

Incite 8/11/2010: No Goal!

The Boss is a saint. Besides putting up with me every day, she recently reconnected with a former student of hers. She taught him in 5th grade and now the kid is 23. He hasn’t had the opportunities that I (or the Boss) had, and she is working with him to help define what he wants to do with his life and the best way to get there. This started me thinking about my own perspectives on goals and achievement. I’m in the middle of a pretty significant transition relative to goal setting and my entire definition of success. I’ve spent most of my life going somewhere, as fast as I can. I’ve always been a compulsive goal setter and list maker. Annually I revisit my life goals, which I set in my 20s. They’ve changed a bit, but not substantially, over the years. Then I’ve tried to structure my activities to move towards those goals on a daily and monthly basis. I fell into the trap that I suspect most of the high achievers out there stumble on: I was so focused on the goal, I didn’t enjoy the achievement. For me, achievement wasn’t something to celebrate. It was something to check off a list. I rarely (if ever) thought about what I had done and patted myself on the back. I just moved to the next thing on the list. Sure, I’ve been reasonably productive throughout my career, but in the grand scheme of things does it even matter if I don’t enjoy it? So I’m trying a new approach. I’m trying to not be so goal oriented. Not long-term goals, anyway. I’d love to get to the point where I don’t need goals. Is that practical? Maybe. I don’t mean tasks or deliverables. I still have clients and I have business partners, who need me to do stuff. My family needs me to provide, so I can’t become a total vagabond and do whatever I feel like every day. Not entirely anyway. I want to be a lot less worried about the destination. I aim to stop fixating on the end goal and then eventually to not aim at all. Kind of like sailing, where the wind takes you where it will and you just go with it. I want to enjoy what I am doing and stop worrying about what I’m not doing. I’ll toss my Gantt chart for making a zillion dollars and embrace the fact that I’m very fortunate to really enjoy what I do every day and who I work with. Like the Zen Habit’s post says, I don’t want to be limited to what my peer group considers success. But it won’t be an easy journey. I know that. I’ll have to rewire my brain. The journey started with a simple action. I put “have no goals” on the top of my list of goals. Yeah, I have a lot of work to do. – Mike. Photo credits: “No goal for you!” originally uploaded by timheuer Recent Securosis Posts Security Commoditization Series: FireStarter: Why You Care about Security Commoditization Commoditization and Feature Parity on the Perimeter The Yin and Yang of Security Commoditization iOS Security: Challenges and Opportunities When Writing on iOS Security, Stop Asking AV Vendors Whather Apple Should Open the Platform to AV Friday Summary: August 6, 2010 Tokenization Series: Tokenization: Use Cases, Part 1 Tokenization: Use Cases, Part 2 Tokenization: Use Cases, Part 3 Tokenization Topic Roundup NSO Quant: Manage Firewall Process: Updated Process Map Policy Review Define/Update Policies & Rules Document Policies/Rules Process Change Request Test and Approve Deploy Incite 4 U Yo Momma Is Good, Fast, and Cheap… – I used to love Yo Momma jokes. Unless they were being sent in the direction of my own dear mother – then we’d be rolling. But Jeremiah makes a great point about having to compromise on something relative to website vulnerability assessments. You need to choose two of: good, fast, or cheap. This doesn’t only apply to website assessments – it goes for pretty much everything. You always need got to balance speed vs. cost vs. quality. Unfortunately as overhead, we security folks are usually forced to pick cheap. That means we either compromise on quality or speed. What to do? Manage expectations, as per usual. And be ready to react faster and better because you’ll miss something. – MR With Great Power Comes Great… Potential Profit? – I don’t consider myself a conspiracy nut or a privacy freak. I tend to err on the skeptical side, and I’ve come around to thinking there really was a magic bullet, we really did land on the moon, most government agents are simple folks trying to make a living in public service, and although the CIA doped up and infected a bunch of people for MK Ultra, we still don’t need to wear the tinfoil hats. But as a historian and wannabe futurist I can’t ignore the risks when someone – anyone – collects too much information or power. The Wall Street Journal has an interesting article on some of the internal privacy debates over at Google. You know, the company that has more information on people than any government or corporation ever has before? It seems Sergey and Larry may respect privacy more than I tend to give them credit for, but in the long term is it even possible for them to have all that data and still protect our privacy? I guess their current CEO doesn’t think so. Needless to say I don’t use many Google services. – RM KISS the Botnet – Very interesting research from Damballa coming out of Black Hat about how folks are monetizing botnets and how they get started. It’s all about Keeping It Small, Stupid (KISS) – because they need to stay undetected and size draws attention. There’s a large target on every large botnet – as well as lots of little ones, on all the infected computers. Other interesting tidbits

