

Friday Summary: April 2, 2010

It’s the new frontier. It’s like the “Wild West” meets the “Barbary Coast”, with hostile Indians and pirates all rolled into one. And like those places, lawless entrepreneurialism a major part of the economy. That was the impression I got reading Robert Mullins’ The biggest cloud on the planet is owned by … the crooks. He examines the resources under the control of Conficker-based worms and compares them to the legitimate cloud providers. I liked his post, as considering botnets in terms of their position as cloud computing leaders (by resources under management) is a startling concept. Realizing that botnets offer 18 times the computational power of Google and over 100 times Amazon Web Services is astounding. It’s fascinating to see how the shady and downright criminal have embraced technology – and in many cases drive innovation. I would also be interested in comparing total revenue and profitability between, say, AWS and a botnet. We can’t, naturally, as we don’t really know the amount of revenue spam and bank fraud yield. Plus the business models are different and botnets provide abnormally low overhead – but I am willing to bet criminals are much more efficient than Amazon or Google. It’s fascinating to see the shady and downright criminal have embraced the model so effectively. I feel like I am watching a Battlestar Galatica rerun, where the humans can’t use networked computers, as the Cylons hack into them as fast as they find them. And the sheer numbers of hacked systems support that image. I thought it was apropos that Andy the IT Guy asked Should small businesses quit using online banking, which is very relevant. Unfortunately the answer is yes. It’s just not safe for most merchants who do not – and who do not want to – have a deep understanding of computer security. Nobody really wants to go back to the old model where they drive to the bank once or twice a week and wait in line for half an hour, just so the new teller can totally screw up your deposit. Nor do they want to buy dedicated computers just to do online banking, but that may be what it comes down to, as Internet banking is just not safe for novices. Yet we keep pushing onward with more and more Internet services, and we are encouraged by so many businesses to do more of our business online (saving their processing costs). Don’t believe me? Go to your bank, and they will ask you to please use their online systems. Fun times. On to the Summary: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences On that note, Rich on Protecting your online banking. Living with Windows: security. Rich wrote this up for Macworld. Insiders Not the Real Database Threat. RSA Video: Enterprise Database Security. Favorite Securosis Posts Rich: Help a Reader: PCI Edition. Real world problem from a reader caught between a rock and an assessor. Mike Rothman: How Much Is Your Organization Telling Google? Yes, they are the 21st century Borg. But it’s always interesting to see how much the Google is really seeing. David Mortman: FireStarter: Nasty or Not, Jericho is Irrelevant. Adrian Lane: Hit the Snooze Button on Lancope’s Data Loss Alarms. Freakin’ Unicorns. Other Securosis Posts Endpoint Security Fundamentals: Introduction. Database Security Fundamentals: Configuration. Incite 3/31/2010: Attitude Is Everything. Security Innovation Redux: Missing the Forest for the Trees. Hello World. Meet Pwn2Own. Favorite Outside Posts Rich: Is Compliance Stifling Security Innovation? Alex over at Verizon manages to tie metrics to security innovation. Why am I not surprised? 🙂 Mike Rothman: Is it time for small businesses to quit using online banking? Andy the IT Guy spews some heresy here. But there is definitely logic to at least asking the question. David Mortman: Side-Channel Leaks in Web Applications. Adrian: A nice salute to April 1 from Amrit: Chinese Government to Ban All US Technology. Project Quant Posts Project Quant: Database Security – Patch. Research Reports and Presentations The short version of the RSA Video presentation on Enterprise Database Security. Report: Database Assessment. Top News and Posts Great interview with security researcher Charlie Miller. Especially the last couple of paragraphs. Man fleeing police runs into prison yard. Google’s own glitch causes blockage in China. Senate Passes Cybersecurity Act. Not a law yet. Nick Selby on the recent NJ privacy in the workplace lawsuit. Microsoft runs fuzzing botnet, finds 1800 bugs. Key Logger Attacks on the Rise. Content Spoofing – Not Just an April Fool’s Day Attack. JC Penny and Wet Seal named as breached firms. Nice discussion: Mozilla Plans Fix for CSS History Hack. Original Mozilla announcement here. Microsoft SDL version 5. Blog Comment of the Week Remember, for every comment selected, Securosis makes a $25 donation to Hackers for Charity. This week’s best comment goes to Martin McKeay, for offering practical advice in response to Help a Reader: PCI Edition. Unluckily, there isn’t a third party you can appeal to, at least as far as I know. My suggestion would be to get both your Approved Scanning Vendor and your hosting provider on the same phone call and have the ASV explain in detail to the hosting provider the specifics of vulnerabilities that have been found on the host. Your hosting provider may be scanning your site with a different ASV or not at all and receiving different information than your seeing. Or it may be that they’re in compliance and that your ASV is generating false positives in your report. Either way, it’s going to be far easier for them to communicate directly at a technical level than for you to try and act as an intermediary between the two. I’d also politely point out to your host that their lack of communication is costing you money and if it continues you may have to take your business elsewhere. If they’re not willing to support you, you should continue to pay them money. Explore your contract, you may have the option of subtracting the

