

Mikko Hypponen Still Speaking at the RSA Conference *Updated*

This speaks for itself: An Open Letter to the Chiefs of EMC and RSA and Securing Smart Machines: Where We Are, Where We Want to Be, and Challenges I have confirmed from multiple sources that the session is still on the schedule, and he has not cancelled yet. Update: Mykko updated his post and he is now pulling out of all talks. He also says: While I am glad to see that many other speakers have decided to cancel their appearances at RSA 2014 in protest, I don’t want to portray myself as a leader of a boycott. I did what I felt I had to do. Others are making their own decisions. I’m glad he cleared that up. Share:

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My $500 Cloud Security Screwup—UPDATED

Update: Amazon reached out to me and reversed the charges, without me asking or complaining (or in any way contacting them). I accept full responsibility and didn’t post this to get a refund, but I’m sure not going to complain – neither is Mike. This is a bit embarrassing to write. I take security pretty seriously. Okay, that seems silly to say, but we all know a lot of people who speak publicly on security don’t practice what they preach. I know I’m not perfect – far from it – but I really try to ensure that when I’m hacked, whoever gets me will have earned it. That said, I’m also human, and sometimes make sacrifices for convenience. But when I do so, I try to make darn sure they are deliberate, if misguided, decisions. And there is the list of things I know I need to fix but haven’t had time to get to. Last night, I managed to screw both those up. It’s important to fess up, and I learned (the hard way) some interesting conclusions about a new attack trend that probably needs its own post. And, as is often the case, I made three moderately small errors that combined to an epic FAIL. I was on the couch, finishing up an episode of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (no, it isn’t very good, but I can’t help myself; if they kill off 90% of the cast and replace them with Buffy vets it could totally rock, though). Anyway… after the show I checked my email before heading to bed. This is what I saw: Dear AWS Customer, Your security is important to us. We recently became aware that your AWS Access Key (ending with 3KFA) along with your Secret Key are publicly available on . This poses a security risk to you, could lead to excessive charges from unauthorized activity or abuse, and violates the AWS Customer Agreement. We also believe that this credential exposure led to unauthorized EC2 instances launched in your account. Please log into your account and check that all EC2 instances are legitimate (please check all regions – to switch between regions use the drop-down in the top-right corner of the management console screen). Delete all unauthorized resources and then delete or rotate the access keys. We strongly suggest that you take steps to prevent any new credentials from being published in this manner again. Please ensure the exposed credentials are deleted or rotated and the unauthorized instances are stopped in all regions before 11-Jan-2014. NOTE: If the exposed credentials have not been deleted or rotated by the date specified, in accordance with the AWS Customer Agreement, we will suspend your AWS account. Detailed instructions are included below for your convenience. CHECK FOR UNAUTHORIZED USAGE To check the usage, please log into your AWS Management Console and go to each service page to see what resources are being used. Please pay special attention to the running EC2 instances and IAM users, roles, and groups. You can also check “This Month’s Activity” section on the “Account Activity” page. You can use the dropdown in the top-right corner of the console screen to switch between regions (unauthorized resources can be running in any region). DELETE THE KEY If are not using the access key, you can simply delete it. To delete the exposed key, visit the “Security Credentials” page. Your keys will be listed in the “Access Credentials” section. To delete a key, you must first make it inactive, and then delete it. ROTATE THE KEY If your application uses the access key, you need to replace the exposed key with a new one. To do this, first create a second key (at that point both keys will be active) and modify your application to use the new key. Then disable (but not delete) the first key. If there are any problems with your application, you can make the first key active again. When your application is fully functional with the first key inactive, you can delete the first key. This last step is necessary – leaving the exposed key disabled is not acceptable. Best regards, Alex R. Crap. I bolted off the couch, mumbling to my wife, “my Amazon’s been hacked”, and disappeared into my office. I immediately logged into AWS and GitHub to see what happened. Lately I have been expanding the technical work I did for my Black Hat presentation, I am building a proof of concept tool to show some DevOps-style Software Defined Security techniques. Yes, I’m an industry analyst, and we aren’t supposed to touch anything other than PowerPoint, but I realized a while ago that no one was actually demonstrating how to leverage the cloud and DevOps for defensive security. Talking about it wasn’t enough – I needed to show people. The code is still super basic but evolving nicely, and will be done in plenty of time for RSA. I put it up on GitHub to keep track of it, and because I plan to release it after the talk. It’s actually public now because I don’t really care if anyone sees it early. The Ruby program currently connects to AWS and a Chef server I have running, and thus needs credentials. Stop smirking – I’m not that stupid, and the creds are in a separate configuration file that I keep locally. My first thought was that I screwed up the .gitignore and somehow accidentally published that file. Nope, all good. But it took all of 15 seconds to realize that a second test.rb file I used to test smaller code blocks still had my Access Key and Secret Key in a line I commented out. When I validated my code before checking it in, I saw the section for pulling from the configuration file, but missed the commented code containing my keys. Crap. Delete. Back to AWS. I first jumped into my Security Credentials section and revoked the key. Fortunately I didn’t see any other

