

FireStarter: Policy Wonks and Pests

I’ve spent more hours than I can count studying compliance and governance. Reading and re-reading PCI requirements, Sarbanes-Oxley law, theory, and applied theory. Spent mind-numbing hours combing through BASEL and BASEL II docs. I’ve spent many long weeks with external auditors, internal auditors, assessors, risk management personnel, corporate governance officers, and government officials – trying to understand their jobs, their roles, and how the world functions from their perspectives. I’ve spent months mapping those ideas and processes into policy implementations, process modifications, and the rules that actually enforce policies. I’ve written audit reports for these various compliance and policy management frameworks to demonstrate policy compliance and efficacy. When you sell security and risk management software these efforts are necessary, because compliance drives your company’s revenue. So I feel I understand policy and compliance pretty darn well, but I am bothered by the trend toward policy being the focus – at the expense of the task it was originally designed to govern. I got started on this thread during a review of an instructional “how-to” on the secure-software development lifecycle (SDLC). The more I read of this SDLC description, the more I realized that it was not SDLC at all. It was a risk and management process to gauge the effectiveness of the SDLC program. It contained next to nothing on SDLC itself! There were very few instructions on tools, processes, or things you need to know to actually develop under an SDLC – just management and policy oversight. Don’t get me wrong – risk management and development management policies are very important for SDLC. When we track and monitor we get a better idea of whether what we are doing is having a positive effect, weigh the relative merits of different types of security efforts, and over time learn whether we are getting better. But policy and management are not for the sake of policy and management – they only exist to ensure the core effort (in this case SDLC) is actually working. I find that a lot of this stems from people developing policy when they have never done whatever the policies are meant to govern. And sometimes that’s okay. It’s not a requirement that you have developed code, managed teams of developers, or been responsible for process development to comment on SDLC and SDLC governance. But without that experience in whatever practice you are trying to manage, efforts to improve it rarely work out well – the policy mindset does not mesh well with the development mindset. Agile programming even has a name for these people: chickens! From the parable of Chickens and Pigs, the Chickens have lots of input but are not part of the actual process. And developers make this distinction because chickens can be detrimental to the process of developing software. This particular brand of chicken I usually call “policy wonks”, and I am convinced they do at least as much harm as good. I’m pretty pragmatic. I prefer easy over hard, and when it comes down to it I just want to get my work done and move on. In fact all of us at Securosis are this way – Mike so much that he authored the Pragmatic CSO guide that remains in use and gets downloaded pretty much every week. Developers, if I can be so bold as to generalize on the culture as a whole, are usually anti-bureaucracy and anti-policy. It’s whatever works quickly and effectively. And I have this trait in a big way. But after years spent with policy development and compliance, gathering metrics and measuring outcomes, I know they actually are critical. But I keep running into people who only do policy, who only give us the (to steal a phrase from David Mortman) Utopian Policy Ideal, without any consideration whatsoever for actually getting $#)^! done! Policy is to help us avoid repeating mistakes and guide us on how to get work done the way we want to get it done. But it’s not all about policy. Policy is not the work to get done. Are policy and governance important? Hell, yeah! But if we keep spending 50% of our time on this 5% of the picture, we will suck at the other 95% of the stuff that needs to happen in order to get things done. You know – real work. Note from Rich: Adrian asked me to review this before posting so I thought I’d insert a line. This is my single biggest pet peeve in security today. Especially in cloud. Far too many people seem to want to be policy wonks and focus on GRC to the exclusion of actual security. Share:

