

Cybercrime at the Speed of Light

A few years ago our very own James Arlen presented at Black Hat on the security risks of high-speed trading. Today I read in The Verge: Last week’s Federal Reserve announcement made big waves on Wall Street, sending markets skyrocketing and financial organizations scrambling to spread the news – but a new report raises concerns that some were spreading it faster than they should have. The high-speed trading experts at Nanex say they saw simultaneous reactions in both Washington D.C. and Chicago, when the news should have taken at least three milliseconds to travel the 600 miles from the Federal Reserve Building to the Chicago’s commodities exchanges. I await Gunnar’s response, but it seems to me that ordinary people have little chance of surviving the markets as computers take over ‘our’ economy. Share:

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Data brokers and background checks are a massive security vulnerability

Brian Krebs has done some amazing investigative reporting over the years, but this story is an absolute bombshell. An identity theft service that sells Social Security numbers, birth records, credit and background reports on millions of Americans has infiltrated computers at some of America’s largest consumer and business data aggregators, according to a seven-month investigation by KrebsOnSecurity. … The botnet’s online dashboard for the LexisNexis systems shows that a tiny unauthorized program called “nbc.exe” was placed on the servers as far back as April 10, 2013, … Two other compromised systems were located inside the networks of Dun & Bradstreet, … The fifth server compromised as part of this botnet was located at Internet addresses assigned to Kroll Background America, Inc., a company that provides background, drug, and health screening for employers. In my research for the Involuntary Case Studies in Data Breaches presentation I update every few years, I come across many dozens of breaches of credit check services, data brokers, and other information-gathering services. Go check it out yourself at the DataLossDB and search on Experian, LexisNexis, and so on. What I didn’t know is how many institutions rely on this data for Knowledge Based Authentication, and that it has been broken since at least 2010, according to Avivah Litan of Gartner (who is great – rely enjoyed working with her). I am fascinated because although I always considered this data aggregation a privacy risk – now we see it also as a security risk. Share:

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Walled Garden Fail

Mailbox is a very popular replacement mail app for iOS that apparently auto-executes JavaScript in incoming emails, according to a post by Italian security researcher Michele Spanuolo (@MikiSpag) Jeremiah Grossman summarized it best: “XSS to account takeover.” Think about it – this app auto-executes any JavaScript received via email. Oops. I emphasize that this is not Apple’s Mail app included with iOS – it is a third-party app called Mailbox in Apple’s Apple App Store. Initially, I thought, hey, they’ll fix it soon – they just got a public report on it from Spaguolo’s blog. But Michele has updated the post – @bp_ posted this issue on Twitter in MAY. So they have been sitting on a big hole for months. This is interesting for two reasons: Apple’s App Store code analysis clearly missed it. Then again, should it have even caught it? The vulnerability doesn’t expose anything on the iOS device itself, and doesn’t violate any of the App Store rules. It also demonstrates that walled gardens, while ‘safer’, aren’t actually ‘safe’. There are entire classes of attacks that likely comply with App Store rules. Like Candy Crush, which is ruining marriages and destroying grades throughout the world. Someone needs to stop the insanity. Enterprises should make damn sure employees aren’t using these services without security vetting. Mailbox is only the start – just look at the many calendar enhancement apps out there. All these little startups use full access to your calendar, mail, contacts, reminders, and social networks to provide a more usable calendar. And almost none of them talk about security in any meaningful way. Rich has been doing some analysis here – they all fail. Mailbox is now owned by Dropbox (confirmed by the Dropbox copyright on the bottom-left of So either Dropbox didn’t do much appsec due diligence when they bought Mailbox, or they found and ignored it, and now they are on the hook and in the spotlight. A spokesperson for Mailbox said the patch for the auto-execution vulnerability is inbound by end of Wednesday (today), according to that article. It is interesting to see how software vendors react to such disclosure, but to me the more interesting aspect is the insight into what Apple’s App Store vetting misses… Share:

