

Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX) Is Mighty Interesting

I am in a bit over my head here, but take a look at the first two presentations at the Workshop on Hardware and Architectural Support for Security and Privacy. Intel is preparing to introduce a new capability in their processors to support use of secure encrypted memory spaces on commodity CPUs. Their objective is to provide applications with a secure ‘enclave’ (their term) with a protected memory and execution space. It’s called Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX). This could be significant – especially for battling malware and cloud computing. Think secure key management in the cloud with hardware-enforced sandboxes on endpoints. Developers will need to code their software to use the feature, so this isn’t an overnight fix. However… It seems like a powerful tool to battle malware on endpoints, especially if operating system manufacturers leverage the capability in Windows and OS X to further improve their sandboxes. And imagine a version of Java or Flash that’s fully isolated. This could offer material improvements to hypervisor security – for example by eliminating memory parsing attacks. And encrypted memory should mean volatile memory (RAM) is even protected from cloud administrators trying to peek at encryption keys. HSM vendors should also keep an eye on this because it might offer comparable security to hardware-based key managers (but probably not for key generation and a few other important pieces, for those who need them). Think of virtual HSMs and key managers that run within the cloud, without the worry of keys being compromised in memory. It looks extremely interesting but I freely admit that some of it is over my head. But if I am reading right, the long-term potential to improve security is impressive. Share:

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FireStarter: KNOX vs. AZA mobile throwdown

A group of us were talking about key takeaways for the 2013 Cloud Identity Summit last week in Napa. CIS 2012 focused on getting rid of passwords; but the conversation centered on infrastructure and identity standards such as OAuth, OpenID Connect, and SAML, which provide tool to authenticate users to cloud services. 2013 was still about minimizing usage of passwords, but focused on the client side where the “rubber meets the road” with mobile client apps. Our discussion highlighted different opinions regarding the two principal models presented at the conference for solving single sign-on (SSO) issues for mobile devices. One model, the Authorization Agent (AZA) is an app that handles authentication and authorization services for other apps. KNOX is a Samsung-specific container that provides SSO to apps in the container. It’s heartening to hear developers stress that unless they get the end user experience right, the solution will not be adopted. No disagreement on that but buyers have other issues of equal importance, and I think we are going to see mobile clients embrace these approaches over the next couple years so it is worth discussing the issues in an open public forum. So I am throwing out the first pitch in this debate. Statement I believe the KNOX “walled garden” mobile app authentication model offers a serious challenge to Authorization Agents (AZA) – not because KNOX is technically superior but because it provides a marginally better user experience while offering IT better management, stronger security, and a familiar approach to mobile apps and data security. I expect enterprises to be much more comfortable with the KNOX approach given the way they prefer to to manage mobile devices. I am not endorsing a product or a company here – just saying I believe the subtle difference in approach is very important to the buyers. Problem User authentication on mobile devices must address a variety of different goals: a good user experience, not passing user IDs and passwords around, single sign-on, support for flexible security tokens, Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) or equivalent, and data security controls – just to name a few. But the priority is to provide single sign-on for corporate applications on mobile devices. Unfortunately the security model in most mobile operating systems is primarily intended to protect apps for other apps, so SSO (which must manage authentication for multiple other apps) is a difficult problem. Today you need to supply credentials for every app you use, and some apps require re-authentication whenever you switch between apps. It gets even worse if you use lengthy passwords and a password manager – the process looks something like this: You start the app you need to run, bounce over to the password manager, log into the password manager, grab credentials, bounce back to the original application, and finally supply credentials (hopefully pasting them in so you don’t forget or make an invisible typo). At best case it’s a pain in the ass. Contrasting Approaches Two approaches were discussed during CIS 2013. I will simplify their descriptions, probably at the expense of precision, so please comment if you believe I mischaracterized either solution. First, let’s look at the AZA workflow for user authentication: The AZA ‘agent’ based solution is essentially an app that acts as a gateway to all other (corporate) apps. It works a bit like a directory listing, available once the user authenticates to the AZA agent. The workflow is roughly: a. The app validates the user name and password (1.). b. The app presents a list of apps which have been integrated with it. c. The user selects the desired app, which requests authentication tokens from an authorization server (2.). d. The tokens enable the mobile application to communicate with the cloud service (Box, Evernote, Twitter, etc). If the service requires two-factor authentication the user may be provided with a browser-based token (3.) to supplement their username and password. e. The user can now use the app (4.). For this to work, each app needs to be modified slightly to cooperate with the AZA. KNOX is also an agent but not a peer to other apps – instead it is a container that manages apps. The KNOX (master) app collects credentials similarly to AZA, and once the container app is opened it also displays all the apps KNOX knows about. The user-visible difference is that you cannot go directly to a corporate app without first validating access to the container. But the more important difference for data security is that the container provides additional protection to its apps and stored data. The container can verify stack integrity, where direct application logins do not. KNOX also requires apps be slightly modified to work within in the container, but it does not require a different authentication workflow. User authentication for KNOX looks like this – but not on iOS: Rationale Both approaches improvement on standalone password managers, and each offers SSO, but AZA is slightly awkward because most users instinctively go directly to the desired app – not the AZA service. This is a minor annoyance from a usability standpoint but a major management issue – IT wants to control app usage and data. Users will forget and log directly into productivity apps rather than through the AZA if they can. To keep this from happening AZA providers need the app vendor to alter their apps to a) check for the presence of an AZA, b) force users through the AZA if present, and c) pass user credentials to the AZA. The more important issue is data security and compliance as drivers for mobile technologies. The vast majority of enterprises use Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) to manage mobile data and security policy, and the KNOX model mirrors the VDI model. It’s a secure controlled container, rather than a loosely-coupled federation of apps linked to an authorization agent. A container provides a clear control model which security organizations are comfortable with today. A loose confederation of applications cannot guarantee data security or policy enforcement the way containers can. One final point on buying centers: buyers do not look for the ‘best’

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Counterpoint: KNOX vs. AZA throwdown

Adrian makes a number of excellent points. Enterprises need better usability and management for mobile devices, but co-mingling these goals complicates solutions. Adrian contrasted two approaches: AZA and KNOX, which I also want to discuss. Let me start by saying I think we are in the first or second inning for mobile. I do not expect today’s architectural choices to stick for 10+ years. I think we will see substantial evolution, root and branch, for a while. Here is a good example of a mobile project: The Wall St. Journal just published their 1,000th edition on iPad. It is a great example of a mobile app, works in both offline and online modes, is easy to navigate and packed with information (okay – just ignore the editorial page) – it is a great success. The way they started the project is instructive: Three and a half years ago, The Wall Street Journal locked six people in a windowless room and threw down a secret challenge: Build us an iPad app. You have six weeks. And so we did. We started with a blank slate–no one had ever seen a tablet news app before. This is not uncommon for mobile projects. A few takeaways: We are learning our lessons as we go. There is an architectural vision but it evolves quickly and adapts, and did I mention we are leaning as we go? Evolution today is less about enterprise-level grand architecture (we already have those, called iOS and Android, themselves evolving while we scramble to keep up) – it is incremental improvement. Looking at AZA vs. KNOX from ground level, I see attractive projects for enterprise, with AZA more focused the here and now. KNOX seems to be shooting for DOD today, and enterprise down the road. This all reminds me of how Intel does R&D. They roll out platforms with a tick/tock pattern. Ticks are whole new platforms and tocks are incremental improvements. To me AZA looks like classic tock: it cleans up some things for developers, improves capabilities of existing systems, and connects some dots. KNOX is a tick: it is a new ballgame, new management, and a new way to write apps. That doesn’t mean KNOX cannot succeed, but would the WSJ start a new project by learning a new soup-to-nuts architecture just to handle security requirements (remember: you need to launch in six weeks)? I know we as security people wish they would, but how likely is that in the near term, really? The positive way to look at this choice is that, for a change, we have two interesting options. I may be overly pessimistic. It is certainly possible that soup-to-nuts security models – encompassing hardware, MAC, Apps, Platforms – will rule from here on out. There is no doubt plenty of room for improvement. But the phrase I keep hearing on mobile software projects is MVP: Minimum Viable Product. KNOX doesn’t fit that approach – at least not for most projects today. I can see why Samsung wants to build a platform – they do not want to be just another commoditized Android hardware manufacturer, undifferentiated from HTC or Googorola. But there is more to it than tech platforms – what do customers want? There is at least one very good potential customer for KNOX, with DOD-type requirements. But will it scale to banks? Will KNOX scale to healthcare, manufacturing, and ecommerce? That is an open question, and app developers in those sectors will determine the winner(s). Share:

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