

Advanced Endpoint and Server Protection: Assessment

As we described in the introduction to the Advanced Endpoint and Server Protection series, given the inability of most traditional security controls to defend against advanced attacks, it is time to reimagine how we do threat management. This new process has 5 phases; we call the first phase Assessment. We described it as: Assessment: The first step is gaining visibility into all devices, data sources, and applications that present risk to your environment. And you need to understand the current security posture of anything to know how to protect it. You need to know what you have, how vulnerable, and how exposed it is. With this information you can prioritize and design a set of security controls to protect it. What’s at Risk? As we described in the CISO’s Guide to Advanced Attackers, you need to understand what attackers would be trying to access in your environment and why. Before you go into a long monologue about how you don’t have anything to steal, forget it. Every organization has something that is interesting to some adversary. If could be as simple as compromising devices to launch attacks on other sites, or as focused as gaining access to your environment to steal the schematics to your latest project. You cannot afford to assume adversaries will not use advanced attacks – you need to be prepared either way. We call this Mission Assessment, and it involves figuring out what’s important in your environment. This leads you to identify interesting targets most likely to be targeted by attackers. When trying to understand what an advanced attacker will probably be looking for, there is a pretty short list: Intellectual property Protected customer data Business operational data (proposals, logistics, etc.) Everything else To learn where this data is within the organization, you need to get out from behind your desk and talk to senior management and your peers. Once you understand the potential targets, you can begin to profile adversaries likely to be interested in them. Again, we can put together a short list of likely attackers: Unsophisticated: These folks favor smash and grab attacks, where they use publicly available exploits (perhaps leveraging attack tools such as Metasploit and the Social Engineer’s Toolkit) or packaged attack kits they buy on the Internet. They are opportunists who take what they can get. Organized Crime: The next step up the food chain is organized criminals. They invest in security research, test their exploits, and always have a plan to exfiltrate and monetize what they find. They are also opportunistic but can be quite sophisticated in attacking payment processors and large-scale retailers. They tend to be most interested in financial data but have been known to steal intellectual property if they can sell it and/or use brute force approaches like DDoS threats for extortion. Competitor: Competitors sometimes use underhanded means to gain advantage in product development and competitive bids. They tend to be most interested in intellectual property and business operations. State-sponsored: Of course we all hear the familiar fretting about alleged Chinese military attackers, but you can bet every large nation-state has a team practicing offensive tactics. They are all interested in stealing all sorts of data – from both commercial and government entities. And some of them don’t care much about concealing their presence. Understanding likely attackers provides insight into their tactics, which enables you to design and implement security controls to address the risk. But before you can design the security control set you need to understand where the devices are, as well as the vulnerabilities of devices within your environment. Those are the next two steps in the Assessment phase. Discovery This process finds the endpoints and servers on your network, and makes sure everything is accounted for. When performed early in the endpoint and server protection process, this helps avoid “oh crap” moments. It is no good when you stumble over a bunch of unknown devices – with no idea what they are, what they have access to, or whether they are steaming piles of malware. Additionally, an ongoing discovery process can shorten the window between something popping up on your network, you discovering it, and figuring out whether it has been compromised. There are a number of techniques for discovery, including actively scanning your entire address space for devices and profiling what you find. This works well enough and is traditionally the main way to do initial discovery. You can supplement active discovery with a passive discovery capability, which monitors network traffic and identifies new devices based on network communications. Depending on the sophistication of the passive analysis, devices can be profiled and vulnerabilities can be identified (as we will discuss below), but the primary goal of passive monitoring is to find new unmanaged devices faster. Passive discovery is also helpful for identifying devices hidden behind firewalls and on protected segments which active discovery cannot reach. Finally, another complicating factor for discovery – especially for servers – is cloud computing. With the ability to spin up and take down virtual instances – perhaps outside your data center – your platform needs to both track and assess cloud resources, which requires some means of accessing cloud console(s) and figuring out what instances are in use. Finally, make sure to also pull data from existing asset repositories such as your CMDB, which Operations presumably uses to track all the stuff they think is out there. It is difficult to keep these data stores current so this is no substitute for an active scan, but it provides a cross-check on what’s in your environment. Determine Security Posture Once you know what’s out there you need to figure out whether it’s secure. Or more realistically, how vulnerable it is. That typically requires some kind of vulnerability scan on the devices you discovered. There are many aspects to vulnerability scanning – at the endpoint, server, and application layers – so we won’t rehash all the research from Vulnerability Management Evolution. Check it out to understand how a

