Q1 Vendor Newsletter
We send a quarterly newsletter out to vendor clients as part of our retainer program. Here’s the introduction, which describes how we view the newsletter: Welcome to our inaugural vendor newsletter. This is where we talk about all the things we see during the course of our daily research. Trends, analysis, data, and whatever we think will help you – at least the stuff we can share! As industry analysts we see the good, bad, and ugly of everything from pitches, collateral, and messaging, to how products are used and abused in the field. Our goal for these pages is to highlight what works, what doesn’t, and give you insight into what we’re seeing out there, including the latest trends and data. Sometimes we will use this space to call out folks, but all in good fun – and always with the goal of educating everyone about what we think works. We’ll also highlight good stuff when we see it – don’t worry… this won’t be all snark. Yup, it’s the newsletter you’d expect us to write. We sent out the first version at the end of Q1, so we figure enough time has lapsed that we can share it with everyone. You can download the full newsletter (PDF) and check it out. As if you needed another reason to become a retainer client… Share: