

Applied Network Security Analysis: The Malware Analysis Use Case

As we resume our tour of advanced use cases for Network Security Analysis, it’s time to consider malware analysis. Of course most successful attacks involve some kind of malware at some point during the attack. If only just to maintain a presence on the compromised device, some kind of bad stuff is injected. And once the bad stuff is on a device, it’s very very hard to get rid of it – and even harder to be sure. Most folks (including us) recommend you just re-image the device, as opposed to trying to clean the malware. This makes it even more important to detect malware as quickly as possible and (hopefully) block it before a user does something stupid to compromise their device. There are many ways to detect malware, depending on the attack vector, but a lot of what we see today is snuck through port 80 as web traffic. Sure, dimwit users occasionally open a PDF or ZIP file from someone they don’t know, but more often it’s a drive-by download, which means it comes in with all the other web traffic. So we have an opportunity to detect this malware when it enters the network. Let’s examine two situations, one with a purpose-built device to protect against web malware, and another where we’re analyzing malware directly on the network analysis platform. Detecting Malware at the Perimeter As we’ve been saying throughout this series, extending data collection and capture beyond logs is essential to detecting modern attacks. One advantage of capturing the full network packet stream at the ingress point of your network is that you can check for known malware and alert as they enter the network. This approach is better than nothing but it has two main issues: Malware sample accuracy: This approach requires accurate and comprehensive malware samples already loaded into the device to detect the attack. We all know that approach doesn’t work well with endpoint anti-virus and is completely useless against zero-day attacks, and this approach has the same trouble. No blocking: Additionally, once you detect something on the analysis platform, your options to remediate are pretty limited. Alerting on malware entering the network is useful, but blocking it is much better. Alternatively, a new class of network security device has emerged to deal with this kind of sneaky malware, by exploding the malware as it enters the network to understand the behavior of inbound sessions. Again, given the prevalence of unknown zero-day attacks, the ability to classify known bad behavior and see how a packet stream actually behaves can be very helpful. Of course no device is foolproof, but these devices can provide earlier warning of impending problems than traditional perimeter network security controls. Using these devices you can also block the offending traffic at the perimeter if it is detected in time, reducing the likelihood of device compromise. But you can’t guarantee you will catch all malware, so you must figure out the extent of t he compromise. There is also a more reactive approach: analyzing outbound traffic to pinpoint known command and control behavior and targets, which usually indicating a compromised device. At this point the device is already pwned, so you need to contain the damage. Either way, you must figure out exactly what happened and whether you need to sound the alarm. Containing the Damage Based on the analysis on the perimeter, we know both the target device and the originating network address. With our trusty analysis platform we can then figure out the extent of the damage. Let’s walk through the steps: Evaluate the device: First you need to figure out if the device is compromised. Your endpoint protection suite might not be able to catch an advanced attack, so search your analysis platform (and logging system) to find any configuration changes made on the device, and look for any strange behavior – typically through network flow analysis. If the device is still clean all the better. But we will assume it’s not. Profile the malware: Now you know the device is compromised, you need to figure out how. Sure you could just wipe it, but that eliminates the best opportunity to profile the attack. The network traffic and device information enable your analysts to piece together exactly what the malware does, replay the attack to confirm, and profile its behavior. This helps figure out how many other devices have been compromised, because you know what to look for. Determine the extent of the damage: The next step is to track malware proliferation. You can search the analysis platform to look for the malware profile you built in the last step. This might mean looking for communication with the external addresses you identified, identifying command and control patterns, or watching for the indicative configuration changes; but however you proceed, having all that data in one place facilitates identifying compromised devices. Watch for the same attack: You know the saying: “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” Shame on you if you let the same attack succeed on your network. Add rules to detect and block attacks you have seen for the future. We have acknowledged repeatedly that security professionals get no credit for blocking attacks, but you certainly look like a fool if you get compromised repeatedly by the same attack. You are only as good as your handling of the latest attack. So learn from these attacks; the additional data collection capabilities of network security analysis platforms can give you an advantage, both for containing the damage and for ensuring it doesn’t happen again. As we wrap up this Applied Network Security Analysis series early next week, we will examine the use case of confirming a breach actually happened, and then revisit the key points to solidify our case for capturing network traffic as a key facet of your detection capabilities. Share:

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Friday Summary: November 4, 2011

I wouldn’t say I’m a control freak, but I am definitely “control aligned”. If something is important to me I like to know what’s going on under the hood. I also hate to depend on someone else for something I’m capable of. So I have no problem trusting my accountant to keep me out of tax jail, or hiring a painter for the house, but there is a long list of things I tend to overanalyze and have trouble letting go of. Pretty damn high up that list is the Securosis Nexus. I have been programming as a hobby since third grade, and for a while there in the early days of web applications it was my full time profession. I don’t know C worth a darn, but I was pretty spiffy with database design and my (now antiquated) toolset for building web apps. I still code when I can, but it’s more like home repair than being a general contractor. When Mike, Adrian, and I came up with the idea for the Nexus I did all the design work. From the UI sketches we sent to the visual designers to the features and logic flow. Not that I did it all alone, but I took point, and I’m the one who interfaces with our contractors. Which is where I’m learning how to let go. The hard way. I have managed (small) programming teams before but this is my first time on the hiring side of the contractor relationship. It’s also the first time I haven’t written any significant amount of code for something I’m pretty much betting my future on (and the future of my partners and our families). Our current contractor team is great. Among other things they suggested an entirely new architecture for the backend that is far better than my initial plans and our PoC code. I wish they would QA a little better (hi guys!), and we don’t always see things the same way, but I’m damn happy with the product. But it’s extremely hard for me to rely on them. For example, today I wanted to change how a certain part of the system functioned (how we handle internal links). I know what needs to be done, and even know generally what needs to happen within the code, but I realized I would probably just screw it up. And it would take me a few hours (to screw up), while they can sort it all out in a fraction of the time. I don’t know why this bothers me. Maybe it’s knowing that I’ll see a line item on an invoice down the road. But it’s probably some deep-seated need to feel I’m in control and not dependant on someone else for something so important. But I am. And I need to get used to it. On to the Summary: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences Me (Rich) in a DLP video I for Trend Micro. I really liked the video crew on this one and the quality shows. I may need to get myself a Canon DSLR for our future Securosis videos instead of our current HD camcorder. I also wrote up how to recover lost iCloud data based on my own serious FAIL this week. Favorite Securosis Posts Mike Rothman: Virtual USB? Not.. Adrian has it right here. Even though it’s more secure to carry (yet another) device, users won’t do it. They want everything on their smartphone, and they will get it. It’s just a matter of when, and at what cost (in terms of security or data loss). Adrian Lane: How Regular Folks See Online Safety. Lately news items are right out of Theater of the Absurd: Security Tragicomedy. Rich: Tokenization Guidance: Audit Advice. Adrian is really building the most definitive guide out there. Other Securosis Posts Incite 11/2/2011: Be Yourself. Conspiracy Theories, Tin Foil Hats, and Security Research. Applied Network Security Analysis: The Advanced Security Use Case. Applied Network Security Analysis: The Forensics Use Case. Favorite Outside Posts Mike Rothman: 3 Free Tools to Fake DNS Responses for Malware Analysis. This is a good tip for testing, but also critical for understanding the tactics adversaries will use against you. Adrian Lane: The Chicago Way. Our own Dave Lewis does the best job in the blogsphere at explaining what the heck is going on with the Anonymous / Los Zetas gang confrontation. James Arlen: Harvard Stupid. Two posts in one – interesting financial story tailed by an excellent example of how security should be implemented from a big picture view. If you run IT security for your company, read this! Rich: Kevin Beaver on why users violate policies. I don’t agree with the lazy comment though – it’s not being lazy if your goal is to get your job done and you deal with something in the way. Research Reports and Presentations Fact-Based Network Security: Metrics and the Pursuit of Prioritization. Tokenization vs. Encryption: Options for Compliance. Security Benchmarking: Going Beyond Metrics. Understanding and Selecting a File Activity Monitoring Solution. Database Activity Monitoring: Software vs. Appliance. React Faster and Better: New Approaches for Advanced Incident Response. Measuring and Optimizing Database Security Operations (DBQuant). Network Security in the Age of Any Computing. Top News and Posts UK Cops Using Fake Mobile Phone Tower to Intercept Calls, Shut Off Phones. Malaysian CA Digicert Revokes Certs With Weak Keys, Mozilla Moves to Revoke Trust. Four CAs Have Been Compromised Since June. Hackers attacked U.S. government satellites. How Visa Protects Your Data. Exposing the Market for Stolen Credit Cards Data. ‘Nitro’ Cyberespionage Attack Targets Chemical, Defense Firms. Blog Comment of the Week This week we are redirecting our donation to support Brad “theNurse” Smith. This week’s best comment goes to Zac, in response to Conspiracy Theories, Tin Foil Hats, and Security Research. I personally think that the problem with the media hype is that it seems to distract more than inform. The overall result being that you end up with “experts” arguing over inconsequential

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