

Friday Summary: July 23, 2010

A couple weeks ago I was sitting on the edge of the hotel bed in Boulder, Colorado, watching the immaculate television. A US-made 30” CRT television in “standard definition”. That’s cathode ray tube for those who don’t remember, and ‘standard’ is the marketing term for ‘low’. This thing was freaking horrible, yet it was perfect. The color was correct. And while the contrast ratio was not great, it was not terrible either. Then it dawned on me that the problem was not the picture, as this is the quality we used to get from televisions. Viewing an old set, operating exactly the same way they always did, I knew the problem was me. High def has so much more information, but the experience of watching the game is the same now as it was then. It hit me just how much our brains were filling in missing information, and we did not mind this sort of performance 10 years ago because it was the best available. We did not really see the names on the backs of football jerseys during those Sunday games, we just thought we did. Heck, we probably did not often make out the numbers either, but somehow we knew who was who. We knew where our favorite players on the field were, and the red streak on the bottom of the screen pounding a blue colored blob must be number 42. Our brain filled in and sharpened the picture for us. Rich and I had been discussing experience bias, recency bias, and cognitive dissonance during out trip to Denver. We were talking about our recent survey and how to interpret the numbers without falling into bias traps. It was an interesting discussion of how people detect patterns, but like many of our conversations devolved into how political and religious convictions can cloud judgement. But not until I was sitting there, watching television in the hotel; did I realize how much our prior experiences and knowledge shape perception, derived value, and interpreted results. Mostly for the good, but unquestionably some bad. Rich also sent me a link to a Michael Shermer video just after that, in which Shermer discusses patterns and self deception. You can watch the video and say “sure, I see patterns, and sometimes what I see is not there”, but I don’t think videos like this demonstrate how pervasive this built in feature is, and how it applies to every situation we find ourself in. The television example of this phenomena was more shocking than some others that have popped into my head since. I have been investing in and listening to high-end audio products such as headphones for years. But I never think about the illusion of a ‘soundstage’ right in front of me, I just think of it as being there. I know the guitar player is on the right edge of the stage, and the drummer is in the back, slightly to the left. I can clearly hear the singer when she turns her head to look at fellow band members during the song. None of that is really in front of me, but there is something in the bits of the digital facsimile on my hard drive that lets my brain recognize all these things, placing the scene right there in front of me. I guess the hard part is recognizing when and how it alters our perception. On to the Summary: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences Rich quoted in “Apple in a bind over its DNS patch”. Adrian’s Dark Reading post on SIEM ain’t DAM. Rich and Martin on Network Security Podcast #206. Favorite Securosis Posts Rich: Pricing Cyber-Policies. As we used to say at Gartner, all a ‘cybersecurity’ policy buys you is a seat at the arbitration table. Mike Rothman: The Cancer within Evidence Based Research Methodologies. We all need to share data more frequently and effectively. This is why. Adrian Lane: FireStarter: an Encrypted Value Is Not a Token!. Bummer. Other Securosis Posts Tokenization: Token Servers. Incite 7/20/2010: Visiting Day. Tokenization: The Tokens. Comments on Visa’s Tokenization Best Practices. Friday Summary: July 15, 2010. Favorite Outside Posts Rich: Successful Evidence-Based Risk Management: The Value of a Great CSIRT. I realize I did an entire blog post based on this, but it really is a must read by Alex Hutton. We’re basically a bunch of blind mice building 2-lego high walls until we start gathering, and sharing, information on which of our security initiatives really work and when. Mike Rothman: Understanding the advanced persistent threat. Bejtlich’s piece on APT in SearchSecurity is a good overview of the term, and how it’s gotten fsked by security marketing. Adrian Lane: Security rule No. 1: Assume you’re hacked. Project Quant Posts NSO Quant: Monitor Process Revisited. NSO Quant: Monitoring Health Maintenance Subprocesses. NSO Quant: Validate and Escalate Subprocesses. NSO Quant: Analyze Subprocess. NSO Quant: Collect and Store Subprocesses. NSO Quant: Define Policies Subprocess. NSO Quant: Enumerate and Scope Subprocesses. Research Reports and Presentations White Paper: Endpoint Security Fundamentals. Understanding and Selecting a Database Encryption or Tokenization Solution. Low Hanging Fruit: Quick Wins with Data Loss Prevention. Report: Database Assessment. Database Audit Events. XML Security Overview Presentation. Project Quant Survey Results and Analysis. Project Quant Metrics Model Report. Top News and Posts Researchers: Authentication crack could affect millions. SCADA System’s Hard-Coded Password Circulated Online for Years. Microsoft Launches ‘Coordinated’ Vulnerability Disclosure Program. GSM Cracking Software Released. How Mass SQL Injection Attacks Became an Epidemic. Harsh Words for Professional Infosec Certification. Google re-ups the disclosure debate. A new policy – 60 days to fix critical bugs or they disclose. I wonder if anyone asked the end users what they want? Adobe reader enabling protected mode. This is a very major development… if it works. Also curious to see what they do for Macs. Oracle to release 59 critical patches in security update. Is it just me, or do they have more security patches than bug fixes nowdays? Connecticut AG reaches agreement with

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Death, Irrelevance, and a Pig Roast