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Security Management 2.5: Evaluating the Incumbent

To explain the importance of picking a platform, rather than a product, our last post compared Log Management to SIEM, like the difference between using kitchen appliances and running a machine shop. One is easy to use, but limited in applicability; the other requires more work on your part, but can accomplish much more. Our goal was to contrast use cases and levels of expectations between the two product classes; despite lower overall platform satisfaction and the greater amount of work required, SIEM is what many customers need to get their work done. Pushing the boundaries of what is possible involves some pain. Customers grumble about the tremendous growth in event collection driven by all these new devices, but they need to collect nearly every event type, and often believe they need real-time response. The product had better be fast and provide detailed forensic audits. Customers depend on compliance reports for their non-technical audience, along with detailed operational reports for IT. SIEM customers have a daily yin/yang battle – between automation and generic results; between efficiency and speed; between easy and useful. Again, dissatisfaction is to be expected, but this exercise is to get real work done with a balky product. SIEMulation To illustrate why customers go through the re-evaluation process, here are some excerpts from customer conversations: “We had some data leakage a couple years ago; nothing serious, but it was a partner who discovered the issue. It took some time to determine why we did not see the activity with SIEM and other internal security systems. Needless to say our executive team was not happy, and wanted us to justify our security expenditures. Actually they said “Why did we not see this? What the hell are we paying for?” Our goal is to be able to get detection working the way we need it to work, and that means full packet capture and analysis. As you know, that means a lot more data, and we need longer retention periods as well.” “We upgraded from log management to SIEM two years ago in order to help with malware detection and to scale up general security awareness. The new platform is supposed to scale, but we don’t actually know if it does scale yet because we are still rolling it out. Talk to me again in a couple years – I ought to have it done by then.” “I want security analytics. I have systems to measure supply chain efficiency. I have business risk analysis systems. I want the same view into operational and security risk, but I can’t blend the analysis capabilities from these other platforms with the SIEM data. Our goal is to have the same type of analysis everywhere, and eventually a more unified system.” When it comes to evaluating your current platform, you need to think about the issue from two perspectives. First formally evaluate how well your platform addresses your current and foreseeable requirements in order to quantify critical features you depend on and identify significant deficiencies. Second, look at evolving use cases and the impact of newer platforms on operations and deployment – both good and bad. Just because another vendor offers more features and performance does not mean you should replace your SIEM. The grass is not always greener on the other side. The former is critical for the decision process later in this series; the latter is essential for analyzing the ramifications of a replacement decision. Sizing up the incumbent The first step in the evaluation process uses the catalog of requirements you built already to critically assess how the current SIEM platform achieves your needs. This means spelling out each business function, how critical it is, and whether the current platform gets it done. You will need to discuss these questions with stakeholders from operations, security, compliance, and any other organizations that participate in the management of SIEM or take advantage of it. You cannot make this decision in a vacuum, and lining up support early in the process will pay dividends later on. Trust us on this. Operations will be the best judge of whether the platform is easy to maintain and the complexity of implementing new policies. Security will have the best understanding of the product or service’s forensic auditing capabilities. Compliance teams can judge suitability of reports for audit preparation. And an increasingly common contributor is risk and/or data analysts who mine information and help prioritize allocation of resources. Each audience provides a unique perspective on the criticality of some function and the effectiveness of the current platform. At this point you have already examined your requirements so you should understand what you have, what you want, and the difference between the two. In some cases you will find that the incumbent platform simply does not fill a hard requirement – which makes the analysis easy. In other cases the system works perfectly, but is a nightmare in terms of maintenance and care & feeding for any system or rule changes. Performance may be less than ideal, but it’s not necessarily clear what that really means, because any system could always be faster when investigating a possible breach. It may turn out the SIEM functions as designed but lacks the capacity to keep up with all the events you need to collect, or takes too long to generate actionable reports. Act like a detective, collecting these tidbits of information, no matter how small, to build the story of the existing SIEM platform in your environment. This information will come into play later when you weigh options, and we recommend using a format that makes it easy to compare and contrast issues. Security, compliance, management, integration, reporting, analysis, performance, scalability, correlation, and forensic analysis are all areas you need to evaluate in terms of your revised requirements. Prioritization of existing and desired features helps streamline the analysis. We reiterate the importance of staying focused on critical items to avoid “shiny object syndrome” driving you to select the pretty new

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