

Understanding and Selecting DSP: Extended Features

In the original Understanding and Selecting a Database Activity Monitoring Solution paper we discussed a number of Advanced Features for analysis and enforcement that have since largely become part of the standard feature set for DSP products. We covered monitoring, vulnerability assessment, and blocking, as the minimum feature set required for a Data Security Platform, and we find these in just about every product on the market. Today’s post will cover extensions of those core features, focusing on new methods of data analysis and protection, along with several operational capabilities needed for enterprise deployments. A key area where DSP extends DAM is in novel security features to protect databases and extend protection across other applications and data storage repositories. In other words, these are some of the big differentiating features that affect which products you look at if you want anything beyond the basics, but they aren’t all in wide use. Analysis and Protection Query Whitelisting: Query ‘whitelisting’ is where the DSP platform, working as an in-line reverse proxy for the database, only permits known SQL queries to pass through to the database. This is a form of blocking, as we discussed in the base architecture section. But traditional blocking techniques rely on query parameter and attribute analysis. This technique has two significant advantages. First is that detection is based on the structure of the query, matching the format of the FROM and WHERE clauses, to determine if the query matches the approved list. Second is how the list of approved queries is generated. In most cases the DSP maps out the entire SQL grammar – in essence a list of every possible supported query – into binary search tree for super fast comparison. Alternatively, by monitoring application activity, the DSP platform can automatically mark which queries are permitted in baselining mode – of course the user can edit this list as needed. Any query not on the white list is logged and discarded – and never reaches the database. With this method of blocking false positives are very low and the majority of SQL injection attacks are automatically blocked. The downside is that the list of acceptable queries must be updated with each application change – otherwise legitimate requests are blocked. Dynamic Data Masking: Masking is a method of altering data so that the original data is obfuscated but the aggregate value is maintained. Essentially we substitute out individual bits of sensitive data and replace them with random values that look like the originals. For example we can substitute a list of customer names in a database with a random selection of names from a phone book. Several DSP platforms provide on-the-fly masking for sensitive data. Others detect and substitute sensitive information prior to insertion. There are several variations, each offering different security and performance benefits. This is different from the dedicated static data masking tools used to develop test and development databases from production systems. Application Activity Monitoring: Databases rarely exist in isolation – more often they are extensions of applications, but we tend to look at them as isolated components. Application Activity Monitoring adds the ability to watch application activity – not only the database queries that result from it. This information can be correlated between the application and the database to gain a clear picture of just how data is used at both levels, and to identify anomalies which indicate a security or compliance failure. There are two variations currently available on the market. The first is Web Application Firewalls, which protect applications from SQL injection, scripting, and other attacks on the application and/or database. WAFs are commonly used to monitor application traffic, but can be deployed in-line or out-of-band to block or reset connections, respectively. Some WAFs can integrate with DSPs to correlate activity between the two. The other form is monitoring of application specific events, such as SAP transaction codes. Some of these commands are evaluated by the application, using application logic in the database. In either case inspection of these events is performed in a single location, with alerts on odd behavior. File Activity Monitoring: Like DAM, FAM monitors and records all activity within designated file repositories at the user level and alerts on policy violations. Rather than SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE queries, FAM records file opens, saves, deletions, and copies. For both security and compliance, this means you no longer care if data is structured or unstructured – you can define a consistent set of policies around data, not just database, usage. You can read more about FAM in Understanding and Selecting a File Activity Monitoring Solution. Query Rewrites: Another useful technique for protecting data and databases from malicious queries is query rewriting. Deployed through a reverse database proxy, incoming queries are evaluated for common attributes and query structure. If a query looks suspicious, or violates security policy, it is substituted with a similar authorized query. For example, a query that includes a column of Social Security numbers may be omitted from the results by removing that portion of the FROM clause. Queries that include the highly suspect “1=1” WHERE clause may simply return the value 1. Rewriting queries protects application continuity, as the queries are not simply discarded – they return a subset of the requested data, so false positives don’t cause the application to hang or crash. Connection-Pooled User Identification: One of the problems with connection pooling, whereby an application using a single shared database connection for all users, is loss of the ability to track which actions are taken by which users at the database level. Connection pooling is common and essential for application development, but if all queries originate from the same account that makes granular security monitoring difficult. This feature uses a variety of techniques to correlate every query back to an application user for better auditing at the database level. Discovery Database Discovery: Databases have a habit of popping up all over the place without administrators being aware. Everything from virtual copies of production databases showing up in test environments, to Microsoft Access databases embedded in applications. These databases are commonly not secured to any standard, often have default configurations, and provide targets of opportunity for attackers. Database discovery works by scanning networks looking for databases

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Incite 4/4/2012: Travel the Barbarian

