

Pragmatic WAF Management: the WAF Management Process

As we discussed previously in The Trouble with WAFs, there are many reasons WAFs frustrate both security and application developers. But thanks to the ‘gift’ of PCI, many organizations have a WAF in-house, and now they want to use it (more) effectively. Which is a good thing, by the way. We also pointed out that many of the WAF issues our research has discovered were not problems with technology. There is entirely too much failure to effectively manage WAF. So your friends at Securosis will map out a clear and pragmatic 3-phase approach to WAF management. Now for the caveats. There are no silver bullets. Not profiling apps. Not integration with vulnerability reporting and intelligence services. Not anything. Effectively managing your WAF requires an ongoing and significant commitment. In every aspect of the process, you will see the need to revisit everything, over and over again. We live in a dynamic world – which means a static ruleset won’t cut it. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you can achieve a singularity with your WAF. We will stop preaching now. Manage Policies At a high level you need to think of the WAF policy/rule base as a living, breathing entity. Applications evolve and change – typically on a daily basis – so WAF rules also need to evolve and change in lockstep. But before you can worry about evolving your rule base, you need to build it in the first place. We have identified 3 steps for doing that: Baseline Application Traffic: The first step in deploying a WAF is usually to let it observe your application traffic during a training period, so it can develop a reference baseline of ‘normal’ application behavior for all the applications on your network. This initial discovery process and associated baseline provides the basis for the initial ruleset, basically a whitelist of acceptable actions for each application. Understand the Application: The baseline represents the first draft of your rules. Then you apply a large dose of common sense to see which rules don’t make sense and what’s missing. You can do this by building threat models for dangerous edge cases and other situations to ensure nothing is missed. Protect against Attacks: Finally you will want to address typical attack patterns. This is similar to how an Intrusion Prevention System works at the network layer. This will block common but dangerous attacks such as SQLi and XSS. Now you have your initial rule set, but it’s not time for Tetris yet. This milestone is only the beginning. We will going into detail on the issues and tradeoffs of policy management later in this series – for now we just want to capture the high-level approach. You need to constantly revisit the ruleset – both to deal with new attacks (based on what you get from your vendor’s research team and public vulnerability reporting organizations such as CERT), and to handle application changes. Which makes a good segue to the next step. Application Lifecycle Integration Let’s be candid – developers don’t like security folks, and vice-versa. Sure that’s a generalization, but it’s generally true. Worse, developers don’t like security tools that barrage them with huge amounts of stuff they’re supposed to fix – especially when the ‘spam’ includes many noisy inconsequential issues and/or totally bogus results. The security guy wielding a WAF is an outsider, and his reports are full of indigestible data, so they are likely to get stored in the circular file. It’s not that developers don’t believe there are issues – they know there’s tons of stuff that ought to be fixed, because they have been asked many times to take shortcuts to deliver code on deadline. And they know the backlog of functional stuff they would like to fix – over and above the threats reported by the WAF, dynamic app scans, and pen testers – is simply to large to deal with. Web-borne threat? Take a number. Security folks wonder why the developers can’t build secure code, and developers feel security folks have no appreciation of their process or the pressure to ship working code. We said “working code” – not necessarily secure code, which is a big part of the problem. Now add Operations into the mix – they are responsible for making sure the systems run smoothly, and they really don’t want yet another system to manage on their network. They worry about performance, failover, ease of management and – at least as much as developers do – user experience. This next step in the WAF management process involves collaboration between the proverbial irresistible force and immovable object to protect applications. Communication between groups is a starting point – providing filtered, prioritized, and digestible information to dev-ops is another hurdle to address. Further complicating matters are evolving development processes, various new development tools, and application deployment practices, which WAF products need to integrate with. Obviously you work with the developers to identify and eliminate security defects as early in the process as possible. But the security team needs to be realistic – adversely impacting a developer’s work process can have a dramatic negative impact on the quality and amount of code that gets shipped. And nobody likes that. We have identified a set of critical success factors for integrating with the DLC (development lifecycle): Executive Sponsorship: If a developer can say ‘no’ to the security team, at some point they will. Either security is important or it isn’t. To move past a compliance WAF, security folks need the CIO or CEO to agree that the velocity of feature evolution must give way to addressing critical security flaws. Once management has made that commitment, developers can justify improving security as part of their job. Establish Expectations: Agree on what makes a critical issue, and how critical issues will be addressed among the pile of competing critical requirements. Set guidelines in advance so there are no arguments when issues arise. Security/Developer Integration Points: There need to be logical (and documented)

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