

Defending Against Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks—New Series

For years security folks have grumbled about the role compliance has assumed in driving investment and resource allocation in security. It has all been about mandates and regulatory oversight, which drive a focus on protection, ostensibly to prevent data breaches. We have spent years in the proverbial wilderness focused entirely on the “C” (Confidentiality) and “I” (Integrity) aspects of the CIA triad, mostly neglecting the “A” (Availability). But that hasn’t worked out too well. Regulators pretty much only care whether data leaks out. They don’t care about the availability of systems – data can’t leak if the system is down, right? Without a clear compliance-driven mandate to address availability (due to security exposure), many customers haven’t and won’t do anything. Of course attackers know this. So they have adapted their tactics to fill the vacuum created by compliance spending. They increasingly leverage availability-impacting attacks to both cause downtime (costing site owners money), and use availability issues to mask other kinds of attacks. Yes, these availability-impacting attacks are better known as Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. To be clear, most security professionals are very familiar with DoS attacks. It may be hard to remember back over a decade ago, but in the heyday of the Internet bubble we saw many old-fashioned Distributed DoS (DDoS) attacks targeting high profile web properties (think Yahoo and E*Trade, back in the day), with attackers like Mafiaboy doing the damage more for notoriety than to cause real economic damage. Over the past decade attackers have reoriented toward financially motivated attacks, which has meant increasingly application-centric attacks designed to evade detection and exfiltrate lucrative data. Obviously knocking down a target interferes with efforts to rob it electronically. But DDoS never really went away – it became a supplementary extortion tactic. In this scenario, attackers would communicate with a company and promise to knock down their site unless they received a ransom. It’s a simple shakedown move, and many targets were simply unable to survive a significant outage. They paid up rather than fight. We didn’t hear about many of these attacks – nobody wants to publicize that they are vulnerable to shakedowns. But that is all changing now. It’s like Back to the Future a bit – the rise of hacktivism has brought the Denial of Service back into a prominent position in the nightmares of security folks. Facilitated by the availability of open source tools such as LOIC and the availability of bot networks to launch attacks, a DoS renaissance is underway – which means availability has once again become a major factor in security architecture and control design. We try to do forward-looking research at Securosis. So we have started poking around, talking to practitioners about their plans, but we still see a knowledge gap around the kinds of Denial of Service attacks in use today and the defenses needed to maintain availability. So today we launch a new series: Defending Against Denial of Service Attacks, which will (unsurprisingly) provide guidance on the DoS attacks in use today, defensive tactics, and the basic process required for any chance to defend your organization. Let’s start by understanding the major kinds of DoS attacks. Flooding the Pipes versus Filling the Servers We’ll dig into specific attack tactics in much more depth in the next post, but to understand Denial of Service we need to draw a clear distinction between network-based attacks and application-based attacks. Both have the same objective: to impair availability – but they go about it in fundamentally different ways. Network-based attacks overwhelm the network equipment and/or totally consume network capacity by throwing everything including the kitchen sink at a site. This prevents legitimate traffic from getting to the site. This volumetric type of attack tends to be what most folks consider Denial of Service, because it is the most visible type. If your adversary has a big enough cannon it’s very hard to defend against these attacks, and you will quickly be reminded that bandwidth may be plentiful, but it’s certainly not free. Application-based attacks are different – they target weaknesses in web application components to consume all the resources of a web, application, or database server to effectively disable it. These kinds of attacks can target either vulnerabilities or ‘features’ of an application stack to overwhelm servers and prevent legitimate traffic from accessing web pages or completing transactions. The beginning of a network-based attack is fairly obvious. But application-based DoS attacks are less obvious – you are unlikely to discover the attack is underway until servers inexplicably start falling over – so they require more sophisticated defenses. That said, much of DoS defense is about properly leveraging existing controls, and of course compliance mandates haven’t gone away, so still have those required controls. Since you are already robbing Peter to pay Paul to address audit deficiencies, for DoS protection you need to focus your defenses on the attacks you are most likely to see. Which brings us to our next concept: studying your adversaries. Adversary Analysis A new tactic increasingly leveraged by security practitioners is adversary analysis. It’s not enough to just understand attacks and build defenses based on attacks – there is simply too much attack surface, and too many attack vectors. Your security success depends on your ability to prioritize your efforts, as we hammered home in the Vulnerability Management Evolution paper. This involves making strategic bets about who is most likely to attack you and what tactics they tend to use. This will enable you to build control sets with the right initial focus, based on what’s likely to happen. Of course you will be wrong – attackers evolve tactics over time – but in the universe of things you can do, this approach helps narrow your options into something (mostly) manageable. So let’s coarsely group the kinds of adversaries who use DoS attacks. Protection Racketeers: These criminals use a DoS threat to demand ransom money. Attackers hold a site hostage by threatening to knock it down, and sometimes follow

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Friday Summary: September 14, 2012

Rich here. Way **way** back in my earliest Gartner days one of my first speaking engagements was a series of three-city tours where I was paired up with an extremely experienced telecom analyst. I was still in my twenties, and probably wasn’t qualified to wash my privates — never mind advise anyone on their security strategy. This was an awesome training ground for a number of reasons. First of all, the stakes were low — these were smaller audiences, out for a free event. Second was all the practice I got, giving the same talk three days in a row to different groups. And it was great to work with an exceptionally good speaker with oodles of experience. But that’s not what I’m going to talk about. The best part for me, as someone with an unhealthy attraction to wireless devices, was spending time with someone who’d been on the inside of the telecom industry for over 20 years. The tech part I could understand easily enough, but the business side was far more fascinating than I expected. And this was after I had worked in Europe for a few months helping design the first system to sell and activate mobile phones over the Internet. Nick hammered one rule into my head that hasn’t changed in the dozen-odd years since. “Telecom providers are greedy and stupid”. Every single decision they make is dependent on those baseline traits. This is especially relevant as I try and figure out just what combination of iPhone 5 and data plan will best fit my needs. First there are the relevant technology limitations. Such as the fact that LTE is a data-only standard, and carriers around the world haven’t really figured out the voice details. So the phones have to support their *old* voice and data standards (GSM or CDMA) *plus* LTE, and your phone might behave differently depending on your coverage. The best example is that Verizon only supports voice and data at the same time if you are on LTE, but not on 3G. Then there are all the roaming agreements and spectrum issues for us world traveler types. Like when I was in Russia and it was $5 per minute for voice calls *on the discounted plan*. For comparison a satellite phone is around $1 per minute, but you need a clear view of the sky. Then there are the plan and transition issues. All the carriers hooked us with unlimited data, then said “f*** off — you are over-using what you paid for”. So we have things like shared data plans, which look better but probably cost more for most people. And then there is the very special case of AT&T, who will change their iPhone 5 signal indicator to a big fat middle finger. (Or the other 2-finger gesture, if you are roaming from the UK). Want FaceTime over cellular? Just switch to our more expensive plan and consider yourself lucky we **let** you install Angry Birds! You want 4G? Fine, we’ll change the display to say 4G to shut you up. Not that Verizon is innocent. They might make a big deal over not restricting FaceTime, but they have to allow it (and Personal Hotspot) thanks to agreements they made with the US government for LTE spectrum. It’s only a feature because they were forced. And those of you in Europe and Asia? Man, when I worked in Europe back around 2000 it was paradise compared to the US. Now I hear it’s more like paying for a high-priced dominatrix who beats the crap out of anyone else who looks at you funny. And that still beats Australian providers, who are friggin’ Mother Theresas compared to *Canadian* providers. So I hear. Then again, us Apple folks live in paradise compared to all the hacked-together Android phones you can’t update, which carriers load down with their “value add” user interfaces and crapware. I don’t mind the carriers making money, and I don’t mind paying for my data, but they clearly haven’t figured out that brand loyalty and happy customers might, just possibly, come from a positive user experience beyond “Oh good, I didn’t lose this call.” Instead of adopting the traits that made Apple so popular, they are trying their damndest to maxmize revenue and reduce churn through penalty-based lockin. But it could be worse. They *could* start smashing your head against a wall of glass shards while calmly stating “your call is very important to us,” like cable companies. On to the Summary: ##Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences * [Mike quoted in this Silicon Angle series on CyberWars]( Probably too much hype here and overuse of buzzwords, but decent perspectives on the attackers. [Part 1](, [Part 2](, [Part 3]( * Rich quoted [about a not-so-great mobile study]( ##Favorite Securosis Posts * Adrian Lane: [The Five Laws of Data Masking]( I pulled another classic Securosis post for this week’s fave. * Mike Rothman: [Incite 1/25/2012: Prized Possessions]( Evidently we don’t blog any more (doh!), so we have taken to digging through the archives and highlighting pieces from the past. Here is an Incite I wrote back in January, and it reminds me of what’s important. To me, anyway. * Rich: Mike starts his new DDoS series — [Defending Against Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks]( ##Favorite Outside Posts * Mike Rothman: [It’s More Important to be Kind than Clever]( Most businesses are always striving for improvement. But at what cost? This HBR post puts things in the proper context. _”Just make sure all their efficiency doesn’t come at the expense of their humanity.”_ * Adrian Lane: [Tracking Down the UDID Breach Source]( The thoughtful quest to figure out the UDID breach source. Well done! * Rich: Verizon’s [third post in a series on opportunistic attacks]( I may pick on the wireless side, but the Verizon Business security guys are our best industry source for data driven reports right now. ##Research Reports and Presentations * [Understanding and Selecting Data Masking Solutions](

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