Flying into Milan to teach the CCSK class on Sunday morning, it really struck me how much we take this technology stuff for granted. The flight was uneventful (though that coach seat on a 9+ hour flight is the suxxor), except for the fact that the in-seat entertainment system didn’t work in our section. Wait. What? You mean you can’t see the movies and TV shows you want, or play the trivia game to pass the time? How barbaric! Glad I brought my iPad, so I enjoyed half the first season of Game of Thrones. Then when I arrive I jump in the cab. The class is being held in a suburb of Milan, a bit off the beaten path. I’m staying in a local hotel, but it’s not an issue because I have the address and the cabbie has GPS. What did we do before GPS was pervasive? Yeah, I remember. We used maps. How barbaric. Then I get to the hotel and ask for the WiFi code. The front desk guy then proceeds to explain that you can buy 1, 4 or 12 hour blocks for an obscene number of Euros. Wait. What? You don’t have a daily rate? So I’ve got to connect and disconnect? And I have to manage connections between all of my devices. Man, feels like 5 years ago when you had to pay for WiFi in hotels in the US. No longer, though, because I carry around my MiFi and it provides great bandwidth for all my devices. They do offer MiFi devices in Italy, but not for rent. Yeah, totally barbaric – making me constrain my Internet usage. And don’t even get me started on cellular roaming charges. Which is why hourly WiFi is such a problem. I forwarded my cell phone to a Skype number, and the plan was to have Skype running in the background so I could take calls. Ah, the best laid plans… But one thing about Italy is far from barbaric, and that’s gelato. So what if they don’t take AmEx at most of the places I’ll go this week. They do have gelato, so I’ll deal with the inconveniences, and get back in the gym when I return to the States. Gelato FTW. -Mike Photo credits: “Conan the Barbarian #1” originally uploaded by Philipp Lenssen Heavy Research We’re back at work on a variety of our blog series, so here is a list of the research currently underway. Remember you can get our Heavy Feed via RSS, where you can access all our content in its unabridged glory. Vulnerability Management Evolution Introduction Defending iOS Data Managed Devices Defining Your iOS Data Security Strategy Watching the Watchers (Privileged User Management) Protect Credentials Understanding and Selecting DSP Core Features Malware Analysis Quant Index of Posts Incite 4 U PCI CYA: We’ve said it here so many times that I can’t even figure out what to link to. The PCI Council claims that no PCI compliant organization has ever been breached. And as Alan Shimel points out, the Global Payments breach is no exception. The house wins once again. Or does it? Brian Krebs also reports that timelines don’t match up, or perhaps there is also another breach involved with a different payment processor? I’m sure if that’s true they’ll be dropped from PCI like a hot turd. Never forget that PCI is about protecting the card brands first, and anyone else 27th. – RM White noise: You’ve probably heard about the Global Payments breach. That means that as I write this the marketing department of every security vendor is crafting a story about how their products would have stopped the breach. And that’s all BS. Visa and Brian Krebs are reporting the attackers accessed Track 2 data – that tells us a lot. It’s clearly stated in the PCI-DSS specification that the mag stripe data is not to be stored anywhere by payment processors or merchant banks. It’s unlikely that attackers compromised the point-of-sale devices or the network feeds into Global Payments to collect 1.5M records from the merchant account of Joe’s Parking Garage in a month. As Global Payments is saying the data was ‘exported’, it’s more likely that their back office systems were breached, exposing unencrypted track data. Any security vendor’s ability to detect and stop the ‘export’ is irrelevant; it’s more secure to not collect the data at all. And even if the records were ‘temporary’, they should have been encrypted to avoid just this exposure to people poking around systems and databases at any time. So just sit back and learn (once again) from the screw-ups that continue to occur. I’m sure we’ll hear a lot more about this in the coming weeks. – AL I’ll take “nothing” for $200, Alex: Everybody batten down the hatches, it may be Spring (in the Northern Hemisphere, anyway), but when Shack becomes optimistic you can be sure that winter is coming. Though I do like to see a happier Shack talking about what is right with Infosec. Things like acceptance of breach inevitability and less acceptance of bureaucracy (though that cycles up and down). There are some good points here, but the most optimistic thing Dave says is that we have smart new blood coming into the field. And that the responsibility is ours, as the grizzled cynical old veterans, not to tarnish the new guys before their time. – MR Security is the broker: Managing enterprise adoption of cloud computing is a tough problem. There is little to prevent dev and ops from running out and spinning up their own systems on various cloud services; assuming you are silly enough to give them credit cards. Gartner thinks that enterprises will use cloud service brokerages (which will be internal) to facilitate cloud use. I agree, although if you are smart, security will play this key role (or a big part of it). Security can broker identity and access management, secure cloud APIs, handle encryption, and define compliance policies (the biggest obstacle to cloud adoption ). We have the tools, mandate, and responsibility. But if you don’t get ahead of things you will be

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