

Incite 7/20/2010: Visiting Day

Back when I went to sleepaway camp as a kid I always looked forward to Visiting Day. Mostly for the food, because after a couple weeks of camp food anything my folks brought up was a big improvement. But I admit it was great to see the same families year after year (especially the family that brought enough KFC to feed the entire camp) and to enjoy a day of R&R with your own family before getting back to the serious business of camping. So I was really excited this past weekend when the shoe was on the other foot, and I got to be the parent visiting XX1 at her camp. First off I hadn’t seen the camp, so I had no context when I saw pictures of her doing this or that. But most of all, we were looking forward to seeing our oldest girl. She’s been gone 3 weeks now, and the Boss and I really missed her. I have to say I was very impressed with the camp. There were a ton of activities for pretty much everyone. Back in my day, we’d entertain ourselves with a ketchup cap playing a game called Skully. Now these kids have go-karts, an adventure course, a zipline (from a terrifying looking 50 foot perch), ATVs and dirt bikes, waterskiing, and a bunch of other stuff. In the arts center they had an iMac-based video production and editing rig (yes, XX1 starred in a short video with her group), ceramics (including their own wheels and kiln), digital photography, and tons of other stuff. For boys there was rocketry and woodworking (including tabletop lathes and jigsaws). Made me want to go back to camp. Don’t tell Rich and Adrian if I drop offline for couple weeks, okay? Everything was pretty clean and her bunk was well organized, as you can see from the picture. Just like her room at home…not! Obviously the counselors help out and make sure everything is tidy, but with the daily inspections and work wheel (to assign chores every day), she’s got to do her part of keeping things clean and orderly. Maybe we’ll even be able to keep that momentum when she returns home. Most of all, it was great to see our young girl maturing in front of our eyes. After only 3 weeks away, she is far more confident and sure of herself. It was great to see. Her counselors are from New Zealand and Mexico, so she’s gotten a view of other parts of the world and learned about other cultures, and is now excited to explore what the world has to offer. It’s been a transformative experience for her, and we couldn’t be happier. I really pushed to send her to camp as early as possible because I firmly believe kids have to learn to fend for themselves in the world without the ever-present influence of their folks. The only way to do that is away from home. Camp provides a safe environment for kids to figure out how to get along (in close quarters) with other kids, and to do activities they can’t at home. That was based on my experience, and I’m glad to see it’s happening for my daughter as well. In fact, XX2 will go next year (2 years younger than XX1 is now) and she couldn’t be more excited after visiting. But there’s more! An unforeseen benefit of camp accrues to us. Not just having one less kid to deal with over the summer – which definitely helps. But sending the kids to camp each summer will force us (well, really the Boss) to let go and get comfortable with the reality that at some point our kids will grow, leave the nest, and fly on their own. Many families don’t deal with this transition until college and it’s very disruptive and painful. In another 9 years we’ll be ready, because we are letting our kids fly every summer. And from where I sit, that’s a great thing. – Mike Photo credits: “XX1 bunk” originally uploaded by Mike Rothman Recent Securosis Posts Wow. Busy week on the blog. Nice. Pricing Cyber-Policies FireStarter: An Encrypted Value is Not a Token! Tokenization: The Tokens Comments on Visa’s Tokenization Best Practices Friday Summary: July 15, 2010 Tokenization Architecture – The Basics Color-blind Swans and Incident Response Home Business Payment Security Simple Ideas to Start Improving the Economics of Cybersecurity Various NSO Quant Posts on the Monitor Subprocesses: Define Policies Collect and Store Analyze Validate and Escalate Incite 4 U We have a failure to communicate! – Chris makes a great point on the How is that Assurance Evidence? blog about the biggest problem we security folks face on a daily basis. It ain’t mis-configured devices or other typical user stupidity. It’s our fundamental inability to communicate. He’s exactly right, and it manifests in the lack of having any funds in the credibility bank, obviously impacting our ability to drive our security agendas. Holding a senior level security job is no longer about the technology. Not by a long shot. It’s about evangelizing the security program and persuading colleagues to think security first and to do the right thing. Bravo, Chris. Always good to get a reminder that all the security kung-fu in the world doesn’t mean crap unless the business thinks it’s important to protect the data. – MR Cyber RF – I was reading Steven Bellovin’s post on Cyberwar, and the only thing that came to mind was Sun Tsu’s quote, “Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.” Don’t think I am one of those guys behind the ‘Cyberwar’ bandwagon, or who likes using war metaphors for football – this subject makes me want to gag. Like most posts on this subject, there is an interesting mixture of stuff I agree with, and an equal blend of stuff I totally disagree with. But the reason

