

Incite 7/27/11: Negotiating in front of the crowd

The NFL lockout is over. Hallelujah! I know nothing substantial was really lost, besides the Hall of Fame game, but the folly of billionaires bickering with millionaires annoyed pretty much everyone. I believe more folks were hanging on this negotiation than the crap going on in Washington over the debt ceiling. It seemed like a tug of war gone wild, with both sides digging in. Until they finally reached a critical point, when real money was at stake, and amazingly the deal got done. What’s interesting is how the negotiations played out in real time. With a small armada of folks (from NFL Network and ESPN) staking out the negotiations for months, there was always a real-time flow of information, rumor, innuendo, and positioning via Twitter. In fact, I’m pretty well convinced a bunch of disinformation and PR tactics were employed to manipulate public perception. That’s new, and it highlights Twitter’s proliferation. At least in the circles I follow. Back in 1987 (the last time the NFL lost games due to labor strife) there was no Twitter. I doubt there were folks staking out the negotiations, mostly because they happened in a room between the NFLPA head (the legendary Gene Upshaw) and Commissioner Paul Tagliabue. There was no minute by minute reporting of the ebbs and flows of negotiations. If anything, we should all now know that we probably don’t want to be privy to the ins and outs of a multi-billion dollar negotiation. I was getting seasick trying to follow all the ups and downs. Although I probably should come clean and admit that even if there were daily updates and twists and turns, I’d have been mostly oblivious in 1987. I was far more interested in following the Bud Man most nights of the week. So all’s well that ends well, at least in the NFL. But there are clearly lessons to be learned for those in public positions. The real-time generation is upon us. We are all privy to the roller coaster that is life. To whatever degree that you want to pay attention, that is. The next election cycle is going to be very interesting. Let me also mention one other topic related to the lockout. It seems a positive ball got rolling once the lawyers left the room, and the owners and players started negotiating directly. When they started building personal relationships between the parties. Besides reinforcing all those positive stereotypes about lawyers, it gets back to something I mentioned in yesterday’s post How can you not understand the business?. Most important stuff happens person to person. Not via social media. Not by text. And not via a Terminal window. So for those folks hoping to climb the corporate ladder as social misfits, sorry to burst your bubbles. That’s why I no longer worry about a corporate ladder… -Mike Photo credits: “Tug of War” originally uploaded by toffehoff Incite 4 U And you thought your health insurer was bad: I hate health insurance companies. Their processes are built to break you down and get you to stop trying to collect on declined claims. The Boss spends way too much time fighting about claims. Too bad I can’t bill those shysters for her time, but I digress. Every time someone asks me about cyber-insurance, I kind of chuckle. Without a lot of precedents for attacks, losses, liability, and the like, there are basically no rules. And when there is a loss the dance begins. Interestingly enough Zurich is proactively going after Sony, suing over maybe actually paying a claim under a general liability policy. Now they may have a case; they may not. The point is that companies pay crazy insurance premiums to protect against attacks, and then the finger pointing starts. Which insurance (if any) is liable? Guess the courts will need to figure that out. They really should be prepared to pay crazy legal fees to maybe even collect it. Sounds about right. Maybe Sony will give up and decide not to collect, which is all part of their evil plan. – MR Google+ -XSS: Feels like we are always calling out forms for having crap security, so we should occasionally call out when someone does something good. It looks like Google+ is taking browser security seriously – according to the Barracuda blog. Securing cookies and building in some frame-busting breaks many basic attacks that plagued Twitter and Facebook. Security folks aren’t likely to get very excited by minor advancements such as this, but a large site such as Google setting a positive security example is good news. Or think about it this way: companies like eTrade and many of the brokerage/retail sites I have visited recently did not have these header flags set. So give Google the nod for doing the right thing! – AL Don’t hold your breath for an authoritative web identity source: In the “we’ve seen this movie before” files, evidently Mozilla thinks it can be the authoritative source for web identity. Microsoft, VeriSign, Google, Facebook, and countless others have already tried this, haven’t they? Sure, establish a protocol and get everyone to buy into it. Then maybe they will still have a reason to exist as the browser war finishes mutating from Netscape vs. IE, to IE vs. Firefox, to the latest iteration: a Chrome vs. IE battle royale. Yeah, not so much. Like all the others, this effort will get a handful of sites supporting it, and then it will falter. Now if these folks would devote their energy to a standard (OAuth, anyone?). – MR That’s a lot of Moon River: Yes, that is a veiled homage to the proctologist scene in Fletch. But old movie nostalgia aside, our friends at Imperva have posted a very interesting analysis. Basically the web sites they monitored were probed once very two minutes. That frequency probably requires a case of KY. The most prevalent attacks were directory traversal, XSS, SQLi, and Remote File Inclusion. Surprise? Nope. But there is a

