encryption is the best fit for them: it inherently protects data from non-credentialed users, and removes any reliance on the underlying OS or hardware. Further, additional computational overhead for encryption can be mitigated by allocation of more virtual resources. While the data would not be retrievable simply by examining the media, a determined attacker in control of the virtual machine images could launch many copies of the database, and has an indefinite period to guess DBA passwords to obtain the decryption keys stored within the database, but using current techniques this isn’t a significant risk (assuming no one uses default or easy to guess passwords). Regardless, native transparent encryption is a cost-effective method to address the company’s primary concerns, without interfering with IT operations. Use Case 2: Near Miss Company A is a very large technology vendor, concerned about the loss of sensitive company information. During an investigation of missing test equipment from one of their QA labs, a scan of public auction sites revealed that not only had their stolen equipment been recently auctioned off, but several servers from the lab were actively listed for sale. With the help of law enforcement they discovered and arrested the responsible employee, but that was just the beginning of their concern. As the quality assurance teams habitually restored production data provided to them by DBAs and IT admins onto test servers to improve the realism of their test scenarios, a forensic investigation showed that most of their customer data was on the QA servers up for auction. The data in this case was not leaked to the public, but the executive team was shocked to learn they had very narrowly avoided a major data breach, and decided to take proactive steps against sensitive data escaping the company. Company A has a standing policy regarding the use of sensitive information, but understands the difficulty of enforcing of this policy across the entire organization and forever. The direct misuse of the data was not malicious – the QA staff were working to improve the quality of their simulations and indirectly benefiting end users by projecting demand – but had the data been leaked this fine distinction would be irrelevant. To help secure data at rest in the event of accidental or intentional disregard for data security policy, the management team has decided to encrypt sensitive content within these databases. The question becomes which option would be appropriate: user or transparent encryption. The primary goal here is to protect data at rest, and secondary is to provide some protection from misuse by internal users. In this particular case, the company decided to use user-based encryption with key management internal to the database. Encrypted tables protect against data breach in the case that should servers, backup tapes, or disks leave the company; they also address the concern of internal groups importing and using data in non-secured databases. At the time this analysis took place, the customer’s databases were older versions that did not support separation of roles for database admin accounts. Further, the databases were installed under domain administration accounts – providing full access to both application developers and IT personnel; this access is integral to the

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