

McAfee Acquires Sentrigo

McAfee announced this morning its intention to acquire Sentrigo, a Database Activity Monitoring company. McAfee has had a partnership with Sentrigo for a couple years, and both companies have cooperatively sold the Sentrigo solution and developed high-level integration with McAfee’s security management software. McAfee’s existing enterprise customer base has shown interest in Database Activity Monitoring, and DAM is no longer as much of an evangelical sale as it used to be. Sentrigo is a small firm and integration of the two companies should go smoothly. Despite persistent rumors of larger firms looking to buy in this space, I am surprised that McAfee finally acquired Sentrigo. McAfee, Symantec, and EMC are the names that kept popping up as interested parties, but Sentrigo wasn’t the target discussed. Still, this looks like a good fit because the core product is very strong, and it fills a need in McAfee’s product line. The aspects of Sentrigo that are a bit scruffy or lack maturity are the areas McAfee would want to tailor anyway: workflow, UI, reporting, and integration. I have known the Sentrigo team for a long time. Not many people know that I tried to license Sentrigo’s memory scanning technology – back in 2006 while I was at IPLocks. Several customers used the IPLocks memory scanning option, but the scanning code we licensed from BMC simply wasn’t designed for security. I heard that Sentrigo architected their solution correctly and wanted to use it. Alas, they were uninterested in cooperating with a competitor for some odd reason, but I have maintained good relations with their management team since. And I like the product because it offers a (now) unique option for scraping SQL right out of the database memory space. But there is a lot more to this acquisition that just memory scraping agents. Here are some of the key points you need to know about: Key Points about the Acquisition McAfee is acquiring a Database Activity Monitoring (DAM) technology to fill out their database security capabilities. McAfee obviously covers the endpoints, network, and content security pieces, but was missing some important pieces for datacenter application security. The acquisition advances their capabilities for database security and compliance, filling one of the key gaps. Database Activity Monitoring has been a growing requirement in the market, with buying decisions driven equally by compliance requirements and response to escalating use of SQL injection attacks. Interest in DAM was previously to address insider threats and Sarbanes-Oxley, but market drivers are shifting to blocking external attacks and compensating controls for PCI. Sentrigo will be wrapped into the Risk and Compliance business unit of McAfee, and I expect deeper integration with McAfee’s ePolicy Orchestrator. Selling price has not been disclosed. Sentrigo is one of the only DAM vendors to build cloud-specific products (beyond a simple virtual appliance). The real deal – not cloudwashing. What the Acquisition Does for McAfee McAfee responded to Oracle’s acquisition of Secerno, and can now offer a competitive product for activity monitoring as well as virtual patching of heterogeneous databases (e.g., Oracle, IBM, etc). While it’s not well known, Sentrigo also offers database vulnerability assessment. Preventative security checks, patch verification, and reports are critical for both security and compliance. One of the reasons I like the Sentrigo technology is that it embeds into the database engine. For some deployment models, including virtualized environments and cloud deployments, you don’t need to worry about the underlying environment supporting your monitoring functions. Most DAM vendors offer security sensors that move with the database in these environments, but are embedded at the OS layer rather than the database layer. As with transparent database encryption, Sentrigo’s model is a bit easier to maintain. What This Means for the DAM Market Once again, we have a big name technology company investing in DAM. Despite the economic downturn, the market has continue to grow. We no longer estimate the market size, as it’s too difficult to find real numbers from the big vendors, but we know it passed $100M a while back. We are left with two major independent firms that offer DAM; Imperva and Application Security Inc. Lumigent, GreenSQL, and a couple other firms remain on the periphery. I continue to hear acquisition interest, and several firms still need this type of technology. Sentrigo was a late entry into the market. As with all startups, it took them a while to fill out the product line and get the basic features/functions required by enterprise customers. They have reached that point, and with the McAfee brand, there is now another serious competitor to match up against Application Security Inc., Fortinet, IBM/Guardium, Imperva, Nitro, and Oracle/Secerno. What This Means for Users Sentrigo’s customer base is not all that large – I estimate fewer than 200 customers world wide, with the average installation covering 10 or so databases. I highly doubt there will be any technology disruption for existing customers. I also highly doubt this product will become shelfware in McAfee’s portfolio, as McAfee has internally recognized the need for DAM for quite a while, and has been selling the technology already. Any existing McAfee customers using alternate solutions will be pressured to switch over to Sentrigo, and I imagine will be offered significant discounts to do so. Sentrigo’s DAM vision – for both functionality and deployment models – is quite different than its competitors, which will make it harder for McAfee to convince customers to switch. The huge upside is the possibility of additional resources for Sentrigo development. Slavik Markovich’s team has been the epitome of a bootstrapping start-up, running a lean organization for many years now. They deserve congratulations for making it this less than $10M $20M in VC funds. They have been slowly and systematically adding enterprise features such as user management and reporting, broadening platform support, and finally adding vulnerability assessment scanning. The product is still a little rough around the edges; and lacks some maturity in UI and capabilities compared to Imperva, Guardium, and AppSec – those products have been fleshing out their capabilities for years more. In a

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Incite 3/23/2011: SEO Unicorns

It seems blog popularity is a double edged sword. Yes, thousands of folks read our stuff every day. But that also means we are a target for many SEO Experts, who want to buy links from us. No, we don’t sell advertising on the site. But that doesn’t stop them from pummeling us with a bunch of requests each week. Most of the time we are pretty cordial, but not always. Which brings us to today’s story. It seems Rich was a little uppity yesterday and decided to respond to the link request with a serious dose of snark. Rich: Our fee is $10M US. Cash. Non-sequential bills which must be hand delivered on a unicorn. And not one of those glued-on horn jobs. Must be the real thing with a documented pedigree. I guess Rich thought that it was yet another bot sending a blind request and that his list of demands would disappear into the Intertubes, but alas, it wasn’t a bot at all. This SEO fellow and Rich then proceeded to debate the finer issues of unicorn delivery. Interestingly enough, the $10MM fee didn’t seem to be an issue. SEO Guy: Thanks for getting back. I may have some issues fulfilling your request. The $10M will not be a problem, however I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but unicorns are a heavily-endangered species. Even to rent one would require resources that exceed my nearly limitless budget. Do you know how much a unicorn pilot charges by the hour? Rich: African or European unicorn? SEO Guy: How far do you live from Ireland? Rich: About 7000 miles, but my wife has unknown ancestors still living there and I have red hair. Not sure if that will get a discount. SEO Guy: Would it be okay if the unicorn itself delivered the (what I am assuming is a golden satchel of) money instead? I know you want it hand-delivered (mind out of the gutter) and that unicorns lack hands. Rich: Excellent point and I see that will save on the piloting fees. Yes, but only if we can time delivery for my daughter’s birthday and you also include a frosted cupcake with a candle on it for her. I think she’d like that. You can deduct the cost of the cupcake from the $10M, if that helps…but not the cost of the candle. So yes, as busy as we are with launching our super sekret project, polishing the CCSK training course, and all our client work, we still have time to give a hard time to a poor sap trying to buy a few links for his SEO clients. So every time I’m grumpy because QuickBooks Online is down, the EVDO service in my favorite coffee shop is crap, and I have to restructure a white paper – I can just appreciate the fact that I’m not the SEO guy. Yes, I do have to deal with asshats every day. But they are asshats of my own choosing. This guy doesn’t get to choose who he solicits and I’m sure a debate about unicorns was the highlight of his day of drudgery. Yes, I’m a lucky guy, and sometimes I need an SEO unicorn to remind me. -Mike Photo credits: “Unicorns!” originally uploaded by heathervescent Incite 4 U Testing my own confirmation bias: There are many very big-brained folks in security. Errata’s Rob Graham is one of them. Entering a debate with Rob is kind of like fighting a lion. You know you don’t have much of a chance; you can only hope Rob gets bored with you before he mauls your arguments with well-reasoned responses. So when Rob weighed in on Risk Management and Fukushima, I was excited because Rob put into words many of the points I’ve been trying (unsuccessfully) to make for years about risk management. But to be clear, I want to believe Rob’s arguments, because I am no fan of risk metrics (at least the way we practice them today). His ideas on who is an expert (and how that changes), and what that expert needs to do (have the most comprehensive knowledge of all the uncertainties) really resonated with me. Maybe you can model it out, maybe you can’t. But ultimately we are playing the odds and that’s a hard thing to do, which is why we focus so heavily on response. Now Alex Hutton doesn’t back down and has a well reasoned response as well. Though it seems (for a change) that both Rob and Alex are talking past each other. Yes, my appreciation of Rob’s arguments could be my own biases (and limited brainpower) talking, which wouldn’t be the first time. – MR Careful with that poison: Some days the security industry is like cross-breeding NASCAR with one of those crappy fashion/cooking/whatever reality shows. Everyone’s waiting for the crash, and when it happens they are more than happy to tell you how they would have done it better. As analysts we get used to the poison pill marketing briefs. You know, the phishing email or press release designed to knock the competition down. And there is no shortage of them filling my inbox after the RSA breach. At least NASCAR has the yellow caution flag to slow things down until they can get the mangled cars off the track. But I have yet to see one brief that shows any understanding of what happened or customer risk/needs. So I either delete them without reading or send back a scathing response. I have yet to see one of these work with a customer/prospect, so it all comes off as little more than jealous sniping. And besides, I know RSA isn’t the first security company to be breached, just one of the first to disclose, and I doubt any of the folks sending out this poison could survive the same sort of attack. If they aren’t already pwned, that is. (No link for this one since you all are probably getting the same emails). – RM No poop in the sandbox: Good article in Macworld describing the

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Totally Transparent Research is the embodiment of how we work at Securosis. It’s our core operating philosophy, our research policy, and a specific process. We initially developed it to help maintain objectivity while producing licensed research, but its benefits extend to all aspects of our business.

Going beyond Open Source Research, and a far cry from the traditional syndicated research model, we think it’s the best way to produce independent, objective, quality research.

Here’s how it works:

  • Content is developed ‘live’ on the blog. Primary research is generally released in pieces, as a series of posts, so we can digest and integrate feedback, making the end results much stronger than traditional “ivory tower” research.
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    For research that cannot be developed using this model, such as complex principles or models that are unsuited for a series of blog posts, the content will be chunked up and posted at or before release of the paper to solicit public feedback, and provide an open venue for comments and criticisms.
  • In rare cases Securosis may write papers outside of the primary research agenda, but only if the end result can be non-biased and valuable to the user community to supplement industry-wide efforts or advances. A “Radically Transparent Research” process will be followed in developing these papers, where absolutely all materials are public at all stages of development, including communications (email, call notes).
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In essence, we develop all of our research out in the open, and not only seek public comments, but keep those comments indefinitely as a record of the research creation process. If you believe we are biased or not doing our homework, you can call us out on it and it will be there in the record. Our philosophy involves cracking open the research process, and using our readers to eliminate bias and enhance the quality of the work.

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Here is the language we currently place in our research project agreements:

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