

Understanding and Choosing a Database Assessment Solution, Part 3: Data Collection

In the first part of this series we introduced database assessment as a fully differentiated form of assessment scan, and in part two we discussed some of the use cases and business benefits database assessment provides. In this post we will begin dissecting the technology, and take a close look at the deployment options available. What and how your requirements are addressed is more a function of the way the product is implemented than the policies it contains. Architecturally, there is little variation in database assessment platforms. Most are two-tiered systems, either appliances or pure software, with the data storage and analysis engine located away from the target database server. Many vendors offer remote credentialed scans, with some providing an optional agent to assist with data collection issues we will discuss later. Things get interesting around how the data is collected, and that is the focus of this post. As a customer, the most important criteria for evaluating assessment tools are how well they cover the policies you need, and how easily they integrate within your organization’s systems and processes. The single biggest technology factor to consider for both is how data is collected from the database system. Data collection methods dictate what information will be available to you – and as a direct result, what policies you will be able to implement. Further, how the scanner interacts with the database plays a deciding role in how you will deploy and manage the product. Obtaining and installing credentials, mapping permissions, agent installation and maintenance, secure remote sessions, separation of duties, and creation of custom policies are all affected by the data collection architecture. Database assessment begins with the collection of database configuration information, and each vendor offers a slightly different combination of data collection capabilities. In this context, I am using the word ‘configuration’ in a very broad sense to cover everything from resource allocation (disk, memory, links, tablespaces), operational allocation (user access rights, roles, schemas, stored procedures), database patch levels, network, and features/functions that have been installed into the database system. Pretty much anything you could want to know about a database. There are three ways to collect configuration and vulnerability information from a database system: Credentialed Scanning: A credentialed database scan leverages a user account to gain access to the database system internals. Once logged into the system, the scanner collects configuration data by querying system tables and sending the results back to the scanner for analysis. The scan can be run over the network or through a local agent proxy – each provides advantages and disadvantages which we will discuss later. In both cases the scanner connects to the database communication port with the user credentials provided in the same way as any other application. A credentialed database scan potentially has access to everything a database administrator would, and returns information that is not available outside database. This method of collection is critical as it determines such settings as password expiration, administrative roles, active and locked user accounts, internal and external stored procedures, batch jobs, and database/domain user account mismatches. It is recommended that a dedicated account with (mostly) read only permissions be issued for the vulnerability scanning team in case of a system/account compromise. External Scanning (File & OS Inspection): This method of data collection deduces database configuration by examining settings outside database. This type of scan may also require credentials, but not database user credentials. External assessment has two components: file system and operating system. Some but not all configuration information resides in files stored as part of the database installation. A file system assessment examines both contents and metadata of initialization and configuration files, to determine database setup – such as permissions on data files, network settings, and control file locations. In addition, OS utilities are used to discover vulnerabilities and security settings not determinable by examining files within the database installation. The user account the database systems runs as, registry settings, and simultaneous administrator sessions are all examples of information accessible this way. While there is overlap between the data collected between credentialed and external scans, most of the information is distinct and relevant to different policies. Most traditional OS scanners which claim to offer database scanning provide this type of external assessment. Network (Port) Inspection. In a port inspection, the scanner performs a mock connection to a database communication port; during the network ‘conversation’ either the database returns its type and revision are explicitly, or the scanner deduces them from other characteristics of its response. Once the scanner understand the patch revision of the database, a simple cross reference for known vulnerabilities is generated. Older databases leak enough information that scanners can make educated guesses at configuration settings and installed features. This form of assessment is typically a “quick and dirty” that provides basic patch inspection with minimal overhead and without requiring agents or credentials. As network assessment lacks the user and feature assessments required by many security and audit groups, and as database vendors have blocked most of the information leakage from simple connectinos, this type of scan is falling out of favor. There are other ways to collect information, including eavesdropping and penetration testing, but they are not reliable; additionally, penetration testing and exploitation can have catastrophic side-effects on production databases. In this series we will ignore other options. The bulk of configuration and vulnerability data is obtained from the credentialed scans, so they should be the bare minimum of data collection techniques in any assessment you consider. To capture the complete picture of database setup and vulnerabilities, you need both a credentialed database scan and an inspection of the underlying platform the database is installed on. You can accomplish this by leveraging a different (possibly pre-existing) OS assessment scanning tool, or obtaining this information as part of your database assessment. In either case, this is where things get a little tricky, and require careful attention on your part to make sure you get the functions you need without introducing

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The Ranting Roundtable, PCI Edition

Sometimes you just need to let it all out. With all the recent events around breaches and PCI, I thought it might be cathartic to pull together a few of our favorite loudmouths and spend a little time in a no-rules roundtable. There’s a little bad language, a bit of ranting, and a little more productive discussion than I intended. Joining me were Mike Rothman, Alex Hutton, Nick Selby, and Josh Corman. It runs about 50 minutes, and we mostly focus on PCI. The Ranting Roundtable, PCI. Odds are we’ll do more of these in the future. Even if you don’t like them, they’re fun for us. No goats were harmed in the making of this podcast. Share:

