

Trends in Data Centric Security: Tools

The three basic data centric security tools are tokenization, masking, and data element encryption. Now we will discuss what they are, how they work, and which security challenges they best serve. Tokenization: You can think of tokenization like a subway or arcade token: it has no cash value but can be used to ride the train or play a game. In data centric security, a token is provided in lieu of sensitive data. The most common use case today is in credit card processing systems, as a substitute for credit card numbers. A token is basically just a random number – that’s it. The token can be made to look just like the original data type; in the case of credit cards the tokens are typically 16 digits long, they usually preserve the last four original numbers, and can even be generated such that they pass the LUHN validation check. But it’s a random value, with no mathematical relationship to the original, and no value other than as a reference to the original in some other (more secure) database. Users may choose to maintain a “token database” which associates the original value with the token in case they need to look up the original at some point in the future, but this is optional. Tokenization has advanced far beyond simple value replacement, and is lately being applied to more advanced data types. These days tokens are not just for simple things like credit cards and Social Security numbers, but also for JSON & XML files and web pages. Some tokenization solutions replace data stored within databases, while others can work on data streams – such as replacing unique cell IDs embedded in cellphone tower data streams. This enables both simple and complex data to be tokenized, at rest or in motion – and tokens can look like anything you want. Very versatile and very secure – you can’t steal what’s not there! Tokenization is used to ensure absolute security by completely removing the original sensitive values from secured data. Random values cannot be reverse engineered back to the original data. For example given a database where the primary key is a Social Security number, tokenization can generate unique and random tokens which fits in the receiving database. Some firms merely use the token as a placeholder and don’t need the original value. In fact some firms discard (or never receive) the original value – they don’t need it. Instead they use tokens simply because downstream applications might break without a SSN or compatible surrogate. Users who need to occasionally reference the original values use token vaults or equivalent technologies. They are designed to only allow credentialed administrators access to the original sensitive values under controlled conditions, but a vault compromise would expose all the original values. Vaults are commonly used for PHI and financial data, as mentioned in the last post. Masking: This is another very popular tool for protecting data elements while retaining aggregate values of data sets. For example we might substitute an individual’s Social Security number with a random number (as in tokenization), or a name randomly selected from a phone book, but retain gender. We might replace date of birth with a random value within X days of the original value to effectively preserve age. This way the original (sensitive) value is removed entirely without randomizing the value of the aggregate data set, to support later analysis. Masking is the principal method of creating useful new values without exposing the original. It is ideally suited for creating data sets which can be used for meaningful analysis without exposing the original data. This is important when you don’t have sufficient resources to secure every system within your enterprise, or don’t fully trust the environment where the data is being stored. Different masks can be applied to the same data fields, to produce different masked data for different use cases. This flexibility exposes much of the value of the original with minimal risk. Masking is very commonly used with PHI, test data management, and NoSQL analytics databases. That said, there are potential downsides as well. Masking does not offer quite as strong security as tokenization or encryption (which we will discuss below). The masked data does in fact bear some relationship to the original – while individual fields are anonymized to some degree, preservation of specific attributes of a person’s health record (age, gender, zip code, race, DoB, etc.) may provide more than enough information to reverse engineer the masked data back to the original data. Masking can be very secure, but that requires selection of good masking tools and application of a well-reasoned mask to achieve security goals while supporting desired analytics. Element/Data Field Encryption / Format Preserving Encryption (FPE): Encryption is the go-to security tool for the majority of IT and data security challenges we face today. Properly implemented, encryption provides obfuscated data that cannot be reversed into the original data value without the encryption key. What’s more, encryption can be applied to any type of data such as first and names, or entire data structures such as a file or database table. And encryption keys can be provided to select users, keeping data secret from those not entrusted with keys. But not all encryption solutions are suitable for a data centric security model. Most forms of encryption take human readable data and transform it into binary format. This is a problem for applications which expect text strings, or databases which require properly formatted Social Security numbers. These binary values create unwanted side effects and often cause applications to crash. So most companies considering data centric security need an encryption cipher that preserves at least format, and often data type as well. Typically these algorithms are applied to specific data fields (e.g.: name, Social Security number, or credit card number), and can be used on data at rest or applied to data streams as information moves from one place to the next. These encryption variants are commercially available, and provide

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Incite 7/9/2014: One dollar…

