

Incite 4/14/2010: Just Think

As numb as we are to most advertising (since we are hit with thousands of advertising exposures every day), sometimes an ad campaign is memorable and really resonates. No, seeing Danica Patrick on a massage table doesn’t qualify. But Apple’s Think Different campaign really did. At that point, Apple was positioning to the counter-culture, looking for folks who didn’t want to conform. Those who had their own opinions, but needed a way to set them loose on the world. Of course, we all want to think we are more than just cogs in the big machine and that we do matter. So the campaign resonated. But nowadays I’m not so worried about thinking differently, but just thinking at all. You see, we live in a world of interruption and multitasking. There is nowhere to hide any more, not even at 35,000 feet. Flying used to be my respite. 2-5 hours of solitude. You know, put in the ear buds, crank up the iPod, and tune out. Maybe I’d catch up on some writing or reading. Or even at the risk of major guilt, I’d get some mental floss (I’m plowing through the Daniel Silva series now) and crank through some fiction on the flight. Or Lord help me, sometimes I’d just sit and think. An indulgence I don’t partake in nearly enough during my standard routine. Yet through the wonders of onboard WiFi, you can check email, surf the Web, tweet to your friends (yo, dog, I’m at 30K feet – and you are not!) or just waste time. All for $9.95 per flight. What a bargain. And if you absolutely, positively need to send that email somewhere over Topeka, then the $9.95 is money well spent. Yet in reality, I suspect absolutely, positively means when you get to your destination. What you don’t see is the opportunity cost of that $9.95. Not sure you can put a value on spending 3 hours battling spies or catching up on some journaling or even revisiting your plans for world domination. On my way back from RSA, I did use the on-board WiFi and to be honest it felt like a piece of me died. I was pretty productive, but I didn’t think, and that upset me. The last bastion of solitude was gone, but certainly not forgotten. So yes, I’m writing this from 34,701 feet somewhere above New Mexico. But my battery is about dead, and that means it’s time to indulge. There are worlds to dominate, windmills to chase, strategies to develop, and I can’t do that online. Now quiet down, I need to think… – Mike. PS: Good luck to AndyITGuy, who is leaving his ATL digs to head to Cincy. Hopefully he’ll keep writing and plug into the security community in Southern Ohio. Photo credits: “think___different” originally uploaded by nilson Incite 4 U Porky, Risk Management, Pig – Let’s all welcome Jack Jones back to bloggy land, and he restarts with a doozy – basically saying risk management tools are like putting lipstick on a pig. Being a vegetarian and thinking about actually putting lipstick on a pig, I can only think of the truism from Jules in Pulp Fiction, “we’d have to be talkin’ about one charming motherf***ing pig.” But I’ll summarize Jack’s point more succinctly. Garbage In = Garbage Out. And even worse, if the analysis and the outcomes and the quantification are lacking, then it’s worse than garbage out: it’s sewage out. But senior management wants a number when they ask about risk, and the weak security folks insist on giving it to them, even though it’s pretty much arbitrary. Off soapbox now. – MR Craponomics – Repeat after me – it’s all about the economics. (I’m starting to wish I took one of those econ classes in school). According to the New York Times, lenders sort of ignore many of the signs of ID theft because they’d rather have the business. The tighter the fraud controls, the fewer people (legitimate and criminal) they can lend to, and the lower the potential profits. It’s in their interest to tolerate a certain level of fraud, even if that hurts ID theft victims. Remember, the lenders are out to protect themselves, not you. Can you say moral hazard? – RM Partly Paranoid, with a chance of PR – From what I hear, Google is now paranoid about security. Call me a cynic, but when someone trashes your defenses, is your response to use more web-based computing products and services, like Google Chrome? I am sure they are thinking they’ll modernize their defenses with Chrome, and all those old threat vectors will be magically corrected. You know, like XSS and injection attacks. I am thinking, “Someone broke into my company, now Chrome’s source code is suspect until I can prove attackers did not gain access to the source code control system.” Give Google credit for disclosure, and odds are they will be more secure with Chrome, but that was just a stepping stone in the process. I am far more interested in the steps taken to provide redundant security measures and perhaps some employee education on anti-phishing and security. Something that helps after an employee’s browser is compromised. There will always be another browser hack, so don’t tell me the answer is Chrome. Blah. – AL Yes, you are an addict… – It was funny to read Chris Nickerson’s post on FUDSEC about being a security addict, especially since that’s the entire premise of the Pragmatic CSO. But we look at the problem from different perspectives. Chris is right in pointing out that although we security folks tend to be powerless, that doesn’t mean we are helpless. It’s an important nuance. Personally I found his 12 steps lacking, especially compared to mine. But he also was working within the context of one blog post, and I wrote a book. All kidding aside, there are things we can control and things we can’t. Security is a hard job and

