

Proxies and the Cloud (Public and Private)

Recently I had a conversation with a security vendor offering a proxy-based solution for a particular problem (yes, I’m being deliberately obscure). Their technology is interesting, but fundamental changes in how we consume IT resources challenge the very idea that a proxy can effectively address this problem. The two most disruptive trends in information technology today are mobility and the cloud. With mobility we gain (and demand) anywhere access as the norm, redistributing access across varied devices. At the same time, cloud computing redefines both the data center and the architectures within data centers. Even a private internal cloud dramatically changes the delivery of IT resources. So both delivery and consumption models change simultaneously and dramatically – both distributing and consolidating resources. What does this have to do with proxies? Generally they have been a great solution to a tough problem. It’s a royal pain to distribute security controls across all endpoints, for both performance and management reasons. For example, there is no DLP or URL filtering solution on the market that can fully enforce the same sorts of rules on an endpoint as on a server. Fortunately for us, our traditional IT architectures naturally created chokepoints. Even mobile users needed them to pipe back into the core for normal business/access reasons – quite aside from security. But we’ve all seen this eroding over time. That erosion now reminds me of those massive calving glaciers that sunk the Titanic – not the slow-movers that created all those lovely fjords. From the networking issues inherent to private cloud, to users accessing SaaS resources directly without going through an enterprise gateway, the proxy model is facing challenges. In some cloud deployments you can’t use them at all. There are a many things I still like proxies for, but here are some rough rules I use in figuring out when they make sense. If you have a bunch of access devices in a bunch of locations, you either need to switch to an agent or reroute everything to the proxy (not always easy to do). Proxies don’t need to be in your core network – they can be in the cloud (like our VPN server, which we use for browsing on public WiFi). This means putting more trust in your cloud provider, depending on what you are doing. Proxies in private cloud and virtualization (e.g., encryption or network traffic analysis) need to account for (potentially) mobile virtual machines within the environment. This requires carefully architecting both physical and virtual networks, and considering how to define provisioning rules for the cloud. With a private cloud, unless you move to agents, you’ll need to build inline virtual proxies, bounce traffic out of the cloud, or find a hypervisor-level proxy (not many today – more coming). Performance varies. But the reality is that the more we adopt cloud, the fewer fixed checkpoints we’ll have, and the more we will have to evolve our definition of ‘proxy’ away from its currently meaning. Share:

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Hammers and Homomorphic Encryption

Researchers at Microsoft are presenting a prototype of encrypted data which can be used without decrypting. Called homomorphic encryption, the idea is to keep data in a protected state (encrypted) yet still useful. It may sound like Star Trek technobabble, but this is a real working prototype. The set of operations you can perform on encrypted data is limited to a few things like addition and multiplication, but most analytics systems are limited as well. If this works, it would offer a new way to approach data security for publicly available systems. The research team is looking for a way to reduce encryption operations, as they are computationally expensive – their encryption and decryption demand a lot of processing cycles. Performing calculations and updates on large data sets becomes very expensive, as you must decrypt the data set, find the data you are interested in, make your changes, and then re-encrypt altered items. The ultimate performance impact varies with the storage system and method of encryption, but overhead and latency might typically range from 2x-10x compared to unencrypted operations. It would be a major advancement if they could dispense away with the encryption and decryption operations, while still enabling reporting on secured data sets. The promise of homomorphic encryption is predictable alteration without decryption. The possibility of being able to modify data without sacrificing security is compelling. Running basic operations on encrypted data might remove the threat of exposing data in the event of a system breach or user carelessness. And given that every company even thinking about cloud adoption is looking at data encryption and key management deployment options, there is plenty of interest in this type of encryption. But like a lot of theoretical lab work, practicality has an ugly way of pouring water on our security dreams. There are three very real problems for homomorphic encryption and computation systems: Data integrity: Homomorphic encryption does not protect data from alteration. If I can add, multiply, or change a data entry without access to the owner’s key: that becomes an avenue for an attacker to corrupt the database. Alteration of pricing tables, user attributes, stock prices, or other information stored in a database is just as damaging as leaking information. An attacker might not know what the original data values were, but that’s not enough to provide security. Data confidentiality: Homomorphic encryption can leak information. If I can add two values together and come up with a consistent value, it’s possible to reverse engineer the values. The beauty of encryption is that when you make a very minor change to the ciphertext – the data you are encrypting – you get radically different output. With CBC variants of encryption, the same plaintext has different encrypted values. The question with homomorphic encryption is whether it can be used while still maintaining confidentiality – it might well leak data to determined attackers. Performance: Performance is poor and will likely remain no better than classical encryption. As homomorphic performance improves, so do more common forms of encryption. This is important when considering the cloud as a motivator for this technology, as acknowledged by the researchers. Many firms are looking to “The Cloud” not just for elastic pay-as-you-go services, but also as a cost-effective tool for handling very large databases. As databases grow, the performance impact grows in a super-linear way – layering on a security tool with poor performance is a non-starter. Not to be a total buzzkill, but I wanted to point out that there are practical alternatives that work today. For example, data masking obfuscates data but allows computational analytics. Masking can be done in such a way as to retain aggregate values while masking individual data elements. Masking – like encryption – can be poorly implemented, enabling the original data to be reverse engineered. But good masking implementations keep data secure, perform well, and facilitate reporting and analytics. Also consider the value of private clouds on public infrastructure. In one of the many possible deployment models, data is locked into a cloud as a black box, and only approved programatic elements ever touch the data – not users. You import data and run reports, but do not allow direct access the data. As long as you protect the management and programmatic interfaces, the data remains secure. There is no reason to look for isolinear plasma converters or quantum flux capacitors when when a hammer and some duct tape will do. Share:

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