

Whitepaper Released: Quick Wins with Data Loss Prevention

Two of the most common criticisms of Data Loss Prevention (DLP) that comes up in user discussions are a) its complexity and b) the fear of false positives. Security professionals worry that DLP is an expensive widget that will fail to deliver the expected value – turning into yet another black hole of productivity. But when used properly DLP provides rapid assessment and identification of data security issues not available with any other technology. We don’t mean to play down the real complexities you might encounter as you roll out a complete data protection program. Business use of information is itself complicated, and no tool designed to protect that data can simplify or mask the underlying business processes. But there are steps you can take to obtain significant immediate value and security gains without blowing your productivity or wasting important resources. In this paper we highlight the lowest hanging fruit for DLP, refined in conversations with hundreds of DLP users. These aren’t meant to incorporate the entire DLP process, but to show you how to get real and immediate wins before you move on to more complex policies and use cases. I like this paper, and not just because I wrote it. Short, to the point, with advice on deriving immediate value as opposed to kicking off some costly and complex process. This paper is the culmination of the Quick Wins in DLP blog series I posted, all compiled together with a pretty picture or two. Special thanks to McAfee for licensing the report. You can download the paper directly, or visit the landing page, where you can leave comments or criticism, and track revisions. Share:

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Database Security Fundamentals: Auditing Events

I realized from my last post that I made a mistake. In my previous post on Auditing Transactions, attempting to simplify database auditing, I instead made it more complicated. What I want to do is to differentiate between database auditing through the native database transactional audit trail, from other forms of logging and event collection. The reason is that the native database audit trail provides a sequence of associated events, and whether and when those events were committed to disk. Simple events do not provide the same degree of context and are not as capable of providing database state. If you need application context and state – perhaps for Sarbanes-Oxley – you need the audit log. Make no mistake: there are simpler and less invasive ways of collecting data. They also provide an alternative – and in some cases clearer – picture of events. For example, it’s a heck of a lot easier to get data from syslog that native audit. And if all you are interested in is when patches are installed, syslog is a better source of information. If you are only interested in failed login attempts, a login trigger is far more efficient. The entire purpose of this Database Security Fundamentals series is to create a set of steps, which can each be performed in about an afternoon’s time, to secure your database. I believe the entire sequence can be completed in a week. My goal is to provide clarity and simplicity for database and IT administrators who do not have time to learn and deploy advanced security measures, and are instead interested in raising the security bar without spending weeks or months on the project. So I want to step back and clarify that the last post is specifically for at those who must use native database audit, primarily to populate reports or fulfill regulatory controls, with security as a secondary goal. And yes, compliance of some sort has become a fundamental requirement for the majority of DBAs. For the rest of you, we’ll dig into simple event collection for security events. If you are interested in a few simple events, but not enough to justify the burden of audit, this phase will be more useful to you. Define events: The goal here is to figure out what you need, or what others want from you. Installation of patches, alteration of specific permissions settings, granting of public roles, insertion of stored procedures, ad-hoc database access, use of management tools like Toad, adding views, 3 or more failed login attempts, and just about anything involving DBA capabilities are common concerns. These are all simple events with frequency rates low enough not to overwhelm you. Determine collection methods: Based on which events you want, select a data collection method or two that gather the data you need. There are a lot of ways to gather event data. System tables, command line tools, triggers, syslog, trace options, etc. Write scripts: To make this easier on yourself script your queries, or turn them into stored procedures, or both. Create the scripts to collect the events and, if needed, filter out what you don’t need. Use whatever scripting language you are comfortable with. Keep in mind that it is often useful to have the scripts make follow-up queries to reference other data sources, and being able to recursively gather additional information based upon simple if-then or where comparisons on data will save you a lot of work. User permission mapping is one such example, as the groups and roles a user belongs to could be a complex set of queries, depending on which platform you are using. You may want to send yourself an email for more critical events that need urgent attention. Implement: Deploy your scripts and test. Annoying though it may be, you will want to set up a specific user account with just enough privileges to perform the data collection. Secure these scripts so unprivileged users cannot use or modify them. You will want to set up a secure place to dump the results, and if necessary archive and remove files so they don’t take up too much disk space. Set review schedule: The data you collect is only valuable if you use it, so get in the habit of reviewing the results for anomalies. If security is your goal, plan on spending a few minutes every day on this, and setting alerts on the one or two events that absolutely, positively, look suspicious. Archive the scripts and document: Keep a copy of the scripts and notes on what you implemented for future reference. For a single database I find that I can create and test the scripts in an afternoon. Another few hours to set up the user accounts, cron jobs, or archive scripts. After that the entire process is pretty much self-sustaining as long as you stay on top of event review. Some of you who are the lone DBA at your job will consider this step in the Fundamentals series silly. I have had DBAs ask me, “Why would you set up a script to track your own work? Why would I send myself a reminder that I just added a table view?” Remember that this is meant to catch stuff that should not be happening, or events you were not aware of, like someone else in IT making changes to be ‘helpful’. Or when an attacker tries to compromise a database. This afternoon’s effort will all seem worth it when you have your first ‘WTF?’ moment a few months from now, when some web programmer changes the database without telling you. More advanced methods I intended to leave database activity monitoring out of this discussion. Monitoring is an advanced database security option, and does not fit into this simpler Essentials series. But those tools provide far more advanced data collection and storage capabilities, policies, and reporting. If the number of events to collect, or of databases grows, or if the policies and reports you

