

Software vs. Appliance: Appliances

I want to discuss deployment tradeoffs in Database Activity Monitoring, focusing on advantages and disadvantages of hardware appliances. It might seem minor, but the delivery model makes a big first impression on customers. It’s the first difference they notice when comparing DAM products, and it’s impressive – those racks of blinking whirring 1U & 2U machines, neatly racked, do stick with you. They cluster in groups in your data center, with lots of cool lights, logos, and deafening fans. Sometimes called “pizza boxes” by the older IT crowd, these are basic commodity computers with 1-2 processors, memory, redundant power supplies, and a disk drive or two. Inexpensive and fast, appliances are more than half the world’s DAM deployments. When choosing between solutions, first impressions make a huge difference to buying decisions, and this positive impression is a big reasons appliances have been a strong favorite for years. Everything is self-contained and much of the monitoring complexity can be hidden from view. Basic operation and data storage are self-contained. System sizing – choosing the right processor(s), memory, and disk are the vendor’s concern, so the customer doesn’t have to worry about it or take responsibility (even if they do have to provide all the actual data…). Further cementing the positive impression, the initial deployment is easier for an average customer, with much less work to get up and running. And what’s not to like? There are several compelling advantages to appliances, namely: Fast and Inexpensive: The appliance is dedicated to monitoring. You don’t need to share resources across multiple applications (or worry another application will impact monitoring), and the platform can be tailored to its task. Hardware is chosen to fit the requirements of the vendor’s code; and configuration can be tuned to well-known processor, memory, and disk demands. Stripped-down Linux kernels are commonly used to avoid unneeded OS features. Commodity hardware can be chosen by the vendor, based purely on cost/performance considerations. When given equal resources, appliances performed slightly better than software simply because they have been optimized by the vendor and are unburdened by irrelevant features. Deployment: The beauty of appliances is that they are simple to deploy. This is the most obvious advantage, even though it is mostly relevant in the short term. Slide it into the rack, connect the cables, power it up, and you get immediate functionality. Most of the sizing and capacity planning is done for you. Much of the basic configuration is in place already, and network monitoring and discovery are available without little to no effort. The box has been tested; and in some cases the vendor pre-configures policies, reports, and network settings before to shipping the hardware. You get to skip a lot of work on each installation. Granted, you only get the basics, and every installation requires customization, but this makes a powerful first impression during competitive analysis. Avoid Platform Bias: “We use HP-UX for all our servers,” or “We’re an IBM shop,” or “We standardized on SQL Server databases.” All the hardware and software is bundled within the appliance and largely invisible to the customer, which helps avoid religious wars configuration and avoids most compatibility concerns. This makes IT’s job easier and avoids concerns about hardware/OS policies. DAM provides a straightforward business function, and can be evaluated simply on how well it performs that function. Data Security: The appliance is secured prior to deployment. User and administrative accounts need to be set up, but the network interfaces, web interfaces, and data repositories are all set up by the vendor. There are fewer moving parts and areas to configure, making appliances more secure than their software counterparts when they are delivered, and simplifying security management. Non-relational Storage: To handle high database transaction rates, non-relational storage within the appliance is common. Raw SQL queries from the database are stored in flat files, one query per line. Not only can records be stored faster in simple files, but the appliance itself avoids have the burden of running a relational database. The tradeoff here is very fast storage at the expense of slower analysis and reporting. A typical appliance-based DAM installation consists of two flavors of appliances. The first and most common is small ‘node’ machines deployed regionally – or within particular segments of a corporate network – and focused on collecting events from ‘local’ databases. The second flavor of appliance is administration ‘servers’; these are much larger and centrally located, and provide event storage and command and control interfaces for the nodes. This two-tier hierarchy separates event collection from administrative tasks such as policy management, data management, and reporting. Event processing – analysis of events to detect policy violations – occurs either at the node or server level, depending on the vendor. Each node sends (at least) all notable events to its upstream server for storage, reporting, and analysis. In some configurations all analysis and alerting is performed at the ‘server’ layer. But, of course, appliances are not perfect. Appliance market share is being eroded by software and software-based “virtual appliances”. Appliances have been the preferred deployment model for DAM for the better part of the last decade, but may not be for much longer. There are several key reasons for this shift: Data Storage: Commodity hardware means data is stored on single or redundant SATA disks. Some compliance efforts require storing events for a year or more, but most appliances only support up 90 days of event storage – and in practice this is often more like 30-45 days. Most nodes rely heavily on central servers for mid-to-long-term storage of events for reports and forensic analysis. Depending on how large the infrastructure is, these server appliances can run out of capacity and performance, requiring multiple servers per deployment. Some server nodes use SAN for event storage, while others are simply incapable of storing 6-12 months of data. Many vendors suggest compatible SIEM or log management systems to handle data storage (and perhaps analysis of ‘old’ data). Virtualization: You can’t deploy a physical appliance in a virtual network. There’s no TAP or SPAN