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Friday Summary: May 4, 2012

My conversation started like this: “Do you know where the recorder is?” she asked. “The what?” I replied. “The tape recorder we bought you!” After a long pause, I replied: “You mean the Panasonic cassette tape recorder you bought me in 1974?” “Yes, that one! I want to record myself playing the piano.” My brain froze momentarily, as I processed the many implications of this statement. After another long pause I asked: “Mom, did you really call me up to ask me about a cassette recorder? From the 70’s? And for the record, no, I’ve not seen it in – uh – three decades. I think we threw it out when the batteries corroded the insides. That would have been in the early 80’s.” “Oh, darn!” “If you don’t mind my asking, why not use the computer? Or one of those dictaphones you’ve got scattered around the house. Or your phone should – wait, don’t you have a smartphone?” “No, your father and I do not have cell phones.” This conversation occurred last month. I literally put down the phone after that comment to think about what that meant. They didn’t go all Amish on me, did they? I consider myself a ‘late’ adopter because my first phone that was more than a basic phone was the iPhone 4. I still use email. I have really just started to appreciate Twitter, placed my entire music library on a computer, and started streaming television over WiFi. But I have owned cell phones for 15 years or so. This is a whole different universe of thought and perception. Other than their DVD player and the ‘recent’ upgrade to Windows XP, it seems my parents stopped advancing with technology a long time ago. My wife has a theory that you can tell someone’s ‘heyday’ when you walk into their home, by looking at the period decor. I have got lots of friends who are 10, 15, even 25 years older than me; and it seems to hold true. For my parents it’s velour, brass, and mauve – you do the math. Some people continue to modernize but most just stop at some point. I think that there is an economic component to the lack of change – it’s expensive to just replace things for the sake of modernization. But this is different. An old couch is a long way from not having a cellphone. I grew up hearing about the generation gap, and I mostly ignored the discussion about the digital divide as – in Berkeley at least – it came across as some socialist rant against what was perceived as a technological caste system. But I am starting to see the point, not in the “technological literacy” sense, but more about humans’ willingness to adapt or sample new things, or just try something different. But damn, this is still shocking. And I’m their offspring – could this happen to me too? Is it because you own a device that already does something similar, so you figure “Why buy a new one?” Do you need a robot vacuum cleaner when the Hoover upright still functions? Do you need voicemail when your answering machine still works? If the Mr. Coffee still cranks out brown water, why invest in a single-cup espresso maker with those fancy foil packs? Why replace the refrigerator that’s been working great for 30 years? If IE6 still browses the Internet, why change? Do you need LED lights when you have an incandescent desk lamp? Mom was more comfortable with a cassette tape recorder than any other recording device invented in the last 40 years. She was headed to the store to see if she could find a new one. I told her that her best bet was [snark]Office Max[/snark]. The good news is that I have figured out the perfect Christmas gift – I’ll send them the Patrick Nagel prints I have stored in the garage. On to the Summary: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences Rich with Nir Zuk on Coming to Grips with Consumerization. Adrian at Dark Reading: Security Bugs And Proofs Of Concept. Written before the TNS poisoning disclosure. Rich mentioned in Adrian’s paper on User Activity Monitoring. Mike’s PCI: Dead Man(date) Walking? at Dark Reading. Favorite Securosis Posts Mike Rothman: Friday Summary: TSA Edition. Rich nails the issue with airport security in his intro to last week’s Summary. He’s right – more security theater will be coming to an airport near you. Adrian Lane: Stupid Human Tricks: Security Job Interviews. The LiquidMatrix guys are like family, so this is my favorite ‘inside’ post of the week. Guaranteed to make the most cynical security people laugh out loud! Rich: FireStarter: Policy Wonks and Pests. Have I mentioned how little respect I have for people who want to govern things they don’t understand? Other Securosis Posts Incite 5/2/2012: Refi Madness. Vulnerability Management Evolution: Evolution or Revolution? Favorite Outside Posts Mike Rothman: 8 Things To Expect Shopping At Microsoft’s Non-Apple Apple Store. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. And then there is copying. If you’ve never been to a Microsoft store, Conan has it nailed. Especially the Zune meet-ups. Should provide your LOL of the day. Adrian Lane: TNS Poison – straight from the researcher. Fascinating tale of FAIL. Rich: Don’t be an evangelist. Okay, I get mentioned in this one, but there really isn’t any place for religion in tech. You need to be able to adapt to the times. Project Quant Posts Malware Analysis Quant: Index of Posts. Malware Analysis Quant: Metrics–Monitor for Reinfection. Malware Analysis Quant: Metrics–Remediate. Malware Analysis Quant: Metrics–Find Infected Devices. Malware Analysis Quant: Metrics–Define Rules and Search Queries. Malware Analysis Quant: Metrics–The Malware Profile. Malware Analysis Quant: Metrics–Dynamic Analysis. Research Reports and Presentations Watching the Watchers: Guarding the Keys to the Kingdom. Network-Based Malware Detection: Filling the Gaps of AV. Tokenization Guidance Analysis: Jan 2012. Applied Network Security Analysis: Moving from Data to Information. Tokenization Guidance. Security Management 2.0: Time to

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