Download Our Kick-Ass Database Encryption and Tokenization Paper
It’s kind of weird, but our first white paper to remain unsponsored is also the one I consider our best yet. Adrian and I have spent nearly two years pulling this one together – with more writes, re-writes, and do-overs than I care to contemplate. We started with a straight description of encryption options, before figuring out that it’s all too complex, and what people really need is a better way to make sense of the options and figure out which will work best in their environments. So we completely changed our terminology, and came up with an original way to describe and approach the encryption problem – we realized that deciding how to best encrypt a database really comes down to managing credentialed vs. non-credentialed users. Then, based on talking with users & customers, we noticed that tokenization was being thrown into the mix, so we added it to the “decision tree” and technology description sections. And to help it all make sense, we added a bunch of use cases (including a really weird one based on an actual situation Adrian found himself in). We are (finally) pretty darn happy with this report, and don’t want to leave it in a drawer until someone decides to sponsor. On the landing page you can leave comments, or you can just download the paper. We could definitely use some feedback – we expect to update this material fairly frequently – and feel free to spread the word… Share: