

Incite 6/5/2013: Working in the House

Once, years ago, I made the mistake of saying the Boss didn’t work. I got that statement shoved deep into my gullet because she works harder than I do. She just works in the house. My job is relatively easy – I can work from anywhere, with clients I enjoy, doing stuff that enjoy doing. Often it doesn’t feel like work at all. Compare that to the Boss, who has primary responsibility for the kids. That involves making sure they: get their homework done, are learning properly, have the support they need, and participate in their activities. But that’s the comparatively easy stuff and it’s not easy at all. She spends a lot more of her time managing the drama, which is ramping up for XX1 significantly as she and friends enter the tween stage. She also take very seriously her role of making sure the kids are well behaved, polite, and productive. And it shows. I’m biased, but my kids rarely do cringe-worthy stuff in public. I do have a minor hand in this stuff but she drives the ship. And why am I writing this now? No, I didn’t say anything stupid again to end up in the dog house. I just see how she’s handling her crunch time, which is getting the kids ready for camp, while making sure they see their friends before they head off for the summer, and working around a trip up North to see my Dad. Compared to crunch time the school year is a walk in the park. For those of you who don’t understand the misery of preparing for sleepaway camp, the camp sends a list of a zillion things you have to get. Clothes, towels, sheets, sporting equipment, creature comforts… the list is endless, and everything needs to have your kid’s name in it – if you want it to come back, anyway. Our situation is complicated because we have to ship the stuff to PA. Not only does she need to get everything, but everything needs to fit into two duffel bags. Over the years the intensity of crunch time has increased significantly. Four years ago she only had to deal with XX1 – that was relatively easy. Then XX1 and XX2 went to camp, but it was still manageable. But last year we had all three kids in camp, and decided to take a trip to Barcelona a month before they were due to leave, and went to Orlando for the girls to dance. It was nuts. This year she is way ahead of the game. We are two weeks out and pretty much everything is bought, labeled, and arranged. It’s really just a matter of packing the bags now. The whole operation ran like a well-oiled machine this year. Bravo! I am the first to criticize when stuff doesn’t work well, and usually the last to give credit when things work efficiently. I have already moved on to the next thing. We don’t have a 360-degree review process and we don’t pay bonuses at the end of the year in Chez Rothman. Working in our house is a thankless job. So it’s time to give credit where it’s due. But more importantly, she can now enjoy the next two weeks before the kids head off – without spending all her time buying, packing, and other stressful stuff. And I should also bank some karma points with the Boss to use the next time I do something stupid. Which should be in 3, 2, 1… –Mike Photo credit: “IT Task List” originally uploaded by Paul Gorbould Heavy Research We are back at work on a variety of blog series, so here is a list of the research currently underway. Remember you can get our Heavy Feed via RSS, where you can get all our content in its unabridged glory. And you can get all our research papers too. Quick Wins with Website Protection Services Deployment and Ongoing Management Protecting the Website Are Websites Still the Path of Least Resistance? Network-based Malware Detection 2.0 Scaling NBMD Evolving NBMD Advanced Attackers Take No Prisoners Security Analytics with Big Data Use Cases Introduction Newly Published Papers Email-based Threat Intelligence: To Catch a Phish Network-based Threat Intelligence: Searching for the Smoking Gun Understanding and Selecting a Key Management Solution Building an Early Warning System Implementing and Managing Patch and Configuration Management Incite 4 U Your professionalism offends me… Our man in Ireland, Brian Honan, brings up a third rail of sorts regarding some kind of accreditation for security folks. He rightly points out that there is no snake oil defense. But it’s not clear whether he wants folks to go to charm school or to learn decent customer skills so the bad apples don’t reflect badly on our industry. Really? Shack responds with a resounding no, but more because he’s worried about losing the individuality of the characters who do security. I don’t think we need yet another group to teach folks to wear long sleeves if they have tattoos. Believe me, if folks are worried about getting a professional security person, I’m sure one of the big accounting firms would be happy to charge them $300/hour for a n00b to show up in a suit. And some of the best customers are the ones who have bought snake oil in the past. Presumably they learned something and know what questions to ask. – MR BYOD in the real world: For the most part, the organizations I talk with these days are generally in favor of BYOD, with programs to allow at least some use of personally owned computing devices. Primarily they support mobile phones, but they expanding more quickly than most people predicted to laptops and tablets. Network World has a nice, clear article with some examples of BYOD programs in real, large organizations. These are refreshingly practical, with a focus on basic management and a minimal footprint on the devices. We’re talking ActiveSync and passcode enforcement, not those crazy virtual/work/personal swapping modes some vendors promote. I had another discussion with some enterprise managers about BYOD today and they

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Mobile Security Breaches

From an article based on ‘work’ by Check Point: 79% of businesses had a mobile security incident in the past year, in many cases incurring substantial costs, according to Check Point. The report found mobile security incidents cost over $100,000 for 42% of respondents, including 16% who put the cost at more than $500,000. Bullshit. Share:

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Apple Expands Gatekeeper

I missed this when the update went out last night, but Gregg Keizer at Infoworld caught it: “Starting with OS X 10.8.4, Java Web Start applications downloaded from the Internet need to be signed with a Developer ID certificate,” Apple said. “Gatekeeper will check downloaded Java Web Start applications for a signature and block such applications from launching if they are not properly signed.” This was a known hole – great to see it plugged. Share:

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Matters Requiring Attention: 100 million or so

Brian Krebs posted a detailed investigative piece on the 2011 breach of Fidelity National Information Services (FIS) and subsequent ATM thefts. I warn you that it’s long but worth the read. At least if your prescription for anti-depressants is current. Each paragraph seems to include some jaw-dropping fact about FAIL. A couple choice quotes from the article: The company came under heavy scrutiny from banking industry regulators in the first quarter of 2011, when hackers who had broken into its networks used that access to orchestrate a carefully-timed, multi-million dollar ATM heist. In that attack, the hackers raised or eliminated the daily withdrawal limits for 22 debit cards they’d obtained from FIS’s prepaid card network. The fraudsters then cloned the cards and distributed them to co-conspirators who used them to pull $13 million in cash from FIS via ATMs in several major cities across Europe, Russia and Ukraine. $13 mil is a lot of money from an ATM network through only 22 debit cards… … The FDIC found that even though FIS has hired a number of incident response firms and has spent more than $100 million responding to the 2011 breach, the company failed to enact some very basic security mechanisms. For example, the FDIC noted that FIS routinely uses blank or default passwords on numerous production systems and network devices, even though these were some of the same weaknesses that “contributed to the speed and ease with which attackers transgressed and exposed FIS systems during the 2011 network intrusion. … “Enterprise vulnerability scans in November 2012, noted over 10,000 instances of default passwords in use within the FIS environment. So our favorite new acronym du jour is MRA. Matters Requiring Attention. FIS has eight. Eight is a lot or at least that is what the FDIC said. It looks like the top line description of one these MRAs is “roll out a centrally managed scanning methodology to address secure coding vulnerabilities across FIS developed applications”. Hopefully the next MRA reads: “Fix the millions of lines of buggy code and all your crappy development processes. Oh, and some developer training would help”. Problem identification is one thing – fixing them is something else. With so many years in security between us we seldom read about a breach that shocks us, but if these facts are true this is such a case. If there is a proverbial first step in security, it is don’t leave passwords at the default. Hijacking accounts through default passwords is the easiest attack to perform, very difficult to detect, and costs virtually nothing to prevent. It is common for large firms to miss one or two default application passwords, but 10k is a systemic problem. It should be clear that if you don’t have control over your computer systems you don’t have control over your business. And if you don’t get basic security right, your servers serve whomever. The other head-scratching facet of Kreb’s post’s claim that FIS spent one hundred million dollars on breach response. If that’s true, and they still failed to get basic security in place, what exactly were they doing? One could guess they spent this money on consultants to tell them how they screwed up and lawyers to minimize further legal exposure. But if you don’t fix the root problem there is a strong likelihood the attackers will repeat their crime – which seems to be what happened with an unnamed United Arab Emirates bank earlier this year. Personally I would carve out a few thousand dollars for vulnerability scanners, password managers and HR staff to hire all new IT staff who have been trained to use passwords! In an ideal world, we would ask further questions, like who gets notified when thresholds change for something as simple as ATM withdrawal limits? Some understanding of account history would make sense to find patterns of abuse. Fraud detection is not a new business process, but it is hard to trust anything that comes out of a system pre-pwned with default passwords. Share:

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