Quick Wins with Website Protection Services: Deployment and Ongoing Management
For this series focused on Quick Wins with Website Protection Services, the key is getting your sites protected quickly without breaking too much application functionality. Your public website is highly visible to both customers and staff. Most such public sites capture private information, so site integrity is important. Lastly, your organization spends a ton of money geting the latest and greatest functionality on the site, so they don’t take kindly to being told their shiny objects aren’t supported by security. All this adds up to a tightrope act to protect the website while maintaining performance, availability, and functionality. Navigating these tradeoffs is what makes security a tough job. Planning the Deployment The first step is to set up with your website protection service (WPS). If you are just dealing with a handful of sites and your requirements are straightforward you can probably do this yourself. You don’t have much pricing leverage so you won’t get much attention from a dedicated account team. Obviously if you do have enterprise-class requirements (and budget), you go through the sales fandango with the vendor. This involves a proof of concept, milking their technical sales resources to help set things up, and then playing one WPS provider against another for the best price, just like with everything else. Before you are ready to move your site over (even in test mode) you have some decisions to make. Start at the beginning. You need to decide which sites need to be protected. The optimal answer is all of them, but we live in an imperfect world. You also may not know the full extent of all your website properties. With your list of high-priority sites which must be protected, you need to understand which pages & areas are good for the public and search spiders to see, and which are not. It is quite possible that everything is fair game for everybody, but you cannot afford to assume so. Speaking of search engines and automated crawlers, you will need to figure out how to handle those inhuman visitors. One key feature described in the last post is the ability to control which bots are allowed to visit and which are not. While you are thinking about the IP ranges that can visit your site, you need to decide whether to restrict inbound network connections to only the WPS. This blocks attackers from attacking your site directly, but to take advantage of this option you will need to work with the network security team to lock it down on your firewall. These are some of the decisions you need to make before you start routing traffic to the WPS. A level of abstraction above bots and IP addresses is users and identities. Will you restrict visitors by geography, user agent (some sites don’t allow IE6 to connect, for example), or anything else? WPS services use big data analytics (just ask them) to track details about certain IP addresses and speculate on the likely intent of visitors. Using that information you could conceivably block unwanted users from connecting in an attempt to prevent malicious activity. Kind of like Minority Report for your website. That’s all good and well, but as we learned during the early IPS days, blocking big customers causes major headaches for the security team – so be careful when pulling the trigger on this kind of controls. That’s why we are still in the planning phase here. Once we get to testing you will be able to thoroughly understand the impact of your policies on your site. Finally, you need to determine which of your administrators will have access to the WPS console and be able (re-)configure the service. Like any other cloud-based service, unauthorized access to the management console is usually game over. So it is essential to make sure authorizations and entitlements are properly defined and enforced. Another management decision involves who is alerted of WPS issues such as downtime and attacks – the same process you follow for your own devices. Defining handoffs and accountabilities between your team and the WPS group before you move traffic is essential. Test (or Suffer the Consequences) Now that you have planned out the deployment sufficiently, you need to work through testing to figure out what will break when you go live. Many WPS services claim you can be up and running in less than an hour, and that is indeed possible. But getting a site running is not exactly the same as getting it running with full functionality and security. So we always recommend a test to understand the impact of front ending your website with a WPS. You may decide any issues are more than outweighed by the security improvement from the WPS, or perhaps not. But you should be able to have an educated discussion with senior management about trade-offs before you flip the switch. How can you test these services? Optimally you already have a staging site where you test functionality before it goes live, and you can run a full battery of QA tests through the WPS. Of course that might require the network team to temporarily add firewall rules to allow traffic to flow properly to a protected staging environment. You might also use DNS hocus pocus to route a tightly controlled slice of traffic through the WPS for testing, while the general public still connects directly to your site. Much of the testing mechanics depend on your internal web architecture. WPS providers should be able to help you map out a testing plan. Then you get to configure the WAF rules. Some WPS have ‘learning’ capabilities, whereby they monitor site traffic during a burn-in period, and then suggest rules to protect your applications. That can get you going quickly, and this is a Quick Wins initiative so we can’t complain much. But automatically generated rules may not provide sufficient security. We favor an incremental approach, where you start with the most secure settings you can, see what breaks using the WPS, then tune accordingly. Obviously some functions of your applications must not be impacted, so