A few weeks ago I was complaining about travel and not being home – mostly because I’m on family vacations and doing work I enjoy. I acknowledged these are first world problems. I didn’t appreciate what that means. You lose touch with a lot of folks’ reality when you are in the maelstrom of your own crap. I’m too busy. The kids have too many activities. There are too many demands on my time.   That all stopped over the weekend. On the recommendation of a friend, I bought and watched Living on One Dollar. It’s a documentary about 4 US guys who went down to a small town in Guatemala and lived on one dollar a day. That was about the median income for the folks in that town. Seeing the living conditions. Seeing the struggle. It’s hard to live on that income. There is no margin for error. If you get sick you’re screwed because you don’t have money for drugs. You might not be able to afford to send your kids to school. If you are a day laborer and you don’t get work that day, you might not be able to feed your kids. If the roof is leaking, you might not have any money to fix it. But you know what I saw in that movie? Not despondency. Not fatalism, though I’m sure some folks probably feel that from time to time. I saw optimism. People in the town were taking out micro-loans to start their own businesses and then using the profits to go to school to better themselves. I saw kindness. One of the only people in the town with a regular salaried job gave money to another family that couldn’t afford medicine to help heal a sick mother. This was money he probably couldn’t spare. But he did anyway. I saw kids who want to learn a new language. They understand they had to work in the fields and might not be able to go to school every year, but they want to learn. They want to better themselves. They have the indomitable human spirit. Where many people would see pain and living conditions no one should have to suffer through, these folks saw optimism. Or the directors of the documentary showed that. They showed the impact of micro-finance. Basically it made me reconnect with gratitude. For where I was born. For the family I was born into. For the opportunities I have had. For the work I have put in to capitalize on those opportunities. Many of us won the birth lottery. We have opportunities that billions of other people in the world don’t have. So what are you going to do with it? I’m probably late the bandwagon, but I’m going to start making micro-loans. I know lots of you have done that for years, and that’s great. I’ve been too wrapped up in my own crap. But it’s never too late to start, so that’s what I’m going to do. So watch the movie. And then decide what you can do to help. And then do it. –Mike The fine folks at the RSA Conference posted the talk Jennifer Minella and I did on mindfulness at the conference this year. You can check it out on YouTube. Take an hour and check it out. Your emails, alerts and Twitter timeline will be there when you get back. Securosis Firestarter Have you checked out our new video podcast? Rich, Adrian, and Mike get into a Google Hangout and.. hang out. We talk a bit about security as well. We try to keep these to 15 minutes or less, and usually fail. June 30 – G Who Shall Not Be Named June 17 – Apple and Privacy May 19 – Wanted Posters and SleepyCon May 12 – Another 3 for 5: McAfee/OSVDB, XP Not Dead, CEO head rolling May 5 – There Is No SecDevOps April 28 – The Verizon DBIR April 14 – Three for Five March 24 – The End of Full Disclosure March 19 – An Irish Wake March 11 – RSA Postmortem Heavy Research We are back at work on a variety of blog series, so here is a list of the research currently underway. Remember you can get our Heavy Feed via RSS, with our content in all its unabridged glory. And you can get all our research papers too. Leveraging Threat Intelligence in Incident Response/Management Introduction Endpoint Security Management Buyer’s Guide (Update) Mobile Endpoint Security Management Trends in Data Centric Security Introduction Use Cases Open Source Development and Application Security Analysis Development Trends Application Security Introduction Understanding Role-based Access Control Advanced Concepts Introduction NoSQL Security 2.0 Understanding NoSQL Platforms Introduction Newly Published Papers Advanced Endpoint and Server Protection Defending Against Network-based DDoS Attacks Reducing Attack Surface with Application Control Leveraging Threat Intelligence in Security Monitoring The Future of Security Security Management 2.5: Replacing Your SIEM Yet? Defending Data on iOS 7 Eliminating Surprises with Security Assurance and Testing Not so much Incite 4 U Oh about that cyber-policy… It looks like folks are getting interested in cyber-insurance. At least in the UK. And it’s mainstream news now, given that an article on Business Insider about the market. After the predictable Target breach reference they had some interesting numbers on the growth of the cyber-insurance market. To a projected over $2 billion in 2014. So what are you buying? Beats me. Is it “insurance cover from hackers stealing customer data and cyber terrorists shutting down websites to demand a ransom”? I didn’t realize you could value your data and get reimbursed if it’s stolen. And how is this stuff priced? I have no idea. A professor offers a good assessment: “When it comes to cyber there are lots of risks and they keep changing, and you have a general absence of actuarial material. The question for the underwriter is how on earth do I cover this?” And how on earth do you collect on it? It

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Open Source Development and Application Security Survey Analysis [New Paper]

We love data – especially when it tells us what people are doing about security. Which is why we were thrilled at the opportunity to provide a – dare I say open? – analysis of the 2014 Open Source Development and Application Security survey. And today we launch the complete research paper with our analysis of the results. Here are a couple highlights: Yes, after a widely-reported major vulnerability in an open source component used in millions of systems around the globe, confidence in open source security did not suffer. In fact, it ticked up. Ironic? Amazing? I was surprised and impressed. … and … 54% answered “Yes, we are concerned with open source vulnerabilities.” but roughly the same percentage of organizations do not have a policy governing open source vulnerabilities. We think this type of survey helps shed important light on how development teams perceive security issues and are addressing them. You can find the official survey results at And our research paper is available for download, free as always: 2014 Open Source Development and Application Security Survey Analysis Finally, we would like to thank Sonatype, both for giving us access to the survey results and for choosing to license this research work to accompany their survey results! Without their interest and support for our work, we would not be able to provide you with research such as this. Share:

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