There is nothing like a good old-fashioned mud-slinging battle. As long as you aren’t the one covered in mud, that is. I read about the Death of Snort and started laughing. The first thing they teach you in marketing school is when no one knows who you are, go up to the biggest guy in the room and kick them in the nuts. You’ll get your ass kicked, but at least everyone will know who you are. That’s exactly what the folks at OISF (who drive the Suricata project) did, and they got Ellen Messmer of NetworkWorld to bite on it. Then she got Marty Roesch to fuel the fire and the end result is much more airtime than Suricata deserves. Not that it isn’t interesting technology, but to say it’s going to displace Snort any time soon is crap. To go out with a story about Snort being dead is disingenuous. But given the need to drive page views, the folks at NWW were more than willing to provide airtime. Suricata uses Snort signatures (for the most part) to drive its rule base. They’d better hope it’s not dead. But it brings up a larger issue of when a technology really is dead. In reality, there are few examples of products really dying. If you ended up with some ConSentry gear, then you know the pain of product death. But most products are around around ad infinitum, even if they aren’t evolved. So those products aren’t really dead, they just become irrelevant. Take Cisco MARS as an example. Cisco isn’t killing it, it’s just not being used as a multi-purpose SIEM, which is how it was positioned for years. Irrelevant in the SIEM discussion, yes. Dead, no. Ultimately, competition is good. Suricata will likely push the Snort team to advance their technology faster than in the absence of an alternative. But it’s a bit early to load Snort onto the barbie – even if it is the other white meat. Yet, it usually gets back to the reality that you can’t believe everything you read. Actually you probably shouldn’t believe much that you read. Except our stuff, of course. Photo credit: “Roasted pig (large)” originally uploaded by vnoel Share:

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Tokenization: Token Servers, Part 2 (Architecture, Integration, and Management)

Our last post covered the core functions of the tokenization server. Today we’ll finish our discussion of token servers by covering the externals: the primary architectural models, how other applications communicate with the server(s), and supporting systems management functions. Architecture There are three basic ways to build a token server: Stand-alone token server with a supporting back-end database. Embedded/integrated within another software application. Fully implemented within a database. Most of the commercial tokenization solutions are stand-alone software applications that connect to a dedicated database for storage, with at least one vendor bundling their offering into an appliance. All the cryptographic processes are handled within the application (outside the database), and the database provides storage and supporting security functions. Token servers use standard Database Management Systems, such as Oracle and SQL Server, but locked down very tightly for security. These may be on the same physical (or virtual) system, on separate systems, or integrated into a load-balanced cluster. In this model (stand-alone server with DB back-end) the token server manages all the database tasks and communications with outside applications. Direct connections to the underlying database are restricted, and cryptographic operations occur within the tokenization server rather than the database. In an embedded configuration the tokenization software is embedded into the application and supporting database. Rather than introducing a token proxy into the workflow of credit card processing, existing application functions are modified to implement tokens. To users of the system there is very little difference in behavior between embedded token services and a stand-alone token server, but on the back end there are two significant differences. First, this deployment model usually involves some code changes to the host application to support storage and use of the tokens. Second, each token is only useful for one instance of the application. Token server code, key management, and storage of the sensitive data and tokens all occur within the application. The tightly coupled nature of this model makes it very efficient for small organizations, but does not support sharing tokens across multiple systems, and large distributed organizations may find performance inadequate. Finally, it’s technically possible to manage tokenization completely within the database without the need for external software. This option relies on stored procedures, native encryption, and carefully designed database security and access controls. Used this way, tokenization is very similar to most data masking technologies. The database automatically parses incoming queries to identify and encrypt sensitive data. The stored procedure creates a random token – usually from a sequence generator within the database – and returns the token as the result of the user query. Finally all the data is stored in a database row. Separate stored procedures are used to access encrypted data. This model was common before the advent of commercial third party tokenization tools, but has fallen into disuse due to its lack for advanced security features and failure to leverage external cryptographic libraries & key management services. There are a few more architectural considerations: External key management and cryptographic operations are typically an option with any of these architectural models. This allows you to use more-secure hardware security modules if desired. Large deployments may require synchronization of multiple token servers in different, physically dispersed data centers. This support must be a feature of the token server, and is not available in all products. We will discuss this more when we get to usage and deployment models. Even when using a stand-alone token server, you may also deploy software plug-ins to integrate and manage additional databases that connect to the token server. This doesn’t convert the database into a token server, as we described in our second option above, but supports communications for distributed systems that need access to either the token or the protected data. Integration Since tokenization must be integrated with a variety of databases and applications, there are three ways to communicate with the token server: Application API calls: Applications make direct calls to the tokenization server procedural interface. While at least one tokenization server requires applications to explicitly access the tokenization functions, this is now a rarity. Because of the complexity of the cryptographic processes and the need for precise use of the tokenization server; vendors now supply software agents, modules, or libraries to support the integration of token services. These reside on the same platform as the calling application. Rather than recoding applications to use the API directly, these supporting modules accept existing communication methods and data formats. This reduces code changes to existing applications, and provides better security – especially for application developers who are not security experts. These modules then format the data for the tokenization API calls and establish secure communications with the tokenization server. This is generally the most secure option, as the code includes any required local cryptographic functions – such as encrypting a new piece of data with the token server’s public key. Proxy Agents: Software agents that intercept database calls (for example, by replacing an ODBC or JDBC component). In this model the process or application that sends sensitive information may be entirely unaware of the token process. It sends data as it normally does, and the proxy agent intercepts the request. The agent replaces sensitive data with a token and then forwards the altered data stream. These reside on the token server or its supporting application server. This model minimizes application changes, as you only need to replace the application/database connection and the new software automatically manages tokenization. But it does create potential bottlenecks and failover issues, as it runs in-line with existing transaction processing systems. Standard database queries: The tokenization server intercepts and interprets the requests. This is potentially the least secure option, especially for ingesting content to be tokenized. While it sounds complex, there are really only two functions to implement: Send new data to be tokenized and retrieve the token. When authorized, exchange the token for the protected data. The server itself should handle pretty much everything else. Systems Management Finally, as with any

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