

DDoS: Distributed, but not evenly

It shouldn’t come as any surprise, but big financials are still suffering a wave of DDoS attacks. DDoS is like an accidental amputation – there is no question whether it’s a problem. The trick is to know ahead of time if you are on the list, and the best thing to do is keep an eye on your peers. Not everyone needs to invest proactively in DDoS protection, but you sure as heck need a plan and a vendor contact just in case. Especially if you are big, handle money, work with (or piss off) governments located “East” (Europe, Asia, Middle, whatever), or like to poke Anonymous. Update 1/9: According to the New York Times, a “former” gov official with connections says Iran is definitely behind the attacks. Backing up the rumors we’ve all been hearing from the start. Share:

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Incite 1/9/2013: Never Lost

I was in the car the other day with one of the kids, and they asked me if I ever get lost. I have a pretty good sense of direction and have been able to read maps as long as I remember. I was probably compensating for my Mom’s poor sense of direction and my general anxiety at a young age about feeling lost. But it’s different today. With the advent of ever-present GPS and decent navigation, I can say it has been a long while since I have really been lost. I get misdirected sometimes, but that lasts maybe a minute and then I figure out my way. But these gadgets are no silver bullet. A couple years ago I was doing a seminar tour and ended up in Detroit. I did my thing, got some sleep, and was ready to head out to the airport the next morning. The car was equipped with a GPS from the rental car company, so I hit the button to take me to the airport and started driving. About 40 minutes later, I started thinking something was screwy. Then I got that feeling in the pit of my stomach, when I realized I selected the wrong airport in the GPS. I was driving in the wrong direction for over a half-hour and I was very unlikely to make my flight. And this was not the day to miss the flight. The Boss was leaving town and I had to get the kids from their various schools and activities. Of course, when I finally got to the right airport, all the flights back to Atlanta were booked up. I was totally screwed. So I paid a whole bunch of idiot tax and bought a first class seat on another airline. And I still had to call in a bunch of favors from friends and family to take the kids until I could get home. Feels like I’m still paying for that period of idiocy. Let’s just say I double check every time I enter an address into a GPS nowadays. But now let’s consider navigation metaphorically. We have technology that can help us get anywhere we want to go. It’s built into your car and you carry it in your pocket. But that doesn’t make it any easier to know where you should be going. And even when you get there, you are usually disappointed with the destination… Maybe it wasn’t everything you cracked it up to be. Sometimes the grass isn’t greener when you get there. When I think about it and play out the metaphor a bit further, there’s another reason it has been a while since I was last lost. I guess at this point in my life, I don’t get lost because I’m not trying to get anywhere. I’m very fortunate to be in a situation where I can actually say that. And mean it. Given my cultural programming, it took me a long time to accept where I am and to not strive to get to where I’m not. There are some days I forget – I am human after all. But there is no GPS for life. That’s worth remembering. –Mike Photo credits: Hertz NeverLost III originally uploaded by Josh Bancroft Heavy Research We are back at work on a variety of blog series, so here is a list of the research currently underway. Remember you can get our Heavy Feed via RSS, where you can get all our content in its unabridged glory. And you can get all our research papers too. Understanding Identity Management for Cloud Services The Solution Space Introduction Newly Published Papers Implementing and Managing Patch and Configuration Management Defending Against Denial of Service Attacks Securing Big Data: Security Recommendations for Hadoop and NoSQL Environments Pragmatic WAF Management: Giving Web Apps a Fighting Chance Incite 4 U BYOD basics: I mentioned this briefly on the blog earlier this week but wanted to add a bit. ENISA released a great guide to getting started with BYOD. It is far more practical than most approaches I have seen, and includes links to a lot of public examples. One of key aspect is how the guide consistently addresses the issue of getting employee cooperation. You can’t hit BYOD with a hammer or you will just end up smashing your thumb. If the employee owns it, you need to entice them with benefits – not act as if you are doing them a favor by allowing them access to corporate email on their off hours. For more detail on the technology, I wrote a paper with a spectrum of options for protecting data on iOS. As a security guy I hate giving up control as much as anyone, but employees aren’t cattle and they need a fair deal or they’ll figure out a way around whatever you come up with. – RM Carnival of dysfunction: Leaking thousands of patient records is not news, – we have had a steady diet of leaks and breaches over the past decade. But the recent LA Times article on a couple who improperly stored some 300k patient records was interesting for the myriad levels of disfunction it describes. And it’s clear from comments by both the third party provider and Kaiser that they don’t understand data security. Couple that with the Times slant that small firms should never store sensitive data at home because it can’t be secure, and you have a carnival of dysfunction. This issue is not unique to Kaiser – most large enterprises engage small third party service providers because they offer a specific skill at low cost and are agile enough to adapt to market changes. But don’t expect them to know security, and don’t expect them to comply with requests for military-grade security or formal compliance processes. Companies should provide simple security controls that are both understandable and implementable by small firms. For example some full disk encryption, key management, and a dedicated computer for sensitive

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