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Incite 9/25/2013: Road Trip

Every so often my mind wanders and I flash back to scenes from classic movies. When I remember Animal House, I can’t help but spend perhaps 15 minutes thinking about all the great scenes in that movie. I don’t even know where to begin, but one scene that still cracks me up after all these years is: Boon: Jesus. What’s going on? Hoover: They confiscated everything, even the stuff we didn’t steal. Bluto: They took the bar! The whole f****** bar! [Otter grabs a bottle of whiskey and throws it to Bluto, who chugs it all.] Bluto: Thanks. I needed that. Hoover: Christ. This is ridiculous. What are we going to do? Otter & Boon: Road trip. ROAD TRIP! Just the mere mention of those words makes me smile. Like most folks, I have great memories of the road trips I took in high school, college, as a recent graduate, and even now when my ATL buddies and I make a pilgrimage to go see a SEC football game every year. There isn’t much better than hopping in the car with a few buddies and heading to a different location, equipped with a credit card to buy decent drinks. Though this past weekend I had a different kind of road trip. I took The Boy to go see the NY Giants play in Charlotte. After a crazy Saturday, we drove the 3.5 hours and even had dinner at Taco Bell on the way. He loves the Doritos shell tacos and since it was Boys weekend, we could suspend the rules of good eating for a day. We stayed at a nice Westin in downtown Charlotte and could see the stadium from our room. He was blown away by the hotel and the view of the stadium at night. It was great to see the experience through his eyes – to me a hotel is a hotel is a hotel. We slept in Sunday morning, and when I asked him to shower before breakfast, he sent a zinger my way. “But Dad, I thought on Boys weekend we don’t have to shower.” Normally I would agree to suspend hygiene, but I had to sit next to him all day, so into the shower he went. We hit the breakfast buffet and saw a bunch of like-minded transplanted New Yorkers in full gear to see the Giants play. He got a new Giants hat on the walk to the stadium and we got there nice and early to see the team warm-ups and enjoy club level. Of course, the game totally sucked. The G-men got taken to the woodshed. Normally I’d be fit to be tied – that was a significant investment in the hotel and tickets. But then I looked over and saw the Boy was still smiling and seemined happy to be there. He didn’t get pissed until the 4th quarter, after another inept Giants offensive series. He threw down the game program, but within a second he was happy again. I kept asking if he wanted to stay, and he didn’t want to go. We were there until the bitter end. After the long trip home, as he was getting ready for bed, we got to do a little post-mortem on the trip. He told me he had a great time. Even better, he suggested we take road trips more often – like every weekend. Even though I didn’t have one drink and the Giants totally sucked, it was the best road trip I’ve ever taken. By far. –Mike Photo credit: “Smoke Hole Rd, WV” originally uploaded by David Clow Heavy Research We are back at work on a variety of blog series, so here is a list of the research currently underway. Remember you can get our Heavy Feed via RSS, where you can get all our content in its unabridged glory. And you can get all our research papers too. Firewall Management Essentials Quick Wins Managing Access Risk Optimizing Rules Change Management Introduction Continuous Security Monitoring Migrating to CSM The Compliance Use Case The Change Control Use Case The Attack Use Case Classification Defining CSM Why. Continuous. Security. Monitoring? Newly Published Papers Threat Intelligence for Ecosystem Risk Management Dealing with Database Denial of Service Identity and Access Management for Cloud Services The 2014 Endpoint Security Buyer’s Guide The CISO’s Guide to Advanced Attackers Defending Cloud Data with Infrastructure Encryption Incite 4 U Security According to Security Moses: Evidently Security Moses has descended from Mt. Sinai with the tablets of CISO success: the 10 Golden Rules of the Outstanding CISO by Michael Boelen. Most of this stuff is obvious, but it’s a good reminder that your integrity is important and to focus on the fundamentals. I had a chat with a large enterprise yesterday about that very topic. Don’t forget to be the “master of communication” and not to panic. Although it is easy to panic when the house seems to be burning down. Don’t oversell what you can do, and remember that process beats technology. Again, not brain surgery here, but under duress it’s always good to go back and consult the stone tablets. – MR Emphatic Maybe: A simple statement like “We don’t have backdoors in our products” would address the issue. The problem is that every vendor who has released a statement regarding the NSA compromising their platforms has issued a qualified answer. This time it’s RSA, with “We don’t enable backdoors in our crypto products.” Which means exactly what? You have someone else do it? The NSA dropped the code into your product, so you didn’t have to? Was the RNG subsystem weakened to achieve the same result? Those are all accusations being thrown about, and the released statement does not definitively address them. The recommendation to stop using BSafe’s Dual Elliptic Curve Deterministic Random Bit Generator was a step in the right direction. Still, the ambiguity, which looks intentional, is fueling the fire of what has now become the biggest security story of the year. And it is reducing trust in data security vendors. In fact, it’s generating renewed interest in security

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