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Incomplete Thought: The Scarlet (Security) Letter

I know we all have compliance fatigue. Some worse than others, but we all rue the day security became more about compliance and getting the rubber stamp than actually protecting something. The pragmatist in me continues to accept our lot in life and try to be somewhat optimistic about it. But at the end of the day, we (as an industry) pretty much suck at protecting things, and there are no real catalysts to change that. Out the other side of my mouth, I can talk about how compliance (PCI specifically) has added a low bar to the practice of security. And in the absence of that (admittedly) low bar, lord knows what the situation would be. But that’s not the point. It’s about making sure organizations consistently do the right thing. And that customers know that’s the case. I’m intrigued by a concept put forth by Lenny Zeltser, talking about a Letter Grade for Information Security. The idea is modeled after how NYC inspects their restaurants. Basically folks who get the highest grade only get assessed annually. Those sucking need to be assessed more often. Best of all, they all need to post their grades in public where their customers can see them. Can you imagine if a big retailer failed an assessment and had to post on their high-traffic website that they had issues? Kind of like making them wear the proverbial Scarlet Letter. That would be cool, and would also create a real disincentive to screw up an assessment. And maybe that would be the catalyst to start doing security right. Of course, this assumes a bunch of things: The bar is high enough: We consider PCI the bar, mostly because it’s the most detailed. But we need to figure out how much security is enough. And what set of guidelines best reflect that level – which is likely to change based on the organization’s size and transaction volume. A set of objective ratings: What is a “C” when evaluating a restaurant? No rats feasting in the pantry? I’m sure there is a long checklist and associated rating system. As Lenny points out, right now PCI is binary – you either pass or fail. I don’t suggest a FISMA style rating scale – that works so well – but we do need some means of measuring success and providing a grade. The assessment isn’t a joke: We’ve all heard about the unholy alliances between QSAs, their firms which provide all sorts of other services, and customers. Feels a lot like the old days when a public audit firm sold a crapload of consulting to customers they audited. Amazingly enough, the late Arthur Andersen gave firms like Enron a thumbs-up because they’d lose out on millions of other billings if they didn’t. Today a QSA is not prohibited from selling other products/services to company they assess. We need true objectivity for this to work. Mass market coverage: Assessing Tier 1 and even Tier 2 merchants is a no-brainer. There are thousands of Tier 3 and millions of Tier 4. How do you address the mass market? Self-assessment? See the previous bullet about the assessment being a joke. But much of today’s fraud targets these small fry (as the big folks get incrementally better at protecting themselves), this large swath of territory must be factored in. Truth in Advertising: What happens when someone fails a PCI assessment? They argue about it, which pushes back the date when their situation would cost them money? In Lenny’s example, NYC makes them post either the current grade or a sign saying grade is pending. That’s kind of interesting. We need to make sure companies come clean about porous data protection policies. Kind of like an extension of today’s disclosure laws. So customers are notified when organizations holding their personal information fail an assessment, whether there is data loss or not. Oversight with teeth: When did separation of duties take off? Basically when Sarbanes-Oxley made it clear a senior exec would go to jail if they screwed it up. We need similar oversight for security. Yes, this would be need to be legislated, and I’m fully aware of the ramifications. But how else can you create enough urgency to get something going? Or we could just continue on with the status quo. Since that’s so great. I’m not saying any of this is practical, and it’s kind of half-baked on my part. But parts of it may be workable. Like Lenny, I understand that this discussion brings up more questions than answers. But I am (like you) pretty frustrated some days about what we call success in security nowadays. And thanks to Lenny Z for once again providing great food for thought. Photo credit: “Hester Prynne” originally uploaded by Bill H-D Share:

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