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Who DAT McAfee Fail?

There are a lot of grumpy McAfee customers out there today. Yesterday, little Red issued a faulty DAT file update that mistakenly thought svchost.exe was a bad file and blew it away. This, of course, results in all sorts of badness on Windows XP SP3, causing an endless reboot loop and rendering those machines inoperable. Guess they forgot the primary imperative, do no harm… To McAfee’s credit, they did own the issue and made numerous apologies. Personally, I think the apology should have come from DeWalt, the CEO, on the blog. But they aren’t making excuses and are working diligently to fix the problem. But that is little consolation for those folks spending the next few days cleaning up machines and implementing the fix. Yet, there is lots of coverage out there that will explain the issue, how it happened, and how to fix it from LifeHacker or McAfee. You’ll also get some perspective on how this provided an opportunity to test those incident response chops. What I want to talk about is understanding the risk profile of anti-malware updates, and whether & how your internal processes should change in the face of this problem. First off, no one is immune to this type of catastrophic failure. It happened to be McAfee this time, but anti-malware products work at the lowest layers of the operating system, and a faulty update can really screw things up. Yes, the AV vendors have mature QA processes, which is why you don’t see this stuff happening much at all. But it can, and likely will again at some point. Yes, you could decide to ditch McAfee, although I’d imagine they’ll be retooling their QA processes to ensure this type of problem doesn’t recur. But that’s a short-term emotional reaction. The real question revolves around how to deal with anti-malware updates. It’s always been about balancing the speed of detection with the risk of unintended consequences (breaking something). So you basically have three choices for how to deal with anti-malware updates: Automatic updates – This represents the common status quo. The AV vendor issues a release, you get it and install it with no testing or any other mechanisms on your end. To be clear, a vast majority of end users are in this bucket. Test first – You can take the update and run it through a battery of tests to see if there is a problem before you deploy. This option is pretty resource intensive, because you tend to get multiple updates per day from the vendor; it also extends the window of vulnerability by the length of your testing and acceptance pipeline. Wait and listen – The last approach is basically to wait a day or two day before installing updates. You peruse the message boards and other sources to see if there are any known issues. If not, you install. This also extends the window of exposure, but would have avoided the McAfee issue. There is no right answer. Most organizations opt for the quickest protection possible, which means automatic updates to minimize the window of vulnerability. But it gets back to your organization’s threshold for risk. I don’t think the “test first” option is really viable for an organization. There are too many updates. I do think “wait and listen” can make sense for the vast majority of companies out there. But how does wait and listen work against a zero-day attack? In this case it still works okay, because you can always do a manual test or take the risk of sending out an update before the waiting period is over. And in reality, the signature updates for a 0-day usually take 8-18 hours anyway. But there is a risk you might get nailed in the time between an update arrives and when you deploy it. In that case, hopefully you’ve managed expectations with the senior team regarding this scenario. I’d be remiss if I didn’t at least mention the need for layers beyond anti-malware. Especially when deciding whether to install an AV update. There are alternative mitigations (at the perimeter or on the network, for example) for most 0-day attacks, which could lessen the impact and spread of an attack. Those can often be made immediately, and are easier to reverse than an install that touches every desktop. So it’s unfortunate for McAfee and they’ll be cleaning up the mess (in market perception and customer frustration) for a while. And as I told the AP yesterday, fortunately this kind of issue is very rare. But when these things do happen, it’s a train wreck. Share:

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