

Isolated Computing

IBM, with researchers at North Carolina State University, has annnounced an effective way to protect information and processes in multi-tenant environments – such as cloud and virtual deployments. In what they are calling the Strongly Isolated Computing Environment, installed below the hypervisor. The teaser is that the code is a mere 300 lines – a very small footprint means simplicity, which in turn implies both performance and security. A new technique called Strongly Isolated Computing Environment (SICE) aims to isolate sensitive information and workload from the rest of the functions performed by a hypervisor, which serves as gateway to a virtual, cross-platform workspace shared by users in a cloud system. This is positioned as VMM security for x86 architectures, residing in the BIOS. The code leverages the Systems Management Mode (SMM) of the Intel processor – think of it as something between a mini embedded OS and a hardware debugger. SMM is a general utility used for things such as power management, cryptographic subprocesses, and the occasional attack vector. The flexibility of this feature makes the approach interesting. But make no mistake: this is not ‘cloud’ security. This is quasi-hardware security for the benefit of virtual machine managers. Hijacking the overused ‘cloud’ term is purely PR. While the research is not fully public at this time, it’s clear their goal is to provide secure containers for data and processes in multi-tenant environments. I find this interesting as, despite wide use of virtualization, questions on how best to secure the hypervisor – and the partitions that run on top of it – are still open for debate. And plenty of companies are offering different ideas for how to make this work. Technically the NC State team’s proposal is not a new approach. Isolating critical functions at the OS/BIOS/hardware layer has been done before – sometimes all three at once, with each layer validating the other. Nor is reducing attack surface a novel concept. And that’s why I am skeptical – given that every few years we are presented with a ‘new’ approach to security, which is as a rule nothing more than cycling through the different layers of the computing infrastructure. Network centric security, or host or OS security, or application layer, or perhaps user and and information centric security. For example, if you are using information centric security, you work at the data (DRM) or application (DLP) layer. The problem is that we have been cycling around for 20 years, and we never settle on a final answer. Chris Hoff has written a ton about this perpetual cycle, and suggested why we should expect virtualization and security functions to evolve directly into the CPU. I think this is the first of many efforts we will see. Placing these functions in the BIOS/SMM could be the right solution – or just the next step before it’s fully embedded in the hardware. And then we’ll find that’s not flexible enough and place protections in the OS…. Share:

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Good versus bad FAIL

On reflection I talk about failure a lot. As I look back at my own career experience, FAIL has commonly appeared at inopportune times. Though it’s hard to say you can pinpoint a good time to fail. It’s part of both the business and human experience, so to me failure can be positive and productive, and position you for future success. But not always, and a lot depends on the form it takes. I guess when I think of the wrong kind of failure, I point to Andreas’ post on Network World, Fail a security audit already – it’s good for you. I do understand where he’s coming from. As I mentioned, failure can serve as a catalyst for action, as a good way to assess progress (ask the ATL Falcons about that), or as a way to figure out when it’s time to pack up your tent and move on. I guess my issue is with looking at an audit as a good venue for failure. Why? An audit is an awfully low bar for anything. Yes, I understand that’s a crass generalization. Many auditors are very talented and can find unseen issues and add value. But many aren’t that. Many adhere blindly to their checklists and ensure your security controls fit into a clean little box, even if there isn’t much clean about security in today’s environment. Have you ever heard the story about the scorpion and the frog? I think of it because many auditors adhere to their playbooks, disregarding actual circumstances – like the scorpion in that story. To be clear, the auditor will find something. They always do, or they understand they won’t be invited back. That doesn’t mean the stuff they find really matters. So what’s a better approach? How can you leverage an audit failure to your best advantage? Script it out and use the auditor as a piece of your evil plans. It’s okay – that’s how things get done in the real world. If you are a clued-in security professional, you know where the issues are. At least some of them. You also may face some organizational resistance to fixing issues. So you might direct the audit to miraculously find the issues you want/need fixed. Don’t make it too easy, but make sure they find what you need them to find. Amazingly enough, if something shows up in an audit’s findings of fact, it forces a decision. The decision may be to do nothing, but that will at least be a conscious decision to not address the risk. Then you can move onto the next thing and stop tilting at windmills. Or get the action you need. Either way it’s a win. So I’m all for failing. But fail correctly. Fail with a purpose. Use failure to your advantage. In some cases, actually stage your failure to make a point. I guess my real point is that any failure you face shouldn’t be a total surprise, though that will happen from time to time. Surprise failure is the kind you need to avoid. But that’s another story for another day. Photo credit: “Fail Whale Pale Ale” originally uploaded by jamesplankton Share:

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Firestarter: On “Architectural Limbo”

Yesterday Lori MacVittie posted another thoughtful article, Cloud Computing: Architectural Limbo, where she highlights percived problems with the NIST description. I usually agree with her cloud posts, but this is a rare case where I think she is wrong. Consider, for a moment, the stark reality of a realm with no real network boundaries offered by AWS in “Building three-tier architectures with security groups”: “Unlike with traditional on-premise physical deployments, AWS’s virtualization of compute, storage, and network elements requires that you think differently about how to build network segregation into your projects. There are no distinct physical networks, no VLANs, and no DMZs.” The post goes on to describe the means in which a secure, traditional three-tiered application architecture can be deployed using AWS security groups. This architecture is a fine approximation of the traditional, data center deployed architecture based on the available abstractions offered by AWS Note the use of the term “approximation”. That’s important, because it’s indicative of one of the core issues with cloud today: the inability to replicate architecture. You might be thinking that’s okay as long as you can replicate it using available services. Actually, it is okay because it does work. AWS does provide logical and physical barriers, and while they are presented in a way that only mimics traditional networks, they do so to ease understanding through familiar concepts. Being different does not make it less secure. And I’ve lost count of the number of organizations that have successfully deployed this (admittedly basic) architecture and are running it in production environments. It works so well that we even teach it in the CSA Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK) classes we run. One of the great joys of running in an IaaS environment is its bare simplicity. You don’t have the crutches of a vast array of technology to rely on. Instead you have to think about your real needs, instead of adding huge amounts of complexity because that’s how we’re doing it in-house today. It’s a prime opportunity to start over and avoid repeating the sins of the past. The problem is that in order to fully deploy in the cloud you have to deploy an architecture that will be different from the one you currently maintain in the data center. What that ultimately entails is a separate and environment-specific set of processes, as well, that could quickly become operationally expensive. This is especially true when compliance enters the picture, and even more so when the regulations in question are those that focus on process (think SOX) and not just technological implementation. While it is true that in many cases, different network architectures and security requirements cause differences in cloud architectures, that doesn’t necessarily mean that the applications residing on those architectures will be fundamentally different. In my experience most operations teams have little or no knowledge of how the underlying network architectures are laid out. It’s simply irrelevant, so long as the necessary ports are open. And this is the model offered by cloud providers like AWS. As for separate and environment-specific sets of processes, this is just a red herring. Network and especially security teams already have to do this, especially in larger organizations. You could just as well make this argument about every application deployment, regardless of locale. This is just part of life, and any good IT shop should be familiar it. Share:

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