

Rapid7 Acquires Metasploit

Rapid7 acquires Metasploit, the open source penetration testing platform. Wow. All I can say is ‘Wow’. I had been hearing rumors that Rapid7 was going to make an acquisition for weeks, but this was a surprise to both Rich and myself. Still coming to terms with what it means, and I have no clue what the financial terms look like, but almost certainly this is a cash+stock deal. On the surface, it is a very smart move for Rapid7. Metasploit is considerably better known than Rapid7. Metasploit is a fixture in the security research world and there are far more people using Metasploit than Rapid7 has customers. If nothing else, this gets Rapid7 products in the hands of the people who are shaping web application security, and defining how penetration testing and vulnerability management will be conducted. In a quickly evolving market like pen testing, access to that community is invaluable for a commercial vendor. Plus they get H D Moore on staff, which is a huge benefit. Metasploit is a well-architected framework that provides for easy extensibility and can be customized in innumerable ways. If you want to test anything from smart phones to databases, this platform will do it, from targeted exploits to fuzzing. Sure, there is work on your part and accessibility to people other than security researchers is low compared to commercial products like Core Security’s Impact, but it’s a solid platform and the integration of the two should not be difficult. It’s more a question of how best to allow Metasploit to continue its open source evolution while leveraging scans into meaningful vulnerability chaining, as well as risk scoring. Neither is exactly an ‘enterprise ready’ product. That’s not a slam, as NeXpose performs its primary function as well as most. But Rapid7’s platform is just now breaking ground into larger companies. They have a long way to go in UI, ease of use, pragmatic analysis, integration of risk scoring, SaaS, exploit chaining, and back-end integration. That said, I am not sure they need to be an enterprise ready product, at least in the short term. It makes more sense to continue their mid-market penetration while they complete the integration. Breadth of function, which is what they now have, has proven to be a major factor in winning deals over the last couple years. They can worry about the advanced non-technical stuff later. Identity in the market is an issue for Rapid7. They have waffled between general assessment, pen testing, and vulnerability management, without a clear identity or differentiator when going toe-to-toe with Qualys, nCircle, Tenable, Secunia, and the like. Sure, ‘compliance scoring’ is a useful marketing gimmick, but Metasploit gives them a unique identity and differentiation. Rather than scan-and-patch for known vulnerabilities, focusing mostly inside the network, they will now be able to go far deeper into externally facing custom applications. Taking a risk score across multiple applications and/or platforms is a better approach. If the two platforms are properly integrated, they’ll be useful to IT, security, and software development. I am sure Rich will chime in with his own take later in the week. Wow. Share:

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Splunk and Unstructured Data