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Identity and Access Management Commoditization: a Tale of Two Cities

Identity and access management are generally 1) staffed out of the same IT department, 2) sold in vendor suites, and 3) covered by the same analysts. So this naturally lumps them together in people’s minds. However, their capabilities are quite different. Even though identity and access management capabilities are frequently bought as a package, what identity management and access management offer an enterprise are quite distinct. More importantly, successfully implementing and operating these tools requires different organizational models. Yesterday, Adrian discussed commoditization vs. innovation, where commoditization means more features, lower prices, and wider availability. Today I would like to explore where we are seeing commoditization and innovation play out in the identity management and access management spaces. Identity Management: Give Me Commoditization, but Not Yet Identity management tools have been widely deployed for the last 5 years and that are characterized in many respects as business process workflow tools with integration into somewhat arcane enterprise user repositories such as LDAP, HR, ERP, and CRM systems. So it is reasonable to expect that over time we will see commoditization (more features and lower prices), but so far this has not happened. Many IDM systems still charge per user account, which can appear cheap – especially if the initial deployment is a small pilot project – grow to a large line item over time. In IDM we have most of the necessary conditions to drive features up and prices down, but there are three reasons this has not happened yet. First, there is a small vendor community – it is not quite a duopoly, but the IDM vendors can be counted on one hand – and the area has not attracted open source on any large scale. Next there is a suite effect, where the IDM products that offer features such as provisioning are also tied to other products like entitlements, role management, and so on. Last and most important, the main customers which drove initial investment in IDM systems were not feature-hungry IT but compliance-craving auditors. Compliance reports around provisioning and user account management drove initial large-scale investments – especially in large regulated enterprises. Those initial projects are both costly and complex to replace, and more importantly their customers are not banging down vendor doors for new features. Access Management – Identity Innovation The access management story is quite different. The space’s recent history is characterized by web application Single Sign On products like SiteMinder and Tivoli Webseal. But unlike IDM the story did not end there. Thanks to widespread innovation in the identity field, as well as standards like SAML, OpenID, oauth, information cards, XACML and WS-Security, we see considerable innovation and many sophisticated implementations. These can be seen in access management efforts that extend the enterprise – such as federated identity products enabling B2B attribute exchange, Single Sign On, and other use cases; as well as web facing access management products that scale up to millions of users and support web applications, web APIs, web services, and cloud services. Access management exhibits some of the same “suite effect” as identity management, where incumbent vendors are less motivated to innovate, but at the same time the access management tools are tied to systems that are often direct revenue generators such as ecommerce. This is critical for large enterprise and the mid-market, and companies have shown no qualms about “doing whatever it takes” when moving away from incumbent suite vendors and to best of breed, in order to enable their particular usage models. Summary We have not seen commoditization in either identity management or access management. For the former, large enterprises and compliance concerns combine to make it a lower priority. In the case of access management, identity standards that enable new ways of doing business for critical applications like ecommerce have been the primary driver, but as the mid-market adopts these categories beyond basic Active Directory installs – if and when they do – we should see some price pressure.   Share:

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  • Content is developed ‘live’ on the blog. Primary research is generally released in pieces, as a series of posts, so we can digest and integrate feedback, making the end results much stronger than traditional “ivory tower” research.
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