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The Cancer within Evidence Based Research Methodologies

Alex Hutton has a wonderful must-read post on the Verizon security blog on Evidence Based Risk Management. Alex and I (along with others including Andrew Jaquith at Forrester, as well as Adam Shostack and Jeff Jones at Microsoft) are major proponents of improving security research and metrics to better inform the decisions we make on a day to day basis. Not just generic background data, but the kinds of numbers that can help answer questions like “Which security controls are most effective under XYZ circumstances?” You might think we already have a lot of that information, but once you dig in the scarcity of good data is shocking. For example we have theoretical models on password cracking – but absolutely no validated real-world data on how password lengths, strengths, and forced rotation correlate with the success of actual attacks. There’s a ton of anecdotal information and reports of password cracking times – especially within the penetration testing community – but I have yet to see a single large data set correlating password practices against actual exploits. I call this concept outcomes based security, which I now realize is just one aspect/subset of what Alex defines as Evidence Based Risk Management. We often compare the practice of security with the practice of medicine. Practitioners of both fields attempt to limit negative outcomes within complex systems where external agents are effectively impossible to completely control or predict. When you get down to it, doctors are biological risk managers. Both fields are also challenged by having to make critical decisions with often incomplete information. Finally, while science is technically the basis of both fields, the pace and scope of scientific information is often insufficient to completely inform decisions. My career in medicine started in 1990 when I first became certified as an EMT, and continued as I moved on to working as a full time paramedic. Because of this background, some of my early IT jobs also involved work in the medical field (including one involving Alex’s boss about 10 years ago). Early on I was introduced to the concepts of Evidence Based Medicine that Alex details in his post. The basic concept is that we should collect vast amounts of data on patients, treatments, and outcomes – and use that to feed large epidemiological studies to better inform physicians. We could, for example, see under which circumstances medication X resulted in outcome Y on a wide enough scale to account for variables such as patient age, gender, medical history, other illnesses, other medications, etc. You would probably be shocked at how little the practice of medicine is informed by hard data. For example if you ever meet a doctor who promotes holistic medicine, acupuncture, or chiropractic, they are making decisions based on anecdotes rather than scientific evidence – all those treatments have been discredited, with some minor exceptions for limited application of chiropractic… probably not what you used it for. Alex proposes an evidence-based approach – similar to the one medicine is in the midst of slowly adopting – for security. Thanks to the Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, Trustwave’s data breach report, and little pockets of other similar information, we are slowly gaining more fundamental data to inform our security decisions. But EBRM faces the same near-crippling challenge as Evidence Based Medicine. In health care the biggest obstacle to EBM is the physicians themselves. Many rebel against the use of the electronic medical records systems needed to collect the data – sometimes for legitimate reasons like crappy software, and at other times due to a simple desire to retain direct control over information. The reason we have HIPAA isn’t to protect your health care data from a breach, but because the government had to step in and legislate that doctors must release and share your healthcare information – which they often considered their own intellectual property. Not only do many physicians oppose sharing information – at least using the required tools – but they oppose any restrictions on their personal practice of medicine. Some of this is a legitimate concern – such as insurance companies restricting treatments to save money – but in other cases they just don’t want anyone telling them what to do – even optional guidance. Medical professionals are just as subject to cognitive bias as the rest of us, and as a low-level medical provider myself I know that algorithms and checklists alone are never sufficient in managing patients – a lot of judgment is involved. But it is extremely difficult to balance personal experience and practices with evidence, especially when said evidence seems counterintuitive or conflicts with existing beliefs. We face these exact same challenges in security: Organizations and individual practitioners often oppose the collection and dissemination of the raw data (even anonymized) needed to learn from experience and advance based practices. Individual practitioners, regulatory and standards bodies, and business constituents need to be willing to adjust or override their personal beliefs in the face of hard evidence, and support evolution in security practices based on hard evidence rather than personal experience. Right now I consider the lack of data our biggest challenge, which is why we try to participate as much as possible in metrics projects, including our own. It’s also why I have an extremely strong bias towards outcome-based metrics rather than general risk/threat metrics. I’m much more interested in which controls work best under which circumstances, and how to make the implementation of said controls as effective and efficient as possible. We are at the very beginning of EBRM. Despite all our research on security tools, technologies, vulnerabilities, exploits, and processes, the practice of security cannot progress beyond the equivalent of witch doctors until we collectively unite behind information collection, sharing, and analysis as the primary sources informing our security decisions. Seriously, wouldn’t you really like to know when 90-day password rotation actually reduces risk vs. merely annoying users and wasting time? Share:

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