

How to Detect Cloudwashing by Your Vendors

“There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact” – Sherlock Holmes It’s cloud. It’s cloud-ready. It’s cloud insert-name-here. As analysts we have been running into a lot of vendors labeling traditional products as ‘cloud’. Two years ago we expected the practice to die out once customers understood cloud services. We were wrong – vendors are still doing it rather than actually building the technology. Call it cloudwashing, cloudification, or just plain BS. As an enterprise buyer, how can you tell whether the system you are thinking of purchasing is a cloud application or not? It should be easy – just look at the products branded ‘cloud’, right? But dig deeper and you see it’s not so simple. Sherlock Holmes made a science of detection, and being an enterprise buyer today can feel like a being detective in a complex investigation. Vendors have anticipated your questions and have answers ready. What to do? Start by drilling down: what is behind the labels? Is it cloud or just good old enterprise bloatware? Or is it MSO with a thin veneer of cloud? We pause here to state that there is nothing inherently wrong with enterprise software or MSO. There is also no reason cloud is necessarily better for you. Our goal here is to orient your thinking beyond labels and give you some tips so you can an educated consumer. We have seen a grab bag of cloudwashes. We offer the following questions to help you figure out what’s real: Does it run at a third party provider? (not on-premise or ‘private’ cloud) Is the service self-service (i.e., you can use it without other user interactions or without downloading – not installed ‘on the edge’ of your IT network) Is service metered? If you stopped using it tomorrow would bills stop? Can you buy it with a credit card? Can your brother-in-law sign up with the same service? Do you need to buy a software license? Does it have an API? Does it autoscale? Did the vendor start from scratch or rewrite its product? Is the product standalone (i.e., not a proxy-type interface on top of an existing stack)? Can you deploy without assistance; or does it require professional services to design, deploy, and operate? The more of these questions that get a ‘No’ answer, the more likely your vendor is marketing ‘cloud’ instead of selling cloud services. Why does that matter? Because real cloud environments offer specific advantages in elasticity, flexibility, scalability, self-service, pay-as-you-go, and various other areas, which are not present in many non-cloud solutions. What cloudwashing exercises have you seen? Please share in the comments below. Share:

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New Series: What CISOs Need to Know about Cloud Computing

This is the first post in a new series detailing the key differences between cloud computing and traditional security. I feel pretty strongly that, although many people are talking about the cloud, nobody has yet done a good job of explaining why and how security needs to adapt at a fundamental level. It is more than outsourcing, more than multitenancy, and definitely more than simple virtualization. This is my best stab at it, and I hope you like it. The entire paper, as I write it, is also posted and updated at GitHub for those of you who want to track changes, submit feedback, or even submit edits. Special thanks to CloudPassage for agreeing to license the paper (as always, we are following our Totally Transparent Research Process and they do not have any more influence than you do, and can back out of licensing the paper if, in the end, they don’t like it). And here we go… What CISOs Need to Know about Cloud Computing Introduction One of a CISO’s most difficult challenges is sorting the valuable wheat from the overhyped chaff, and then figuring out what it means in terms of risk to your organization. There is no shortage of technology and threat trends, and CISOs need not to only determine which matter, but how they impact security. The rise of cloud computing is one of the truly transformative evolutions that fundamentally change core security practices. Far more than an outsourcing model, cloud computing alters the very fabric of our infrastructure, technology consumption, and delivery models. In the long run, the cloud and mobile computing are likely to mark a larger shift than the Internet. This series details the critical differences between cloud computing and traditional infrastructure for security professionals, as well as where to focus security efforts. We will show that the cloud doesn’t necessarily increase risks – it shifts them, and provides new opportunities for significant security improvement. Different, But Not the Way You Think Cloud computing is a radically different technology model – not just the latest flavor of outsourcing. It uses a combination of abstraction and automation to achieve previously impossible levels of efficiency and elasticity. But in the end cloud computing still relies on traditional infrastructure as its foundation. It doesn’t eliminate physical servers, networks, or storage, but allows organizations to use them in different ways, with substantial benefits. Sometimes this means building your own cloud in your own datacenter; other times it means renting infrastructure, platforms, and applications from public providers over the Internet. Most organizations will use a combination of both. Public cloud services eliminate most capital expenses and shift them to on-demand operational costs. Private clouds allow more efficient use of capital, tend to reduce operational costs, and increase the responsiveness of technology to internal needs. Between the business benefits and current adoption rates, we expect cloud computing to become the dominant technology model over the next ten to fifteen years. As we make this transition it is the technology that create clouds, rather than the increased use of shared infrastructure, that really matters for security. Multitenancy is more an emergent property of cloud computing than a defining characteristic. Security Is Evolving for the Cloud As you will see, cloud computing isn’t more or less secure than traditional infrastructure – it is different. Some risks are greater, some are new, some are reduced, and some are eliminated. The primary goal of this series is to provide an overview of where these changes occur, what you need to do about them, and when. Cloud security focuses on managing the different risks associate with abstraction and automation. Mutitenancy tends to be more a compliance issue than a security problem, and we will cover both aspects. Infrastructure and applications are opened up to network-based management via Internet APIs. Everything from core network routing to creating and destroying entire application stacks is now possible using command lines and web interfaces. The early security focus has been on managing risks introduced by highly dynamic virtualized environments such as autoscaled servers, and broad network access, including a major focus on compartmentalizing cloud management. Over time the focus is gradually shifting to hardening the cloud infrastructure, platforms, and applications, and then adapting security to use the cloud to improve security. For example, the need for data encryption increases over time as you migrate more sensitive data into the cloud. But the complexities of internal network compartmentalization and server patching are dramatically reduced as you leverage cloud infrastructure. We expect to eventually see more security teams hook into the cloud fabric itself – bridging existing gaps between security tools and infrastructure and applications with Software Defined Security. The same APIs and programming techniques that power cloud computing can provide highly-integrated dynamic and responsive security controls – this is already happening. This series will lay out the key differences, with suggestions for where security professionals should focus. Hopefully, by the end, you will look at the cloud and cloud security in a new light, and agree that the cloud isn’t just the latest type of outsourcing. Share:

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Defending Against Application Denial of Service: Attacking the Stack

  In our last post, we started digging into ways attackers target standard web servers, protocols, and common pages to impact application availability. These kinds of attacks are at the surface level and low-hanging fruit because they can be executed via widely available tools wielded by unsophisticated attackers. If you think of a web application as an onion, there always seems to be another layer you can peel back to expose additional attack surface. The next layer we will evaluate is the underlying application stack used to build the application. One of the great things about web applications is the availability of fully assembled technology stacks, making it trivial to roll out the infrastructure to support a wide variety of applications. But anything widely available inevitably becomes an attack target. The best example of this within the context of an availability attack is how hash tables can be exploited to crush web servers. Hash Collision Attacks We won’t get into advanced programming but you need some context to understand this attack. A hash table is used to map specific keys to values by assigning the value of the key to a specific slot in an array. This provides a very fast way to search for things. On the downside, multiple values may end up in the same slot, which creates a hash collision that needs to be dealt with by the application, requiring significant additional processing. Hash collisions are normally minimized, so the speed trade-off is usually worthwhile. But if an attacker understands the hashing function used by the application they can cause excessive hash collisions. This requires the application to compensate and consume extra resources to manage the hashing function. If enough hash collisions occur… you guessed it: the application can’t handle the workload and goes down. This attack was weaponized as HashDoS, an attack tool that leverages the fact that most web application stacks use the same hashing algorithm within their dictionary tables. With knowledge of this hashing algorithm, the attacker can send a POST request with many variables to create hash table chaos and render the application useless. Mitigation for this attack requires the ability to discard messages with too many variables – typically implemented within a WAF (web application firewall) – or to randomize the hash function using application-layer logic. A good explanation of this attack using cats explains HashDoS in layperson’s terms. Remember that any capabilities within the application stack can be exploited, and given the open source nature of these stacks probably will. So diligence in selection of a stack, ensuring secure implementation, and tracking security notices and implementing patches are all critical to ensure application security and availability. Targeting the Database As part of the application stack, databases tend to get overlooked as a denial of service attack target. Many attackers try to extract the data in the database and then exfiltrate it, so knocking down the database would be counter-productive. But when the mission is to impact application availability or to use a DoS as cover for exfiltration, the database can be a soft target – because in some way, shape, or form, the web application depends on the database. If you recall our Defending Against Denial of Service Attacks paper, we broke DoS attacks into network-based volumetric attacks and application-layer attacks. The issue with databases is that they can be attacked using both tactics. Application servers connect to the database using some kind of network, so a volume attack on that network segment can impact database availability. If the database itself is exploited, the application is also likely to go down. Either way the application is out of business. Database DoS Attacks If we dig a little deeper into the attacks, we find that one path is to crush databases using deliberately wasteful queries. Other attacks target simple vulnerabilities that have never been patched, mostly because the need for continuous database uptime interferes with patching, so that it happens sporadically or not at all. Again, you don’t need to be a brain surgeon to knock a web application offline. Here are some of the attack categories: Abuse of Functions: This type of attack is similar to the slow HTTP attacks mentioned in the last post – attackers use database functionality against you. For example, if you restrict failed logins, they may blast your database with bad password requests to lock legitimate users (or applications) out. Another example involves the attackers taking advantage of database autoscaling, blast it with requests until so many instances are running that the database falls over. Complex Queries: If the attacker gives the database too much work to do, it will fall over. There are many techniques, including nested queries & recursion, Cartesian joins, and the in operator, which can overwhelm the database. The attacker would need to be able to inject a SQL query into the database directly or from within the application for this to work, so you can block these attacks that way. We will talk about defenses below. Bugs and Defects: In these cases the attacker is targeting a known database vulnerability. This includes queries of death and buffer overflow to take down the database. With new functionality being introduced constantly, database attack surface continues to grow. And even if the database vendor identifies the issue and produces a patch (not a sure thing), finding a maintenance window to patch remains challenging in many operational environments. Application Usage: Finally, the way the application uses the database can be gamed to cause an outage. The best example of this is SQL injection, but that attack is rarely used to knock over databases. Also consider the login and store locator page attacks we mentioned in the last post, as well as shopping cart and search engine attacks (to be covered later) as additional examples of application misuse that can impact availability. Database DoS Defenses The tactics used to defend against database denial of service attacks really reflect good database security practices. Go figure. Configuration: Strong

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