“What the heck is up with Splunk”? It’s a question I have been getting a lot lately. From end users and SIEM vendors. Larry Walsh posted a nice article on how Splunk Disrupts Security Log Auditing. His post prodded me into getting off my butt and blogging about this question. I wanted to follow up on Splunk after I wrote the post on Amazon’s SimpleDB as it relates to what I am calling the blob-ification of data. Basically creating so much data that we cannot possibly keep it in a structured environment. Mike Rothman more accurately called it ” … the further decomposition of application architecture”. In this case we collect some type of data from some type of device, put it onto some type of storage, and then we use a Google-esque search tool to find what we are looking for. And the beauty of Google is that it does not care if it is a web page or voice mail transcript – it will find what you are looking for if you give it reasonable search criteria. In essence that is the value Splunk provides a tool to find information in a sea of data. It is easy to locate information within a structure repository with known attributes and data types, and we know where certain pieces of information are stored. With unstructured data we may not know what we have or where it is located. For some time normalization techniques were used to introduce structure and reduce storage requirements, but that was a short-lived/low performance approach. Adding attributes to raw data and just linking back to those attributes is far more efficient. Enter Splunk. Throw the data into flat files and index those files. Techniques of tokenization, tagging, and indexing help categorize data with the ultimate goal of correlating events and reporting on unstructured data of differing types. Splunk is not the only vendor who does – several SIEM and Log Management vendors do the same or similar. My point is not that one vendor is better than another, but point out the general trend. It is interesting that Splunk’s success in this area has even taken their competitors by surprise. Larry’s point … “The growth Splunk is achieving is due, in part, to penetrating deeper into the security marketplace and disrupting the conventional log management and auditing vendors.” … is accurate. But they are are able to do this because of the increased volume of data we are collecting. People are data pack-rats. From experience, less than 1% of the logged data I collect has any value. Far too, often organizations do not invest the time to determine what can be thrown away. Many are too chicken to throw useless data away. They don’t want to discard data, just in case it has value, just in case you need it, just in case it contains the needle in the haystack you need for a forensic investigation. I don’t want to be buried under the wash of useless data. My recommendation is to take the time to understand what data you have, determine what you need, and throw the rest away. The pessimist in me knows that this is unlikely to happen. We are not going to start throwing data away. Storage and computing power are cheap, and we are going to store every possible piece of data we can. Amazon S3 will be the digital equivalent of those U-Haul Self Storage places where you keep your grandmother’s china and all the crap you really don’t want, but think has value. That means we must have Google-like search approaches and indexing strategies that vendors like Splunk provide just to navigate the stuff. Look for unstructured search techniques to be much sought after as the data volumes continue to grow out of control. Hopefully the vendors will begin tagging data with an expiration date. Share:

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Hacking Envelopes

This story begins early last week with a phone call from a bank I hold accounts with. I didn’t actually answer the call but a polite voice mail informed me of possible fraudulent activity and stated I should call them back as soon as possible. First and foremost I thought this part of my story was a social engineering exercise, but I quickly validated the phone number as being legit, unless of course this was some fantastic setup that was either man-in-the-middling the bank’s site (which would allow them to publish the number as valid) or the number itself had been hijacked. Tinfoil hat aside, I called the bank. A friendly fraud services representative handled my call and in less than twenty minutes we had both come to the conclusion my card for the account in question was finally compromised. By finally, I mean roughly seven years as being my primary vehicle for payment on a daily basis. But this, ladies and gentlemen, is not where the fun started. No, I had to wait for the mail for that. Fast forward five to seven business days, when a replacement card showed up in my lockbox which, interestingly, is an often-ignored benefit of living in a high density residence. This particular day I received a rather thick stack of mail that included half a dozen similarly sized envelopes. Unfortunately, I quickly knew (without opening any of them) which one contained my new card – and it wasn’t based on feel. One would think a financial institution might go to trivial lengths to protect card data within an envelope, but clearly not in this case. The problem I had was that four of the sixteen numbers were readable because, and I’m assuming here, some automatic feeding mechanism at the post office put enough pressure on the embossed card number to reprint the number on the outside of the envelope. It was like someone had run that part of the card through an old-school carbon card copy machine. At this point my mail turned into a pseudo scratch lottery game and I was quickly to trying household items to finish what had already been started. I was a winner on the second try (the Clinique “smoldering plum – blushing blush powder brush” was a failure – my fiance was not impressed, and clearly I’ve watched too much CSI: Miami). Turns out a simple brass key is all that is needed to reveal the rest of the numbers, name, and expiration. At this point I’m conflicted, with two different ideas: Relief and confusion: The card security code isn’t embossed. So why must the rest of it be? Social engineering: If obtaining card data like this was easy enough, I could devise a scheme where I called recipients new cards with enough data to sound like the bank for many people to give me the security codes. After considerable thought I feel it’s safe to say that the current method of card distribution poses a low but real level of risk, wherein a significant amount of card data can be discerned short of brute force on the envelope itself. Is it possible? Surely. Is it efficient? Not really. Would someone notice the card data on the back of the envelope? Maybe. But damn – now it really makes sense that folks just go after card data TJX-style, considering all the extra effort in this route. Share:

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