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ESF: Prioritize: Finding the Leaky Buckets

As we start to dig into the Endpoint Security Fundamentals series, the first step is always to figure out where you are. Since hope is not a strategy, you can’t just make assumptions about what’s installed, what’s configured correctly, and what the end users actually know. So we’ve got to figure that out, which involves using some of the same tactics our adversaries use. The goal here is twofold: first you need to figure out what presents a clear and present danger to your organization, and put a triage plan in place to remediate those issues. Secondly, you need to manage expectations at all points in this process. That means documenting what you find (no matter how ugly the results) and communicating that to management, so they understand what you are up against. To be clear, although we are talking about endpoint security here, this prioritization (and triage) process should be the first steps in any security program. Assessing the Endpoints In terms of figuring out your current state, you need to pay attention to a number of different data sources – all of which yield information to help you understand the current state. Here is a brief description of each and the techniques to gather the data. Endpoints – Yes, the devices themselves need to be assessed for updated software, current patch levels, unauthorized software, etc. You may have a bunch of this information via a patch/configuration management product or as part of your asset management environment. To confirm that data, we’d also recommend you let a vulnerability scanner loose on at least some of the endpoints, and play around with automated pen testing software to check for exploitability of the devices. Users – If we didn’t have to deal with those pesky users, life would be much easier, eh? Well, regardless of the defenses you have in place, an ill-timed click by a gullible user and you are pwned. You can test users by sending around fake phishing emails and other messages with fake bad links. You can also distribute some USB keys and see how many people actually plug them into machines. These “attacks” will determine pretty quickly whether you have an education problem and what other defenses you may need, to overcome those issues. Data – I know this is about endpoint security, but Rich will be happy to know doing a discovery process is important here as well. You need to identify devices with sensitive information (since those warrant a higher level of protection) and the only way to do that is to actually figure out where the sensitive data is. Maybe you can leverage other internal efforts to do data discovery, but regardless, you need to know which devices would trigger a disclosure if lost/compromised. Network – Clearly devices already compromised need to be identified and remediated quickly. The network provides lots of information to indicate compromised devices. Whether it’s looking at network flow data, anomalous destinations, or alerts on egress filtering rules – the network is a pretty reliable indicator of what’s already happened, and where your triage efforts need to start. Keep in mind that it is what it is. You’ll likely find some pretty idiotic things happening (or confirm the idiotic things you already knew about), but that is all part of the process. The idea isn’t to get overwhelmed, it’s to figure out how much is broken so you can start putting in place a plan to fix it, and then a process to make sure it doesn’t happen so often. Prioritizing the Risks Prioritization is more art than science. After spending some time gathering data from the endpoints, users, data, and network, how do you know what is most important? Not to be trite, but it’s really a common sense type thing. For example, if your network analysis showed a number of endpoints already compromised, it’s probably a good idea to start by fixing those. Likewise, if your automated pen test showed you could get to a back-end datastore of private information via a bad link in an email (clicked on by an unsuspecting user), then you have a clear and present danger to deal with, no? After you are done fighting the hottest fires, the prioritization really gets down to who has access to sensitive data and making sure those devices are protected. This sensitive data could be private data, intellectual property, or anything else you don’t want to see on the full-disclosure mailing list. Hopefully your organization knows what data is sensitive, so you can figure out who has access to that data and build the security program around protecting that access. In the event there is no internal consensus about what data is important, you can’t be bashful about asking questions like, “why does that sales person need the entire customer database?” and “although it’s nice that the assistant to the assistant controller’s assistant wants to work from home, should he have access to the unaudited financials?” Part of prioritizing the risk is to identify idiotic access to sensitive data. And not everything can be a Priority 1. Jumping on the Moving Train In the real world, you don’t get to stop everything and start your security program from scratch. You’ve already got all sorts of assessment and protection activities going on – at least we hope you do. That said, we do recommend you take a step back and not be constrained to existing activities. Existing controls are inputs to your data gathering process, but you need to think bigger about the risks to your endpoints and design a program to handle them. At this point, you should have a pretty good idea of which endpoints are at significant risk and why. In the next post, we’ll discuss how to build the triage plan to address the biggest risks and get past the fire fighting stage. Endpoint Security Fundamentals Series Introduction Share:

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