

Incite 7/14/2010: Mello Yello

I’m discovering that you do mellow with age. I remember when I first met the Boss how mellow and laid back her Dad was. Part of it is because he doesn’t hear too well anymore, which makes him blissfully unaware of what’s going on. But he’s also mellowed, at least according to my mother in law. He was evidently quite a hothead 40 years ago, but not any more. She warned me I’d mellow too over time, but I just laughed. Yeah, yeah, sure I will. But sure enough, it’s happening. Yes, the kids still push my buttons and make me nuts, but most other things just don’t get me too fired up anymore. A case in point: the Securosis team got together last week for another of our world domination strategy sessions. On the trip back to the airport, I heard strange music. We had rented a Kia Soul, with the dancing hamsters and all, so I figured it might be the car. But it was my iPad cranking music. WTF? What gremlin turned on my iPad? Took me a few seconds, but I found the culprit. I carry an external keyboard with the iPad and evidently it turned on, connected to the Pad, and proceeded to try to log in a bunch of times with whatever random strings were typed on the keyboard in my case. Turns out the security on the iPad works – at least for a brute force attack. I was locked out and needed to sync to my computer in the office to get back in. I had my laptop, so I wasn’t totally out of business. But I was about 80% of the way through Dexter: Season 2 and had planned to watch a few more episodes on the flight home. Crap – no iPad, no Dexter. Years ago, this would have made me crazy. Frackin’ security. Frackin’ iPad. Hate hate hate. But now it was all good. I didn’t give it another thought and queued up for an Angry Birds extravaganza on my phone. Then I remembered that I had the Dexter episodes on my laptop. Hurray! And I got an unexpected upgrade, with my very own power outlet at my seat, so my mostly depleted battery wasn’t an issue. Double hurray!! I could have made myself crazy, but what’s the point of that? Another situation arose lately when I had to diffuse a pretty touchy situation between friends. It could have gotten physical, and therefore ugly with long-term ramifications. But diplomatic Mike got in, made peace, and positioned everyone to kiss and make up later. Not too long ago, I probably would have gotten caught up in the drama and made the situation worse. As I was telling the Boss the story, she deadpanned that it must be the end of the world. When I shot her a puzzled look, she just commented that when I’m the voice of reason, armageddon can’t be too far behind. – Mike. Photo credits: “mello yello” originally uploaded by Xopher Smith Recent Securosis Posts School’s out for Summer Taking the High Road Friday Summary: July 9 2010 Top 3 Steps to Simplify DLP Without Compromise Preliminary Results from the Data Security Survey Tokenization Architecture – The Basics NSO Quant: Enumerate and Scope Sub-Processes Incite 4 U Since we provided an Incite-only mailing list option, we’ve started highlighting our other weekly posts above. One to definitely check out is the Preliminary Results from the Data Security Survey, since there is great data in there about what’s happening and what’s working. Rich will be doing a more detailed analysis in the short term, so stay tuned for that. You can’t be half global… – Andy Grove (yeah, the Intel guy) started a good discussion about the US tech industry and job creation. Gunnar weighed in as well with some concerns about lost knowledge and chain of experience. I don’t get it. Is Intel a US company? Well, it’s headquartered in the US, but it’s a global company. So is GE. And Cisco and Apple and IBM and HP. Since when does a country have a scoreboard for manufacturing stuff? The scoreboard is on Wall Street and it’s measured in profit and loss. So big companies send commodity jobs wherever they find the best mix of cost, efficiency, and quality. We don’t have an innovation issue here in the US – we have a wage issue. The pay scales of some job functions in the US have gone way over their (international) value, so those jobs go somewhere else. Relative to job creation, free markets are unforgiving and skill sets need to evolve. If Apple could hire folks in the US to make iPhones for $10 a week, I suspect they would. But they can’t, so they don’t. If the point is that we miss out on the next wave of innovation because we don’t assemble the products in the US, I think that’s hogwash. These big companies have figured out sustainable advantage is moving out of commodity markets. Too bad a lot of workers don’t understand that yet. – MR Tinfoil hats – Cyber Shield? Really? A giant monitoring project ? I don’t really understand how a colossal systems monitoring project is going to shield critical IT infrastructure. It may detect cyber threats, but only if they know what they are looking for. The actual efforts are classified, so we can’t be sure what type of monitoring they are planning to do. Maybe it’s space alien technology we have never seen before, implemented in ways we could never have dreamed of. Or maybe it’s a couple hundred million dollars to collect log data and worry about analysis later. Seriously, if the goal here is to protect critical infrastructure, here’s some free advice: take critical systems off the freaking’ Internet! Yeah, putting these systems on the ‘Net many years ago was a mistake because these organizations are both naive and cheap. Admit the mistake and spend your $100M

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Simple Ideas to Start Improving the Economics of Cybersecurity

