

Incite 5/12/2010: the Power of Unplugging

I’m crappy at vacations. It usually takes me a few days to unwind and relax, and then I blink and it’s time to go home and get back into the mess of daily life. But it’s worse than that – even when I’m away, I tend to check email and wade through my blog posts and basically not really disconnect. So the guilt is always there. As opposed to enjoying what I’m doing, I’m worried about what I’m not doing and how much is piling up while I’m away. This has to stop. It’s not fair to the Boss or the kids or even me. I drive pretty hard and I’ve always walked the fine line between passion and burnout. I’m happy to say I’m making progress, slowly but surely. Thanks to Rich and Adrian, you probably didn’t notice I’ve been out of the country for the past 12 days and did zero work. But I was and it was great. Leaving the US really forces me to unplug, mostly because I’m cheap. I don’t want to pay $1.50 a minute for cell service and I don’t want to pay the ridonkulous data roaming fees. So I don’t. I just unplug. OK, not entirely. When we get to the hotel at night, I usually connect to the hotel network to clean out my email, quickly peruse the blog feeds and call the kids (Skype FTW). Although WiFi is usually $25-30 per day and locked to one device. So I probably only connected half the days we were away. The impact on my experience was significant. When I was on the tour bus, or at dinner with my friends, or at an attraction – I didn’t have my head buried in the iWhatever. I was engaged. I was paying attention. And it was great. I always prided myself on being able to multi-task, which really means I’m proficient at doing a lot of things poorly at the same time. When you don’t have the distractions or interruptions or other shiny objects, it’s amazing how much richer the experience is. No matter what you are doing. Regardless of the advantages, I suspect unplugging will always remain a battle for me, even on vacation. Going out of the US makes unplugging easy. The real challenge will be later this summer, when we do a family vacation. I may just get a prepay phone and forward my numbers there, so I have emergency communications, but I don’t have the shiny objects flashing at me… But now that I’m thinking about it, why don’t more of us unplug during the week? Not for days at a time, but hours. Why can’t I take a morning and turn off email, IM, and even the web, and just write. Or think. Or plan world domination. Right, the only obstacle is my own weakness. My own need to feel important by getting email and calls and responding quickly. So that’s going to be my new thing. For a couple-hour period every week, I’m going to unplug. Am I crazy? Would that work for you? It’s an interesting question. Let’s see how it goes. – Mike Photo credits: “Unplug for safety” originally uploaded by mag3737 Incite 4 U Attack of the Next Generation Firewalls… – Everyone hates the term ‘next generation’, but every vendor seems to want to convince the market they’ve got the next best widget and it represents the new new thing. Example 1 is McAfee’s announcement of the next version of Firewall Enterprise, which adds application layer protection. Not sure why that’s next generation, but whatever. It makes for good marketing. Example 2 is SonicWall’s SuperMassive project, which is a great name, but seems like an impedance mismatch, given SonicWall’s limited success in the large enterprise. And it’s the large enterprise that needs 40Gbps throughput. My point isn’t to poke at marketing folks. OK, maybe a bit. But for end users, you need to parse and purge any next generation verbiage and focus on your issues. Then deploy whatever generation addresses the problems. – MR Cry Havok and Let Slip the Lawyers – I really don’t know what to think of the patent system anymore. On one hand are the trolls who buy IP, wait for someone else to actually make a product, and then sue their behinds. On the other is the fact that patents do serve a valuable role in society to provide economic incentive for innovation, but only when managed well. I’m on the road and thus haven’t had a chance to dig into F5’s lawsuit against Imperva for patent infringement on the WAF. Thus I don’t know if this is the real deal or a play to bleed funds or sow doubt with prospects, but I do know who will win in the end… the lawyers. – RM Bait and Switch – According to The Register, researchers have successfully exercised an attack to bypass all AV protection. “It works by sending them a sample of benign code that passes their security checks and then, before it’s executed, swaps it out with a malicious payload.” and “If a product uses SSDT hooks or other kind of kernel mode hooks on similar level to implement security features it is vulnerable.” I do not know what the real chances for success are, but the methodology is legit. SSDT has been used for a while now as an exploit path, but this is the first time that I have heard of someone tricking what are essentially non-threadsafe checker utilities. A simple code change to the scheduler priorities will fix the immediate issue, but undoubtedly with side effects to application responsiveness. What most interests me about this is that it illustrates a classic problem we don’t see all that often: timing attacks. Typically this type of hack requires intimate knowledge of how the targeted code works, so it is less common. I am betting we’ll see this trick applied to other applications in the near future. –

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We Have Ways of Making You … Use a Password

MSNBC has an interesting news item: a German court is ordering all wireless routers to have a password, or the owners will be fined if it is discovered that someone used their connection illegally. From the post: Internet users can be fined up to euro 100 ($126) if a third party takes advantage of their unprotected WLAN connection to illegally download music or other files, the Karlsruhe-based court said in its verdict. “Private users are obligated to check whether their wireless connection is adequately secured to the danger of unauthorized third parties abusing it to commit copyright violation,” the court said. OK, so this is yet another lame attempt to stop people from sharing music and movies by trying to make the ‘ISP’ (a router owner in this case) an accessory to the crime. I get that, but a $126.00 fine, in the event someone is caught using your WiFi illegally and they prosecuted, is not a deterrent. But there are interesting possibilities to consider. Would the fine still apply if the password was ‘1234’? What if they had a password, but used WEP? Some routers, especially older routers, use WEP as the default. It’s trivial to breach and gain access to the password, so is that any better? Do we fine the owner of the router, or do we now fine the producer of the router for implementing crappy security? Or is the manufacturer covered by their 78 page EULA? Many laws start as benign, just to get a foothold and set precedence, then turn truly punitive after time. What if the fine was raised to $1,260, or $12,600? Would that alter your opinion? I cannot see an instance where this law makes sense as a deterrent to the actions it levies fines against. Share:

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SAP Buys Sybase

I am sitting on the porch reading a Sybase ASE document on transparent database encryption, so it’s ironic that a few minutes ago I got word that SAP bought Sybase for $5.8 billion. SAP posted a press release. This announcement is right on the heels of their partnership announcement last March. It’s been my feeling for several years now that relational databases have been on a steady retreat back into the core of the enterprise, from whence they came. Smaller, modular, more agile repositories are in vogue for everything outside enterprise IT data centers. They are easier and more accessible to developers, and they are free. I bring this up because this is one of the ways Sybase has been squeezed out of the enterprise relational database market. Let’s be honest – people looking for a new database now either go cheap and select a PostgreSQL / MySQL platform, or pay for the name brand / stack synergy / bundled pricing discounts for Oracle or IBM. Sybase has been steadily growing over the last five years due to new product offerings, but they remain something of an afterthought in the enterprise database market. Sybase does not enter into the discussion of new database sales, so they rely on keeping their current installed base happy and growth of their mobile offerings. And it’s not easy to succeed with Oracle undercutting them on price and IBM going after all their hardware vendor relationships. SAP levels the playing field for Sybase, putting them in a position to grow and get visibility with a larger body of prospects. Sybase gives SAP a technologically current database platform, an analytics engine, mobile data/device support and some other tools. Honestly, many of us had been wondering how long it would be before someone like SAP bought them. Sybase could not compete head to head in the relational database space without this relationship – not because of the technology, but due to customer preference to reduce risk by buying from stable providers. I really hate saying it, but the purchase legitimizes Sybase products and viability. An established company with over a billion in revenue should not need such endorsements, but when competing with Oracle and IBM, they do. Share:

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