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ESF: Building the Endpoint Security Program

Over the previous 8 posts in this Endpoint Security Fundamentals series, we’ve looked at the problem from the standpoint of what to do right awat (Prioritize and Triage) and the Controls (update software and patch, secure configuration, anti-malware, firewall, HIPS and device control, and full disk encryption). But every experienced security professional knows a set of widgets doesn’t make a repeatable process, and it’s really the process and the people that makes the endpoints secure. So let’s examine how we take these disparate controls and make them into a program. Managing Expectations The central piece of any security program is making sure you understand what you are committing to and over-communicating your progress. This requires a ton of meetings before, during, and after the process to keep everyone on board. More importantly, the security team needs a standard process for communicating status, surfacing issues, and ensuring there are no surprises in task completion or results. The old adage about telling them what you are going to do, doing it, and then telling them what you did, is absolutely the right way to handle communications. Forget the ending at your own peril. Defining success The next key aspect of the program is specifying a definition for success. Start with the key drivers for protecting the endpoints anyway. Is it to stop the proliferation of malware? To train users? To protect sensitive data on mobile devices? To improve operational efficiency? If you are going to spend time and money, or to allocate resources you need at least one clear driver / justification. Then use those drivers to define metrics, and operationalize your process based on them. Yes, things like AV update efficiency and percentage of mobile devices encrypted are uninteresting, but you can trend off those metrics. You also can set expectations at the front end of the process about acceptable tolerances for each one. Think about the relevant incident metrics. How many incidents resulted from malware? User error? Endpoint devices? These numbers have impact – whether good or bad. And ultimately it’s what the senior folks worry about. Operational efficiency is one thing – incidents are another. These metrics become your dashboard when you are communicating to the muckety-mucks. And remember to use pie charts. We hear CFO-types like pie charts. Yes, I’m kidding. User training Training is the third rail of security, and needs discussion. We are fans of training. But not crappy, check-the-box-to-make-the-auditor-happy training. Think more like phishing internal users and, using other social engineering tactics to show employees how exposed they are. Good training is about user engagement. Unfortunately most security awareness training sucks. Keep the goals in mind. The end user is the first line of defense (and for mobile professionals, unfortunately also the last) so we want to make sure they understand what an attack looks like and what to do if they think they might have a problem. They don’t have to develop kung fu, they just need to understand when they’ve gotten kicked in the head. For more information and ideas, check out Rich’s FireStarter from Monday. Operational efficiencies Certainly one of the key ways to justify the investment in any kind of program is via operational efficiencies, and in the security business that means automation whenever and wherever possible. So just think about the controls we discussed through this series, and how to automate them. Here’s a brief list: Update and Patch, Secure Configurations – Tools to automate configuration management kill these two birds with one stone. You set a policy, and can thus both enforce standard configurations and keep key software updated. Anti-malware, FW/HIPS – As part of the endpoint suites, enforcing policies on updates, software distribution and policy settings are fairly trivial. Here is the leverage (and the main justification) for consolidating vendors on the endpoint – just beware folks who promise integration, but fail to deliver useful synergy. Device control, full disk encryption, application white listing – These technologies are not as integrated into the endpoint suites at this point, but as the technologies mature, markets consolidate, and vendors actually get out of their own way and integrate the stuff they buy, this will get better. Ultimately, operational efficiencies are all about integrating management of the various technologies used to protect the endpoint. Feedback loops The other key aspect of the program is making sure it adapts to the dynamic nature of the attack space. Here are a few things you should be doing to keep the endpoint program current: Test controls – We are big fans of hacking yourself, which means using hacking tools to test your own defenses. Check out tools like Metasploit and the commercial offerings, and send phishing emails to your employees trying to get them to visit fake sites – which presumably would pwn them. This is a critical aspect of the security program. Endpoint assessment – Figure out to what degree your endpoints are vulnerable, usually by scanning devices on connect with a NAC-type product, or with a scanner. Look for patterns to identify faulty configuration, ineffective patching, or other gaps in the endpoint defenses. Configuration updates – A couple times a year new guidance emerges (from CIS and NIST, etc.) recommending changes to standard builds. Evaluating those changes, and figuring out whether and how the builds should change, helps to ensure the endpoint protection is always adapted to current attacks. User feedback – Finally, you need to pay attention to the squeaky wheels in your organization. Well, not entirely, but you do have to factor in whether they are complaining about draconian usage policies – and more importantly whether some the controls are impeding their ability to do their jobs. That’s what we are trying to avoid. The feedback loops will indicate when it’s time to revisit the controls, perhaps changing standard builds or considering new controls or tools. Keep in mind that without process and failsafes to keep the process relevant, all the technology in the world can’t help. We’ll wrap up

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