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Security Management 2.5: Negotiation

You made your decision and kicked it up the food chain – now the fun begins. Well, fun for some people, anyway. For the first half of this discussion we will assume you have decided to move to a new platform and offer tactics for negotiating for a replacement platform. But some people decide not to move, using the possible switch for negotiating leverage. It is no bad thing to stay with your existing platform, so long as you have done the work to know it can meet your requirements. We are writing this paper for the people who keep telling us about their unhappiness, and how their evolving requirements have not been met. So after asking all the right questions, if the best answer is to stay put, that’s a less disruptive path anyway. Replacement tactics For now, though, let’s assume your current platform won’t get you there. Now your job is to get the best price for the new offering. Here are a few tips to leverage for the best deal: Time the buy: Yes, this is Negotiation 101. Wait until the end of the quarter and squeeze your sales rep for the best deal to get the PO in by the last day of the month. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. But it’s worth trying. The rep may ask for your commitment that the deal will, in fact, get done that quarter. Make sure you can get it done if you pull this card. Tell the incumbent they lost the deal: Next get the incumbent involved. Once you put in a call letting them know you are going in a different direction, they will usually respond. Not always, but generally the incumbent will try to save the deal. And then you can go back to the challenger and tell them they need to do a bit better because you got this great offer from their entrenched competition. Just like when buying a car, to use this tactic you must be willing to walk away from the challenger and stay with the incumbent. Look at non-cash add-ons: Sometimes the challenger can’t discount any more. But you can ask for additional professional services, modules, boxes, licenses, whatever. With new data analytics, maybe your team lacks some in-house skills for a successful transition – the vendor can help. Remember, the incremental cost of software is zero, zilch, nada – so vendors can often bundle in a little more to get the deal when pushed to the wall. Revisit service levels: Another non-cash sweetener could be an enhanced level of service. Maybe it’s a dedicated project manager to get your migration done. Maybe it’s the Platinum level of support, even if you pay for Bronze. Given the amount of care and feeding required to keep any security management platform tuned and optimized, a deeper service relationship could come in handy. Dealing with your boss’s boss: One last thing: be prepared for your recommendation to be challenged, especially if the incumbent sells a lot of other gear to your company. This entire process has prepared you for that call, so just work through the logic of your decision once more, making clear that your recommendation is best for the organization. But expect the incumbent to go over your head – especially if they sell a lot of storage or servers to your company. Negotiating with the incumbent Customers also need to consider that maybe staying is the best option for their organization, so knowing how to leverage both sides helps you make a better deal. Dealing with an incumbent who doesn’t want to lose business adds a layer of complexity to the decision, so customers need to be prepared for incumbent vendors trying to save the business; fortunately there are ways to leverage that behavior as the decision process comes to a conclusion. It would be naive to not prepare in case the decision goes the other way – due to pricing, politics, or any other reason beyond your control. So if you have to make the status quo work and keep the incumbent, here are some ideas for making lemonade from the proverbial lemon: Tell the incumbent they are losing the deal: We know it is not totally above-board – but all’s fair in love, war, and sales. If the incumbent didn’t already know they were at risk, it can’t hurt to tell them. Some vendors (especially the big ones) don’t care, which is probably one reason you were looking at new stuff anyway. Others will get the wake-up call and try to make you happy. That’s the time to revisit your platform evaluation and figure out what needs fixing. Get services: If you have to make do with what you have, at least force the vendor’s hand to make your systems work better. Asking a vendor for feature enhancement commitments will only add to your disappointment, but there are many options at your disposal. If your issue is not getting proper value from the system, push to have the incumbent provide some professional services to improve the implementation. Maybe send your folks to training. Have their team set up a new set of rules and do knowledge transfer. We have seen organizations literally start over, which may make sense if your initial implementation is sufficiently screwed up. Scale up (at lower prices): If scalability is the issue, confront that directly with the incumbent and request additional hardware and/or licenses to address the issue. Of course this may not be enough but every little bit helps, and if moving to a new platform isn’t an option, at least you can ease the problem a bit. Especially when the incumbent knows you were looking at new gear because of a scaling problem. Add use cases: Another way to get additional value is to request additional modules thrown into a renewal or expansion deal. Maybe add the identity module or look at configuration auditing. Or work with the team to add database

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