

Unused security intelligence is, well… dumb

The hype cycle for Threat Intelligence is just getting going. It will soon join advanced malware, BYOD, and Big Data as terms that mean nothing because they have been poked, prodded, manipulated, and otherwise killed by vendor hyperbole. We have done a bunch of research into how to use threat intelligence (Early Warning, Network-based Threat Intelligence, and Email-based Threat Intelligence), so we get the value of benefiting from other folks’ misfortune and learning from how they were attacked. But I also know that our papers run 15-20 pages and usually fall into the category of tl;dr. So let me point to a few posts Scott Crawford put out there. The first talks about integration and its importance for dealing with the kinds of attacks you face. The other post I want to highlight is next in that series, bringing up the sticky issue of actually integrating threat intelligence into your control sets. It is simply this: in order for intelligence to factor into effective response, proactive defense or environment hardening, security intelligence systems must be able to send data out as well as take it in. Intelligence has historically been positioned as a differentiator for a product and/or service, not as a stand-alone offering with its own value. That’s changing, but not quickly enough. Scott’s points are exactly right – whether you are talking about security intelligence (the new term for SIEM) or threat intelligence, the data needs to be available in a number of formats for import/export to make sure you can actually use it. Scott doesn’t sugarcoat the ongoing concerns of operations folks or their unwillingness to allow any kind of automation to reconfigure controls and defenses. And clearly a filter needs to be applied. The stuff you know is bad should be blocked. If you aren’t sure, your layers need to come into play. Sure, there are lots of reasons beyond the limitations of monitoring technology why we wouldn’t want to do this. Automating blocking at scale would do a little more than step on the toes of IT operations and irk our insect overlords, if what we effectively build is the Mother of All Denial of Service Vehicles that raises existing problems with false positives to an entirely new level. But the point is the point. All that time you have spent collecting data and doing some simple analysis has positioned you to take the next step toward Scott’s concept of data-driven security. Let me simplify the issue a bit more. Having great intelligence doesn’t help if you can’t use it. That would be, well, just dumb. Photo credit: “#dumb” originally uploaded by get directly down Share:

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Friday Summary: April 12, 2013