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Incite 4/20/2011: Family Parties

The last two nights, we have celebrated Passover. Basically, we have a big dinner commemorating the escape of our forefathers from bondage and slavery in Egypt. At least that’s how the story goes, although I wasn’t there, so I maintain a healthy skepticism regarding burning bushes, parting seas, and plagues. But the point remains whether or not the stories are true. It’s really an excuse to party with friends and family, and enjoy some time together outside the craziness of day-to-day existence. I’m not unique in having a pretty hectic existence. For instance, the twins play baseball/softball, which means we were at the field both Saturday and Sunday, for a total of 5 games. Combined with the oldest one preparing for a dance show in a few weeks, we hardly had time to hit the head all weekend. But a close friend had a birthday party to celebrate her 40th Friday, so we had to take a break and celebrate. I did not squander the opportunity, and got rather festive with the help of some vanilla rum. OK, it might have been a lot of vanilla rum. If you find my liver, feel free to mail it back to Securosis Central. Adrian the mailman likes that kind of care package. Many of us don’t intentionally party enough. So I actually appreciate the religious holidays interspersed throughout the year. For me it’s not about the dogma, or whether what we are celebrating actually happened or not. And most of the time we don’t spontaneously start throwing food at each other. It’s about turning off the distractions and focusing on family and friends, if only for a night or two. We actually talk, as opposed to planning the next day’s activities. We eat (too much) and until you’ve experienced it, you can’t appreciate a Manischewitz Concord Grape hangover. A lot of our personal history is tied to these holiday celebrations, providing stories we tell for a lifetime. Like when – despite Mom’s stern warning not to get dirty – I fell into a stream behind my babysitter’s house, fancy corduroy pants and all. It was great fun but Mom was not amused. I think she’s still fuming. And it didn’t even involve Concord Grape. We can even make the wacky traditions fun. For instance, on Passover the kids hunt for a piece of Matzoh hidden in the house (it’s called the Afikomen), and if they find it they get a couple bucks. Which is huge progress, because I was lucky to get a piece of chocolate from my grandfather back in the day. Given this year’s bounty ($2 for each kid), and my oldest daughter’s big spending plans, she was very concerned that I wouldn’t make good on my financial obligations. I’m afraid I didn’t help the situation when I mentioned my new policy of charging $2 per month for rent. Imagine that – I can be difficult sometimes. Obviously I made good on the gift, but not before I had her unknowingly play back one of my favorite movie scenes. I asked her to say “I want my $2” about 10 times, and she didn’t understand why I was rolling on the floor. Too bad it was a school night, or I would’ve made her get on her bike and chase me around the neighborhood screaming “I want my $2.” Really, that’s not bad parenting, is it? Some folks figure they are Better Off Dead than suffering through yet another family holiday. But not me – I can make almost any occasion a big party. And I do. -Mike Photo credits: “La Tomatina / Spain, Bunol” originally uploaded by flydime I would be negligent if I didn’t call attention to a major milestone that one of us hits today. That’s right, the baby of the bunch, the rich mogul turns 40. Today. I’d say that’s old, but I still have 2+ years on him, and a lot more gray hair. Rich is taking a vacation day (as he should) and my hope is that he’ll take a step back to appreciates all he has and has done over the past 4 decades. He has a great wife and kids, he’s building a great business, and he’s one of the top dogs in this little game we play. So when you have your nightcap, after a typically hard day in the trenches of security, raise your glass to Rich and know that the next 40 will be better than the last. Incite 4 U Understand the real threat: Given all the (justified) bluster around the Verizon Data Breach Report, we can’t forget the need to understand what’s really at risk and how it is most likely to be compromised. Ax0n does a great job of reminding us by talking about the real insider threat, reminiscing about the hoops he’s had to jump through in order to remotely manage a server (legitimately, apparently). Then he contrasts that against the fact that other folks take the company’s most sensitive data outside on laptops and USB keys, posing a much more serious risk than a conscientious admin trying to fix things from home. Especially when the internal controls make life hard for people who don’t care about security. His point is that we need to match the controls (and security rhetoric) to the threat, and make sure it’s not onerous to drive creative folks to find a way around security. Remember, most folks believe security is not their job – it’s yours. You can make the case that it’s everyone’s job and you wouldn’t be wrong. But sales guys have to meet their quota each quarter, and that’s more important than meeting your rules. – MR DBIR poop commences: It took about a nanosecond, but as Rich predicted, the Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report is already being misquoted and misinterpreted. More breaches being investigated does not necessarily mean there were more breaches, but that’s the poop already hitting the wire. I understand the rush to get an article live, but they should at least read some of the report before editorializing. The general public

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