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Friday Summary – August 21, 2009

I’m a pretty typical guy. I like beer, football, action movies, and power tools. I’ve never been overly interested in kids, even though I wanted them eventually. It isn’t that I don’t like kids, but until they get old enough to challenge me in Guitar Hero, they don’t exactly hold my attention. And babies? I suppose they’re cute, but so are puppies and kittens, and they’re actually fun to play with, and easier to tell apart. This all, of course, changed when I had my daughter (just under 6 months ago). Oh, I still have no interest in anyone else’s baby, and until the past couple weeks was pretty paranoid about picking up the wrong one from daycare, but she definitely holds my attention better than (most) puppies. I suppose it’s weird that I always wanted kids, just not anyone else’s kids. Riley is in one of those accelerated learning modes right now. It’s fascinating to watch her eyes, expressions, and body language as she struggles to grasp the world around her (literally, anything within arms reach + 10). Her powers of observation are frightening… kind of like a superpower of some sort. It’s even more interesting when her mind is running ahead of her body as she struggles on a task she clearly understands, but doesn’t have the muscle control to pull off. And when she’s really motivated to get that toy/cat? You can see every synapse and sinew strain to achieve her goal with complete and utter focus. (That cats do that too, but only if it involves food or the birds that taunt them through the window). On the Ranting Roundtable a few times you hear us call security folks lazy or apathetic. We didn’t mean everyone, but it’s also a general statement that extends far beyond security. To be honest, most people, even hard working people, are pretty resistent to change; to doing things in new ways, even if they’re better. In every industry I’ve ever worked, the vast majority of people didn’t want to be challenged. Even in my paramedic and firefighter days people would gripe constantly about changes that affected their existing work habits. They might hop on some new car-crushing tool, but god forbid you change their shift structure or post-incident paperwork. And go take any CPR class these days, with the new procedures, and you’ll hear a never-ending rant by the old timers who have no intention of changing how many stupid times they pump and blow per minute. Not to over-do an analogy (well, that is what we analysts tend to do), but I wish more security professionals approached the world like my daughter. With intense observation, curiosity, adaptability, drive, and focus. Actually, she’s kind of like a hacker – drop her by something new, and her little hands start testing (and breaking) anything within reach. She’s constantly seeking new experiences and opportunities to learn, and I don’t think those are traits that have to stop once she gets older. No, not all security folks are lazy, but far too many lack the intellectual curiosity that’s so essential to success. Security is the last fracking profession to join if you want stability or consistency. An apathetic, even if hardworking, security professional is as dangerous as he or she is worthless. That’s why I love security; I can’t imagine a career that isn’t constantly changing and challenging. I think it’s this curiosity and drive that defines ‘hacker’, no matter the color of the hat. All security professionals should be hackers. (Despite that silly CISSP oath). Don’t forget that you can subscribe to the Friday Summary via email. And now for the week in review: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences Rich was quoted several times in the Dark Reading article “Mega-Breaches Employed Familiar, Preventable Attacks”. Rich’s Macworld article on totally paranoid web browsing went live. It will also be in the upcoming print edition. Dan Goodin at the Register mentioned our article on the Heartland breach details. Our Heartland coverage also hit Slashdot (and the server didn’t get crushed, which is always nice). Rich and Martin hit the usual spectrum of security issues in Episode 163 of The Network Security Podcast. Rich, Mike Rothman, Nick Selby, Alex Hutton, and Josh Corman let loose in the very first Ranting Roundtable – PCI Edition. Favorite Securosis Posts Rich: With all the discussion around Heartland, Adrian’s post on Understanding and Choosing a Database Assessment Solution, Part 2: Buying Decisions is very timely. Any time we talk about technology we should be providing a business justification. Adrian: With all the discussion around Heartland, it’s nice to get some confirmation from various parties with New Details, and Lessons, on Heartland Breach. Other Securosis Posts The Ranting Roundtable, PCI Edition Understanding and Choosing a Database Assessment Solution, Part 3: Data Collection Smart Grids and Security (Intro) New Details, and Lessons, on Heartland Breach Understanding and Choosing a Database Assessment Solution, Part 2: Buying Decisions Recent Breaches: We May Have All the Answers Heartland Hackers Caught; Answers and Questions Project Quant Posts We are close to releasing the next round of Quant data… so stand by… Favorite Outside Posts Adrian: Maybe not my favorite post of the week, as this is sad. Strike three! My offer still stands. Are you listening, University of California at Berkeley? Rich: It’s easy to preach security, “trust no one” and be all cynical. Now drop yourself in the middle of Africa, with limited resources and few local contacts, and see if you can get by without taking a few leaps of faith. Johnny Long’s post at the Hacker’s for Charity blog shows what happens when a security pro is forced to jump off the cliff of trust. Top News and Posts Indictments handed out for Heartland and Hannaford breaches. Nice post by Brickhouse Security on iPhone Spyware. The role of venture funding in the security market – is the well dry? I swear Corman wrote up his 8 Dirty Secrets of the Security

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