Ever start a simple project – or perhaps ask for something simple to be done on your behalf – and get far more than you bargained for? Sometimes the seemingly simple things reach up and bite you. I was thinking about this two weeks ago, in the middle of some weekend gardening, expecting to tackle a small irrigation leak that popped up during the winter. I went out to the yard with the handful of tools I would need and started scouting around the pool of standing water to locate the source of the leak, and I found it – more or less. It was buried under some mud, so before I could fix the leak I needed to remove the mud around the irrigation line. Before I could remove the mud I needed to remove the giant rat’s nest on top of the mud – stuffed full of Cholla. Literally. It apperas a rat ate the irrigation line and then used it as a private port-o-let. But in order to remove the rat’s nest I needed to remove the 45 lbs of prickly pear cactus that formed the roof of the rat’s nest. Before I could remove that cactus, I needed to remove the 75 lb Agave that arched over the prickly pear. Before I could get to the agave I needed to remove a dead vine. Before I could cut out the vine I need to remove some tree branches. Each step required a new trip to the garage to collect another tool. And so it went for the next three hours, until I finally found the line and fixed the leak. When I finally finished that sequence I was rewarded with 30 minutes tweezing prickly pear micro-thorns from my fingers. What should have taken minutes took the entire morning, and left painful reminders. Which brings me to IT: those who provision data centers and migrate backbone business applications know exactly what this feels like – as I was reminded when I told a couple friends about my experience, and they laughed at me. That described their life. They deal with layers of operational, security, regulatory, and budgetary hurdles – mixed liberally with rat droppings – all the time. Someone asks for a small server to host a small web portal and before you know it someone is asking how PCI compliance will be addressed. Say what you will about cost savings being a driver for cloud services – simplicity (or at least avoidance of complexity) is a major driver too. Sometime it’s just better to have a third party do it on your behalf – and that comes (anonymously of course) from some IT professionals. On to the Summary: Favorite Securosis Posts Gal: Security FUD hits investors. HP bought ArcSight, right? Adrian Lane: Gaming the Narcissist. Fun read, and a topic to consider when weighing potential employers, but I’ll offer an alternative view: 1980 to 2008 was itself a wild period for company performance – see Warren Buffet’s speech from November 1999 for what I mean. I’d say Narcissist CEOs succeeded or simply ran off the tracks faster in that window. David Mortman: Should the Red (Team) be dead? Mike Rothman: Should the Red (Team) Be dead? Yup, it’s mine, but this one created a bit of discussion and even a comment by HD Moore… Other Securosis Posts Incite 4/10/2013: 103. Friday Summary, Gattaca Edition: April 5, 2012. Favorite Outside Posts Rich: Analyzing Malicious PDFs or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Adobe Reader (Part 1). Adrian Lane: Oracle Details Big Data Strategy. The FUD, it burns, it burns! My not favorite post this week – I recommend you, with your best Borat impersonation, yell not! after every quote and claim. It’s fun and more accurately reflects what’s happening in the big data market. Gal: Alleged Carberp Botnet Ringleader Busted. They’re doing it wrong: Rule #1. You’re supposed to steal from countries where you do not reside, and with whom your home country has no extradition treaty. Rule #2. Don’t steal tons of money from Russian and Ukranian banks regardless of where you live, but especially if you’re violating rule #1 and you live in Russia or Ukraine… Dave Lewis: Secrets of FBI Smartphone Surveillance Tool Revealed in Court Fight. Gunnar: Bitcoin – down ~50% in a day, first DDoS currency crash. David Mortman: Tor Hidden-Service Passive De-Cloaking. Mike Rothman: Who Wrote the Flashback OS X Worm? All of you aspiring security researchers can once again thank Brian Krebs for showing you how it’s done. And be thankful Krebs has figured out how to make a living from doing this great research and sharing it with us. Project Quant Posts Email-based Threat Intelligence: To Catch a Phish. Network-based Threat Intelligence: Searching for the Smoking Gun. Understanding and Selecting a Key Management Solution. Building an Early Warning System. Implementing and Managing Patch and Configuration Management. Defending Against Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks. Securing Big Data: Security Recommendations for Hadoop and NoSQL Environments. Tokenization vs. Encryption: Options for Compliance. Top News and Posts Security Lessons from the Big DDoS Attacks. A couple weeks old but I just saw it. Bitcoin crashes – lose 1/2 value. Vudu resets user passwords after hard drives lost in office burglary. DEA Accused Of Leaking Misleading Info Falsely Implying That It Can’t Read Apple iMessages. Windows XP still maintains 39% overall market share. Speechless. Windows XP Security Updates ending in one year. Update your calendars! North Korean military blamed for “wiper” cyber attacks against South Korea. Lessons from the Spamhaus DDoS incident. Microsoft Reportedly Adding Two-Factor Authentication to User Accounts. Google will fight secretive national security letters in court. FBI’s Smartphone Surveillance Tool Explained In Court Battle. IsoHunt Demands Jury Trial. Critical Fixes for Windows, Flash & Shockwave via Krebs. Blog Comment of the Week This week’s best comment goes to HD Moore, in response to Should the Red (Team) be dead? It isn’t clear why Gene believes that CTF contests have any correlation to professional red teams. A similar comparison would be hackathons to software engineering. In both cases you approach the problem differently and the participants learn a

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  • Content is developed ‘live’ on the blog. Primary research is generally released in pieces, as a series of posts, so we can digest and integrate feedback, making the end results much stronger than traditional “ivory tower” research.
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In essence, we develop all of our research out in the open, and not only seek public comments, but keep those comments indefinitely as a record of the research creation process. If you believe we are biased or not doing our homework, you can call us out on it and it will be there in the record. Our philosophy involves cracking open the research process, and using our readers to eliminate bias and enhance the quality of the work.

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