Today Howard Schmidt meets with Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to discuss ideas for changing the economics of cybersecurity. Howard knows his stuff, and recognizes that this isn’t a technology problem, nor something that can be improved with some new security standard or checklist. Crime is a function of economics, and electronic crime is no exception. I spend a lot of time thinking about these issues, and here are a few simple suggestions to get us started: Eliminate the use of Social Security Numbers as the primary identifier for our credit history and to financial accounts. Phase the change in over time. When the banks all scream, ask them how they do it in Europe and other regions. Enforce a shared-costs model for credit card brands. Right now, banks and merchants carry nearly all the financial costs associated with credit card fraud. Although PCI is helping, it doesn’t address the fundamental weaknesses of the current magnetic stripe based system. Having the card brands share in losses will increase their motivation to increase the pace of innovation for card security. Require banks to extend the window of protection for fraudulent transactions on consumer and business bank accounts. Rather than forcing some series of fraud detection or verification requirements, making them extend the window where consumers and businesses aren’t liable for losses will motivate them to make the structural changes themselves. For example, by requiring transaction confirmation for ACH transfers over a certain amount. Within the government, require agencies to pay for incident response costs associated with cybercrime at the business unit level, instead of allowing it to be a shared cost borne by IT and security. This will motivate individual units to better prioritize security, since the money will come out of their own budgets instead of being funded by IT, which doesn’t have operational control of business decisions. Just a few quick ideas to get us started. All of them are focused on changing the economics, leaving the technical and process details to work themselves out. There are two big gaps that aren’t addressed here: Critical infrastructure/SCADA: I think this is an area where we will need to require prescriptive controls (air gaps & virtual air gaps) in regulation, with penalties. Since that isn’t a pure economic incentive, I didn’t include it above. Corporate intellectual property: There isn’t much the government can do here, although companies can adopt the practice of having business units pay for incident response costs (no, I don’t think I’ll live to see that day). Any other ideas? Share:

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Home Business Payment Security

We have covered this before, but every now and again I run into a new slant on who bears responsibility for online transaction safety. Bank? Individual? If both, where do the responsibilities begin and end? Over the last year a few friends, ejected from longtime professions due to the current economic depression, have started online businesses. A couple of these individuals did not even know what HTML was last year – but now they are building web sites, starting blogs and … taking credit cards online. It came as a surprise to several of these folks when their payment processors fined them, or disrupted service entirely because they had failed a remote security audit. It seems that the web site itself passed its audit with a handful of cautionary notices that the auditor recommended they address. What failed was the management terminal – their home computer, used to dial into the account, had several severe issues. What made my friend aware that there was a problem at all was extra charges on his bill for, in essence, having crappy security. What a novel idea to raise awareness and motivate merchants! I applaud providing the resources to the merchants to help secure their environments. I also worry that this is a method for payment processors to “pass the buck” and lower their own security obligations. That’s probably because I am a cynic by nature, which is why I ended up in security, but that’s a different story. Not having started a small business that takes credit cards online, I was ignorant of many measures payment processors are taking to raise the bar for security on end-user systems. They are sending out guidance on the basic security measures, conducting assessments, providing results, and suggesting additional security measures. In fact, the list of suggested security improvements that the processor – or processor’s service provider – suggested looks a lot like what is covered in a PCI self assessment questionnaire. Firewall rules, use of admin accounts, egress filtering, and so on. I thought this was pretty cool! But on the other side of the equation, all the credit card billing is happening on the web site, without them ever collecting credit card numbers. Good idea? Overkill? These precautions are absolutely overwhelming for most people. Especially like one-person shops like my friends operate. They have absolutely no idea what a TCP reset is, or why they failed the test for it. They have never heard of egress filtering. But they are looking into home office security measures just like large retail merchants. Part of me thinks they need to have this basic understanding if they are going to conduct commerce online. Another part of me thinks they are being set up for failure. I spent about 40 minutes on the phone today, giving one friend some guidance. My first piece of advice was to get a virtual environment set up and make sure he used it for banking and banking only. Then I focused on how to pass the audit. My goal was in this conversation was: Not overwhelm him with technical jargon and concepts that he simply did not, and would not, understand. Get him to pass the next audit with minimum effort on his part, and without having to buy any new hardware or software. Call his ISP, bank, and payment processor and wring out of them any tools and assistance they could provide. Turn on the basic Windows firewall and basic router security. Honestly, the second item was the most important. Despite this person being really smart, I did not have any faith that he could set things up correctly – certainly not the first time, and perhaps not ever. So I, like many, just got him to where he could “check the box”. I just advised someone to do the minimum to pass a pseudo-PCI audit. sigh I’ll be performing penance for the rest of the week. Share:

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  • Content is developed ‘live’ on the blog. Primary research is generally released in pieces, as a series of posts, so we can digest and integrate feedback, making the end results much stronger than traditional “ivory tower” research.
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