

Incite 8/15/2012: Fear (of the Unknown)

FDR was right. We have nothing to fear, but fear itself. Of course, that doesn’t help much when you face the unknown and are scared. XX1 started middle school on Monday, so as you can imagine she was a bit anxious on Sunday night. The good news is that she made it through the first day. She even had a good attitude when her bus was over an hour late because of some issue at the high school. She could have walked the 3 miles home in a lot less time. But when she was similarly anxious on Monday night, even after a successful first day, it was time for a little chat with Dad. She asked if I was scared when I started middle school. Uh, I can’t remember what I had for breakfast yesterday, so my odds of remembering an emotion from 30+ years ago are pretty small. But I did admit to having a little anxiety before a high-profile speech or meeting with folks who really know what they’re talking about. It’s basically fear of the unknown. You don’t know what’s going to happen, and that can be scary. I found this quote when looking at Flickr for the image above, and I liked it: Fear is a question: What are you afraid of, and why? Just as the seed of health is in illness, because illness contains information, your fears are a treasure house of self-knowledge if you explore them. ~ Marilyn Ferguson Of course that’s a bit deep for a 11 (almost 12) year old, so I had to take a different approach. We chatted about a couple strategies to deal with the anxiety, not let it make her sick, and allow her to function – maybe even function a bit better with that anxiety-fueled edge. First we played the “What’s the worst that could happen?” game. So she gets lost. Or forgets the combination to her locker. Or isn’t friends with every single person in all her classes. We went through a couple things, and I kept asking, “What’s the worst thing that could happen?” That seemed to help, as she realized that whatever happens, it will be okay. Then we moved on to “You’re not alone.” Remember, when you’re young and experiencing new feelings, you think you might be the only person in the world who feels that way. Turns out most of her friends were similarly anxious. Even the boys. Then we discussed the fact that whatever she’s dealing with will be over before she knows it. I reiterated that I get nervous sometimes before a big meeting. But then I remember that before I know it, it’ll be over. And sure enough it is. We have heard from pretty much everyone that it takes kids about two weeks to adjust to the new reality of middle school. To get comfortable dealing with 7 teachers, in 7 different classrooms, with 7 different teaching styles. It takes a while to not be freaked out in the Phys Ed locker room, where they have to put on their gym uniforms. It may be a few weeks before she makes some new friends and finds a few folks she’s comfortable with. She knows about a third of the school from elementary school. But that’s still a lot of new people to meet. Of course she’ll adjust and she’ll thrive. I have all the confidence in the world. That doesn’t make seeing her anxious any easier, just like it was difficult back when I helped her deal with mean people and setbacks and other challenges in elementary school. But those obstacles make us the people we become, and she will eventually look back at her anxiety and laugh. Most likely within a month. And it will be great. At least for a few years until she goes off to high school. Then I’m sure the anxiety engine will kick into full gear again. Wash, rinse, repeat. That’s life, folks. –Mike Photo credits: The Question of Fear originally uploaded by elycefeliz Heavy Research We’re back at work on a variety of blog series, so here is a list of the research currently underway. Remember you can get our Heavy Feed via RSS, where you can get all our content in its unabridged glory. And you can get all our research papers too. Endpoint Security Management Buyer’s Guide Ongiong Controls – Device Control Periodic Controls The ESM Lifecycle Pragmatic WAF Management Policy Management The WAF Management Process New Series: Pragmatic WAF Management Incite 4 U Even foes can be friends: You’ve have to think the New School guys really enjoy reading reports of increased collaboration, even among serious competitors. Obviously some of the more mature (relative to security) industries have been using ISAC (Information Sharing and Analysis Center) groups for a long time. But now the folks at GA Tech are looking to build a better collaboration environment. Maybe they can help close the gap between the threat intelligence haves (with their own security research capabilities) and the have-nots (everyone else). With the Titan environment, getting access to specific malware samples should be easier. Of course folks still need to know what to do with that information, which remains a non-trivial issue. But as with OpenIOC, sharing more information about what malware does is a great thing. Just like in the playground sandbox: when we don’t share, we all lose. I guess we did learn almost everything we need to know back in kindergarten. – MR Operational effectiveness: I have done dozens of panels, seminars, and security management round tables over the past 12 years, and the question of how security folks should present their value to peers and upper management has been a topic at most of them. I am always hot to participate in these panels because I fell into the trap of positioning security as a roadblock early in my career. I was “Dr. No” long before Mordac: Preventer of Information Services was conceived. I

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