

The Mid-market Security Squeeze

Most folks appreciate the challenges of securing a mid-sized company. They have important data and enough employees that someone is going to screw something up. They often don’t have the budget or infrastructure maturity to take security seriously. Many get by due more to obscurity (who is going to attack them?) than any active controls. And as automated tools make it easier to find chinks in any and every company’s armor, the seriousness of the problem is going to become much higher-profile. No less than Dan Geer has weighed in on the topic in a CSO contribution. He looks at it from the perspective of what the mid-sized company can do and what they can’t. By introducing the concept of a third party, which he calls a mentor, Dan is talking about helping an organization kickstart their security program and prioritize. Later, the mentor can move on to their next stop, when the organization is ready to do stand on its own. Information protection means a program, not a tool, not a silver bullet, not a small number of enlightened facts. It means learning what it is that you don’t know that you don’t know (without the expensive embarrassment of the serious errors our opponents will surely deliver). An information protection program is, at its best, something that a mentor jump starts for you and, over time, brings you to the point where whether you take it over entirely for yourself, or keep it as a partnership with your mentor, is a choice that you make for reasons that no longer include whether you know what you are doing. Everyone understands that, say, driving tractor trailers or doing surgery is not something you would teach yourself. Basically Dan is calling for the mentor to take a snapshot of an organization and use their experience, methods, and analysis to help the organization prioritize what they should fix first. This first-things-first approach demands a mentor with the tools to take a high definition photograph of your information in motion movement – the source, target, frequency, volume, etc., mentioned above. If experience is a guide, then you will have some surprises. Again, this is nothing to be ashamed of, but better you get those surprises quickly and from a trusted mentor rather than reading about your data breach in a newspaper. Note that the kind of mentor we suggest is not a penetration tester, not an auditor, not a per-diem consultant, and not a reformed criminal peddling a product. Dan is one of the big thinkers in the business, and he doesn’t talk much. But when he does, pay attention. As with any out of the box thinking, you can come up with a million reasons why something like this won’t work. But we should focus on how to make something like this happen; as technology advances (yes, Big Data) this kind of concept becomes more achievable. The reality is that far too many organization don’t know what they don’t know. And until they do things aren’t going to get better. Photo credit: “MSH0110-12 Squeeze Me” originally uploaded by f1uffster (Jeanie) Share:

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Friday Summary: January 25, 2013

Will Hadoop be to NoSQL what Red Hat is to Linux? Will it become more known for commercial flavors than the open-source core? Lately I have been noticing similarities between the two life-cycles, with the embrace of packaged variants. What I notice is this: In 1994 I replaced an unreliable BSD distribution with a Slackware distribution of Linux – itself a UNIX derivative. Suddenly “this old PC” was not only reliable, it felt 5x faster than it did running from the Windows partition. Slackware Linux was a great product limited to the realm of uber-geeks – you needed to assemble and compile before you could use it. But you could customize it any way you wanted – and it put a truly powerful OS on the desktop – free. Then Linux started to go a bit mainstream as it allowed us to cost-effectively run applications that previously required a substantial investment and very particular hardware. Caldera was a big deal for a while because they produced a ‘corporate’ flavor. Some companies noticed Linux was a powerful platform and embraced it; others viewed it – along with most open source – as a security threat. But its flexibility and ability to deliver a server-quality OS on commodity hardware were too compelling to ignore. Then we got ‘professional’ distributions, tools, and services. Adoption rates really started to take off. But while the free and open nature of the platform still roots the movement, it started to feel like you need a commercial version for support and tools. These days few people grab different pieces and assemble their own custom Linux distributions. I think Big Data is already moving from the fully open source “piece it together yourself” model into complete productized versions. If that’s true I expect to see the 125+ versions of NoSQL begin to simplify, dropping many of the esoteric distributions, likely boiling the market down to a few main players within the next few years – and eventually the Big Data equivalent of a LAMP stack. After that the NoSQL growth curve will be about standardized versions of Hadoop. The question is whether it will look more like Red Hat or Ubuntu? This really has nothing to do with security, but I thought there were too many similarities to ignore. -Adrian On to the Summary: Webcasts, Podcasts, Outside Writing, and Conferences Milestone: Episode 300 of NetSec podcast. Mike quoted on Reuters on Cisco’s network security competitiveness. Mike quoted in the Merc about Cisco’s network security (missed) opportunity. Favorite Securosis Posts Mike Rothman: Don’t respond to a breach like this. Small minds make poor decisions. And everyone else should continue to do the right thing, even if small minds can’t understand it and take action against it. Adrian Lane: Emotional Whiplash. Mike nailed it. And I only saw the first and fourth quarters! Favorite Outside Posts Adrian Lane: “Cyber” Insurance and an Opportunity. Fascinating. Mike Rothman: XSS, password flaws found in popular ESPN app. Man, this sucks. Any big sports fan uses the ESPN app. Good thing it doesn’t store anything sensitive because I can’t live without my scores and NFL news. Recent Research Papers Building an Early Warning System. Implementing and Managing Patch and Configuration Management. Defending Against Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks. Securing Big Data: Security Recommendations for Hadoop and NoSQL Environments. Tokenization vs. Encryption: Options for Compliance. Pragmatic Key Management for Data Encryption. The Endpoint Security Management Buyer’s Guide. Pragmatic WAF Management: Giving Web Apps a Fighting Chance. Top News and Posts Aaron Swartz’s death Backdoors Found in Barracuda Networks Gear Google Tells Cops to Get Warrants for User E-Mail, Cloud Data Twitter flaw allowed third party apps to access direct messages Blog Comment of the Week This week’s best comment goes to -ds, in response to It’s just Dropbox. What’s the risk?. If we make security break users, we make users break security. This is such a basic principle. I’m tired of being in an industry where my peers would rather have the illusion of control then actual, effective, risk proportinate security. We have so many pretenders and unfortunately many of them are loud voices and dominate the coversation to the extent that newly minted security practicioners think they are the ideal. Next one of them that says “we do X because it is a best practice” is getting a wedgie. Share:

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Symantec Realigns

Symantec released their quarterly earnings today, which is the sort of thing we usually ignore. Especially because it’s only the third quarter, and not even a playoff game (I really need to hang out with Mike less). However… The learning period is over for new CEO Steve Bennett, and he is starting to implement his game plan. There shouldn’t be any surprises considering his background at GE – the focus is on streamlining, realigning assets, and reducing workforce cruft – especially in the middle and executive management levels. Talk is cheap and change is hard, so Bennett has his work cut out for him. The strategy of executing better in the field and with product delivery isn’t without risk. But it’s not like they really had a choice. Their sales costs were much higher than comparables in the industry, so that needed to be fixed. Organic innovation and acquired product integration have been problematic for years. At the same time Symantec drank at the trough of high multiple M&A to drive revenue growth, but too many of those deals didn’t pan out. So the focus will be on the stuff they already have, and even if they do more M&A given the return of capital to shareholders (in the form of a dividend and stock buyback), you’d look for lower priced and accretive deals. One message came across loud and clear: Don’t expect short term magic. Bennett managed expectations that this would be a multi-year process. What does this mean to you? SMB is now tied to consumer, not enterprise. That makes sense on the surface but is likely a tricky move under the covers, depending on where they draw the SMB line. Especially as more and more SMB customers look to the cloud for key services like web and email security and backup. On the enterprise side there will be some turmoil as they move BUs around, focus on profitable products, and perhaps start dropping distractions. This usually slows innovation, despite saying they are investing more into R&D. For most of you this won’t mean much yet, except that you should expect deck chairs to move even in the middle of deals. I don’t expect significant changes in the main product lines, and there is some base there to build on – per the article: The company also plans to increase research and development into areas such as mobile workforce productivity, data center security, integrated backup, information security services, cloud-based information management, and identity and content-aware security. Symantec really struggled with focus for a long time. They have started to clean that up, but nothing that big turns quickly. Mike might have more to add, but most of this won’t affect the enterprise business too much unless they decide to dump something big, and there’s no question they will be dumping little things that aren’t profitable enough. We don’t think they know what won’t make the cut at this point, but clearly some stuff will need to go. I suspect the SMB re-org/transition will be messy, but Symantec hasn’t had much of a strategy or success there for a while anyway. Basically, they are moving to address issues that the entire market has been pointing out for years. That should be good news to those Symantec faithful, and business as usual for everyone else. Share:

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