

Firestarter: Inevitable Doom

Okay, let’s just ignore the first part of this Firestarter where we talk about the Denver Broncos, okay? We recorded it on the Friday before the game and, well, enough said. Then we turned to some recent tech and company ideas we have seen, and why they are doomed to fail. Kind of like you-know-who. Sigh. Share:

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Security’s Future: What it Means (Part 3)

This is the third post in a series on the future of information security, which will be the basis for a white paper. You can leave feedback here as a blog comment, or even submit edits directly over at GitHub, where we are running the entire editing process in public. This is the initial draft, and I expect to trim the content by about 20%. The entire outline is available. See the first post and the second post. What it Means The disruptions and trends we have described don’t encompass all advances in the worlds of technology and security, but they represent the ones which will most fundamentally transform the practice of security over the next decade. For example we haven’t directly addressed Software Defined Networks (although aspects show up in our cloud, hypersegregation, and Software Defined Security descriptions), malware ecosystems, or the increasing drive toward pervasive encryption (driven, in no small part, by government spying). Our focus is on the changes most fundamentally alter the practice of security, and the resulting outcomes. The changes come in fits and spurts – distributed unevenly, based on technology adoption rates, economics, and even social factors. But aggregated together, they paint a picture we can use to guide decisions today – for both organizations and professionals. All these changes are currently in process, with plenty of real-world examples. This report focuses on the implications for three groups: security professionals, security vendors and providers, and cloud and infrastructure providers. The people tasked with implementing security, the folks who create the tools and services they use, and the public and private IT departments managing our platforms and services. Let’s start with some high-level principles for understanding how security controls will evolve, then dig into the implications for our three audiences. Security Controls Evolution There is no way to predict exactly how the future will turn out or how security controls will evolve as these trends unfold. But one key question with a few logical follow-ups, can quickly help identify how security controls will likely adapt (or at least need to) in the face of change. How does this enable my security strategy? What does the provider or technology give me? What does it do? What do I need to do? The purpose of this question is to examine how the lines of responsibility and control will shift. For example, when choosing a new cloud provider, what security controls do they provide? Which can you manage? Where are the gaps? What security controls can you put in place to address those gaps? Does moving to this provider give you new security capabilities you otherwise lacked? Or, for a new security tool like active defense: Does this obviate our need for IPS? Does it really improve our ability to detect attackers? What kind of attackers and attacks? How can and will we adjust our response strategy? Here are two interrelated examples: iOS 7 includes mobile device management hooks to restrict data migration on the device to only enterprise-approved accounts and apps, all strongly encrypted and protected by stringent sandboxing. While this could significantly improve data security over standard computers, it also means giving up any possibility of Data Loss Prevention monitoring, and needing to implement a particular flavor of mobile device management. However… Cloud storage and collaboration providers keep track of every version of every file they hold for customers. Some even track all device and user access on a per-file basis. Use one of these with your mobile apps, and you might be able to replace DLP monitoring with in-depth real-time auditing of all file activity at the cloud level – including every device that accesses the files. The combination provides a security and audit capability that is effectively impossible with ‘traditional’ device management and storage, but requires you to change how you implement a series of security controls. Focus on your security strategy. Determine what you can do, what your provider or tool will do, who is responsible, and the technology capabilities and limitations – rather than how to migrate a specific, existing control to the new operating environment. Implications for Security Practitioners Security practitioners in the future will rely on a different core skill set than many professionals possess today. Priorities shift as some risks decline, others increase, and operational practices change. The end result is a fundamental alteration of the day-to-day practice of security. Some of these are due to the disruptions of the cloud and mobility, but much of it is due to the continued advancement of our approaches to security (partially driven by our six trends; also influenced by attackers). We covered cloud computing in depth in our paper What CISOs Need to Know about Cloud Computing. Let’s look at the different skills and priorities we expect to be emphasized by the combination of cloud, mobile, and our six inherent security trends. New Skills As with any transition, old jobs won’t be eliminated immediately, but the best opportunities will go to those with knowledge and expertise best aligned to new needs. These roles are also most likely to command a salary premium until the bulk of the labor market catches up, so even if you don’t think demand for current skills will decline, you still have a vested interest in gaining the new skills. All these roles and skills exist today, but we expect them to move into the core of the security profession. Incident Response is already seeing tremendous growth in demand, as more organizations shift from trying only to keep attackers out (which never works) to more rapidly detection, containment, and remediation of successful attacks. This requires extensive security expertise and cannot be handed off to Operations. Secure Programming includes assisting with adding security functions to other applications, evaluating code for security issues (although most of that will be automated), and programming Software Defined Security functions to orchestrate and automate security across tools. It requires both programming and security domain expertise to be truly effective. Some practitioners will find themselves more on the secure application development side (integrating security into applications),

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